• 希克斯先生国外所以不能发表评论

    Mr. Hicks is out of the country and so unavailable for comment.


  • 关于此事不多所以觉得资格评论

    I don't know much about it, so I don't feel qualified to comment.


  • 我们见过封信,所以很难加以评论

    We have not seen the letter, so we can hardly comment on it.


  • 可能害怕在 QQ、微信等软件上错过朋友的评论所以你必须确保你总是在线。

    You are probably afraid of missing comments from your friends on QQ, WeChat and so on, so you have to make sure that you are always online.


  • 所以主意什么怎样使变得伟大请让评论了解到。

    So what's your idea and how can you make it great? Let me know in the comments.


  • 所以我们就有了以下这些问题/评论:“希望可以参加这个课程但是不能或者旅程上”或者等等

    So what about those questions/comments like: "I wish I could take this class, but I can't take three days off or travel." and so on?


  • 所以冷淡评论来看微软收购出于意料。

    So in view of the lukewarm reviews, the acquisition by Microsoft was unexpected.


  • 上星期伦敦塔特美术馆看了绘画展览,我并不是一个真正艺术爱好者一些关于这次展览的很好的评论所以渴望参观

    Last week I went to an exhibition of paintings at the Tate Gallery in London. I'm not really a great art lover, but I'd read some good reviews of the exhibition so I was keen to see it.


  • 所以制作段视频回应或者评论留下回复我们很快看到的。

    So either make a video response or leave your answer in the comments and we're gonna check it out.


  • 很多时候针对负面评论,酒店需要建立相应应对计划,所以管理团队设置一套可以分享这些信息系统是很帮助的。

    Many times negative reviews require action at an operational level, so it helps to have a system for sharing this information with the management team.


  • 所以最后我们看到灵感网站社会媒体服务产品评论网站

    Hence we end up with a glut of inspiration websites, social media services or product review aggregators.


  • 评论适用文章所以它们文章分开是无意义的。

    The comments only apply to a single post, so it does not make sense to separate them from that post.


  • 所以说,同一道菜多个评论需要更多截然不同图片

    So multiple reviews on the same dish would require more images that are markedly different.


  • 所以要常常查阅收到的电邮评论,可以使保持相关话题的了解。

    So reading your email or your comments or your trackbacks (your choice) makes it easy to stay relevant.


  • 不用说绝不是详尽列表——所以如果我们没有提到的最爱请你添加评论

    It should go without saying, but this is by no means an exhaustive list - so if we haven't mentioned your favorite, please add it in the comments.


  • 我们已经苹果发了电子邮件,询问他们对此的评论和说法,因为周日发的,所以我们可能要到明天才能收到回音。

    We've emailed Apple for comment/confirmation, but as it is Sunday, we might not hear back from them until tomorrow, if at all.


  • 所以你们你们论文评论尤其是第一它们基本没什么用。

    So when you read my comments on your paper, particularly the first one, they are usually not very helpful.


  • 因为普莱克已经不和克莱菲尔德共事所以参与此次的评论文章

    While Pollack has worked with Klenfield in the past, he was not involved in the current review article.


  • 所以不能亲身体验评论他们

    So I cannot speak about them from first-hand experience.


  • 威廉姆斯同时受雇于福克斯新闻网,由此有人认为,威廉姆斯之所以解雇不是评论祸,而是由于保守派新闻媒体“福克斯”有所瓜葛。

    Mr Williams is also a paid commentator for Fox, and some thought it was less his comments that disturbed the network's top brass than his association with the conservative news channel.


  • 这个应用包括很多信息超过2200个地区用户照片以及超过6500的评论所以可以找到好地方解开狗带尽情狗。

    The app includes information on more than 2, 200 off-leash areas, user photos and more than 6, 500 reviews, so you can have fun with your dog off the leash.


  • 所以你们有任何反应或者评论吗,没有

    So, any reactions or comments? No?


  • 没有使用过Workshop所以不能直接评论特点

    I have not used Workshop, so I cannot comment on its features directly.


  • 知道还有更多理由放下工作旅行,所以赶快把你的理由写在下面的评论区吧!

    I know there are many more good reasons to quit your day job and travel the world so leave them in the comments below …


  • 所以如果更好的推荐的话,发表评论中,并且不要忘了很多非常优秀视频其实就在 InfoQ

    So if you have some other recommendations, please, feel free to comment. And don’t forget that lots of awesome videos are also available at the InfoQ site.


  • 所以相对其他解析器来说,DParser到底多慢不是直接评论的。

    So exactly how fast or slow DParser is compared to other parsers is not something I can directly comment on.


  • 例如清单4中的CommentBlock函数假设评论可能需要可选参数所以将其放置参数列表第一位

    The CommentBlock function in Listing 4, for example, assumes that the comment introducer is the optional argument that is most likely to be needed, and so places it first in the parameter list.


  • 甚至那些不喜欢依然对他心存敬畏当地评论说,“所以把他拨到一边。”

    Even those who dislike him are still in awe of him,” says a local commentator. “Don’t count him out yet.”


  • 很多进口车的遭遇一样,美人奴跨界越界车之所以饱受诟病,也是因为评论款车没有什么切身联系

    Like many imports, the CrossCabrio also suffers because reviewers don't have a personal connection with it.


  • 很多进口车的遭遇一样,美人奴跨界越界车之所以饱受诟病,也是因为评论款车没有什么切身联系

    Like many imports, the CrossCabrio also suffers because reviewers don't have a personal connection with it.


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