• 因为对于敏捷开发技术理解已经成熟所以我们找到不仅仅技术高手而且具备很好的团队精神。

    As our understanding of agile development techniques matured, so did our need to find people that were not only skilled technically, but skilled in functioning on a team.


  • 身材来说自己身材保持得很好,我知道保持他们多大的付出自律所以如果一个女孩身材特别,我就知道在生活上一定是和我一样人。

    A great body is important to me. I take care of my body and know the dedication and discipline it takes, so I can already tell the same thing about a girl if she has a nice body.


  • 所以买家注意了确保得到服务很好设计实现运营的。

    So buyer beware. Make sure the services you're getting are well designed, implemented, and operated.


  • 最典型的,大多数环境都包含一个扁平名字空间所以现实中仍然随时处理名字空间的冲突,而CommonJS模块系统避免了冲突。

    Typically most environments consist of a flat namespace, so in reality you still run into namespace collisions all the time, the CommonJS module system is great at preventing this.


  • 由于心灵一种信心支撑着就是胜利胜利,所以,我的人生之路不断走

    Because of my heart is a belief in support me, that is success, I want to success, so I life path along very well.


  • 当然不是附加V P 8:H. 264硬件支持VP8大程度上依赖软件解码器所以一样方面还是不够

    This, of course, is not really a plus for VP8: h. 264 has a great deal of hardware support, while VP8 largely has to rely on software decoders, so being "just as fast" is in many ways not good enough.


  • 橡皮筋很好张力,所以这个不会有生命危险但是证实自己想法是否管用还是具有的冒险性。

    Bungee cords stretch a lot, so the person lived, but he took a big risk to find out if his idea would work.


  • 所以土拨鼠日就年年来促动人们问自己:“的完美是什么样子?”安排这样的一天也许认为容易

    So Groundhog Day makes a good yearly spur to ask: "What would my perfect day be?" It might be easier than you think to arrange it.


  • 爸爸肖像画,那天他心情不是很好所以看着图纸提笔画。

    One day he wanted to draw a picture of his father, when he looked at the picture he had drawn, he was not happy.


  • 通常也是危险容易所以不同的真正专家它们建立很好关系

    Usually a little knowledge is a dangerous thing too. But it is difficult to know all, so find different real specialists and make good relation with them.


  • 白天上班所以上夜校选择

    I have to work at daytime, so going to evening classes is the best choice for me.


  • 橡皮筋很好张力,所以这个不会有生命风险但是证明本人的想法能否管用还是具有的冒险性。

    Bungee cords stretch a lot, so the person lived, but he took a big risk to find out if his idea would work.


  • 他们朋友家庭认为他们怪人”,贝德,“每个人都在他们狂人,所以他们变得真的,也更加严肃和认真,他们证明其他人的。”

    "Their friends and family consider them kooky," Bader said. "everyone is saying they're nuts." So, they have a real aggressive style and seriousness of purpose. They want to prove everyone wrong.


  • 所以价格方面机加工但是铸件性能不是

    So in terms of price is much lower than machining. But the performance was not very good casting.


  • 所以时时注意体重并且保证你的婚礼上你的身材很好

    So you need to watch out on your weight and make sure that you stay in good shape for the wedding.


  • 时候明白对方所以对方犯错如果对方情绪控制就换地方

    Two: Time of win, understand the other party be more nasty, so as long as grasp the other party to make mistake and then go, if the other party motion control very good, change a place.


  • 所以我们聆听演唱非常注意每个细节每个、每个作曲家它们做出了很好安排诠释

    So, when we listening or singing we need to pay close attention to every detail, because each word, each tone composers have made good interpretation and arrangements on them.


  • 所以我们聆听演唱非常注意每个细节每个、每个作曲家它们做出了很好安排诠释

    So, when we listening or singing we need to pay close attention to every detail, because each word, each tone composers have made good interpretation and arrangements on them.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定