• 动物使我们快乐世界上不能没有动物,所以我们保护动物、爱惜动物。

    Animals can make us happy, and we can not live without animals in the world, so we should protect animals and love animals.


  • 电梯停止了工作所以即使足够幸运没有困在之间,你也经历一项艰难任务找到通往几百

    Lifts stopped working, so that even if you were lucky enough not to be trapped between two floors, you had the unpleasant task of finding your way down hundreds of flights of stairs.


  • 们预订的晚餐就在桥对面的一家餐馆,所以我向他承诺,我们回去吃晚饭时,不仅搜查喷泉周围的区域,而且还找警察,问他们有没有人上交背包。

    Our dinner reservation was at a restaurant just on the other side of the bridge, so I promised him that we would not only search the area around the fountain when we went back for dinner, but we would also find the police and ask them if the backpack had been turned in.


  • 所以如果听众没有明显的发现他们所感兴趣的,就告诉他们为什么非得说不可。

    So if your audience don't have an obvious reason to be interested, tell them why they should bother listening to you.


  • 热爱救援工作所以没有尝试去做队长——意味着离开救援一线。

    He lovesrescue work so much he chooses not to try for captain, so he won't betransferred.


  • 往常一样没有足够的空间展开讨论这个问题,所以另一篇专栏讨论细节问题

    As usual I haven't left enough space to discuss this, so the details will have to wait for another column.


  • 所以至少坚持30可能是60天),没有例外

    So, at least for the first 30 days (and preferably 60), you need to have no exceptions.


  • 西家没有所蒙恩报答耶和华。因心里骄傲所以忿临到他犹大耶路撒冷

    But Hezekiah's heart was proud and he did not respond to the kindness shown him; therefore the Lord 's wrath was on him and on Judah and Jerusalem.


  • 没有喜欢所以坦诚交待自己。

    No one likes to be lied to so don’t lie about who you are.


  • 由于听众会更直接明白你无语言信息所以时刻调节自己的手势以确定没有你说的话发生冲突,使用甩动的手势笨拙姿势很难塑造有控制能力自信形象

    It is difficult to convey an image of control and confidence by using flailing gestures and awkward poses.


  • 因为每个家庭的情况都一样,所以引出这个话题方法没有绝对的.但是,特别注意怎样开始这个话题,话题已经开始时,就不再避开

    There’s no right or wrong way to bring up the subject, as every family is different. But it is important to pay attention to cues, jumping through when a door has opened up on the subject.


  • 所以配偶讲话的时候倾听()沉浸当天快乐中——即使你的当天与其相比没有那么完美。

    So, listen when your spouse speaks, and let him (or her) revel in the joys of their day-even when your day has been less than perfect by comparison.


  • 恋人安迪已经没有什么可的了,所以找个借口避免尴尬沉默

    My crush, Addie, and I have run out of things to talk about so I will pretext to avoid any awkward silences.


  • 如果没有问题所以发生因果关系的透彻理解创造出一个新的有效解决方法几乎不可能

    It is nearly impossible to create a new solution to a problem without understanding the causal forces at work that led to the problem in the first place.


  • 我们确保没有狗仔进入婚礼现场……所以哪儿检查遍了啊!

    We wanted to make sure no paparazzi got into the wedding... I had to check everywhere!


  • 因为之前一直没有如此规模装置一同放入如此的水底,所以完成这个任务可能轻松。

    No such system has been put together at this sort of depth before, so getting it to work is unlikely to be easy.


  • 因为许多纠纷没有诉诸法庭所以人们对外包不满程度肯定法律记录显示

    And since many disputes stay out of court, the well of discontent with outsourcing is surely deeper than the legal record shows.


  • 几乎我们所有被贩卖当事人宣称避难所以对于没有通过渠道的案件,我们没有太多的资料

    As almost all of our trafficked clients have claimed asylum, we do not have much information concerning cases that do not come through that system.


  • 大约有70%帐篷住民过去租房住,所以他们没有房子重建没有土地,也没有钱。

    Perhaps 70% of them were previously renting their homes. So they have no house to rebuild, no land and no money anyway.


  • 所以看来指望新辟供货短期内大量涌入市场平抑价格没有可能的。

    So there seems little immediate prospect of fresh supplies coming on to the market to ease prices.


  • 现在银行贷款是因为他们知道他们的资产负债表承载未来发生的损失所以没有足够的资本

    The banks are not lending because they know their balance sheets are loaded with future losses and they don’t have enough capital.


  • 所以确保潜在元素没有这样字符。

    So, be sure to scrub those characters out of potential element names.


  • 6时,父母三个兄弟姐妹带到了美国个未成年人获得美国国籍实在困难重重所以父母没有花费精力进行申请

    His parents brought him and three siblings to the United States when he was 6, but because of the difficulties in acquiring citizenship for minors, they never bothered to apply.


  • 发出“别理”的信号的时候,你可能都没有意识到,所以仔细研修如何让你的看起来很有亲和力

    You might not realize it when you send a "leave me alone" message, so read up on How to Look Approachable.


  • 所以谨记如果没有开、食物没有水果没有削皮不能食用

    And so the thing to remember is if it’s not boiled, well-cooked, or peeled, you should not be eating it.


  • 所以离开不是因为身体原因2003年的时候我曾经跟腱撕裂没有影响速度;我是因为我觉得人生到了该改变季节

    I left not for physical reasons - I'd had a torn hamstring tendon in 2003, but it hadn't affected my speed - but because it was my season for change.


  • 不再这个习惯了,所以除掉逗留因为“习惯”,没有习惯相对来说容易打破

    You no longer need this bad habit, so get rid of it, don't let it hang around just because it's a "habit;" habits that have no use are relatively easy to break.


  • 如果测试没有使服务器负载达到临界点有些问题将检测不到所以确保服务器负载超过您预期最高峰流量

    If the tests don't load the server to the point where things break, you won't detect some of the problems, so be sure you load your server beyond your expected peak traffic.


  • 如果测试没有使服务器负载达到临界点有些问题将检测不到所以确保服务器负载超过您预期最高峰流量

    If the tests don't load the server to the point where things break, you won't detect some of the problems, so be sure you load your server beyond your expected peak traffic.


- 来自原声例句

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