• 面对爱情可以说到做到,所以放心出去玩吧

    You can talk the talk and walk the walk when it comes to love so get out and have fun.


  • 公司成立以来,始终坚持顾客提供适合服务经营目的所以放心客户满意永恒的追求

    The company since its establishment, has always insisted that "provide customers with the most suitable service" for business purposes, so rest assured customers satisfaction is the eternal pursuit.


  • 我们到家了,所以现在可以放心

    We're home, so you can rest now.


  • 对于那些想法读者来说,需要记住的是,JDIC一个开源项目任何人任何时候可以做贡献——所以放心这些想法付诸于行动吧。

    For those ambitious readers out there, keep in mind that JDIC is an open project and that anyone can contribute at any timeso feel free to take these ideas and run with them.


  • 所以需要做放心那些信息记到一个安全的、将来容易找到地方

    So put your mind at ease by writing down these bits of information in a trusted location that can be easily accessed in the future.


  • 然而硬盘驱动器usb,也可能随时丢失损坏所以对于数据是否安全永远不会感到踏实放心

    However, an external hard drive or USB thumb drive can always be lost or damaged so you will never have full peace of mind that your data is really safe.


  • 值得庆幸是,那些陈规现如今已经不用严格遵守了所以吃饭的时候可以放心不会挨饿了。

    Fortunately many of those old rules are no longer strictly observed so you can be sure that in practice, this doesn't happen.


  • 这里大部分海域联邦保护的,所以大可放心这里美景一段时间内不会消失的。

    With much of the waters just put under federal protection, you can be assured the beauty will remain for awhile.


  • 所以JDBC2用户可以放心他们的应用程序在 JDBC 3.0正确运行

    Therefore, users of JDBC 2 can expect their applications to function correctly under JDBC 3.0.


  • 所以尽管描述性研究报告表明休假对生产效率健康益处颇多,但一个长的假期对于美国雇员而言不受欢迎的,他们会觉得不放心,觉得不切实际甚至觉得是不可能的。

    So despite research documenting the health and productivity benefits of taking time off, a long vacation can be undesirable, scary, unrealistic or just plain impossible for many U.S. workers.


  • 中国当代的历史没有那样令人放心所以要让外国人放心储蓄人民币需要一点时间

    China's recent history is less reassuring, so it will take a while before foreigners feel secure keeping their savings in yuan.


  • 所以倘若发现你的每次表白都以胡言乱语告终你大放心

    This may be reassuring if you find every time you meet the object of your affections you talk complete gibberish.


  • 所以只要放心信誉良好睡眠研究公司购买睡眠校准音频不要理睬那些销售公司。

    Just be sure to buy your brain recalibration audios from reputable sleep companies, and not slick marketing companies.


  • 所以放心一直一直

    So please rest assured that I always love you!


  • 法布雷加斯可能离开阿森纳所以希望球迷们放心,”

    "There is no chance that Cesc will leave Arsenal so I hope they (the fans) are reassured," he said.


  • 如果懂得游戏技巧的话玩家们就应该尽可能熟牌就是桌面上有的因为那些都是别的玩家不要所以可以放心打。

    If know game skills, players should as far as possible to play well, some brand is the surface of the table, because those are the other players don't card, so you can trust of play.


  • 放心没有什么需要这次升级发生最后提醒发送前一天发射所以务必检查收件箱

    Rest assured nothing is needed from you for this upgrade to occur. A final reminder will be sent the day before launch, so be sure to check your inbox!


  • 所以我们放心除非生产假冒伪劣合格标准部门

    So we just be at ease to eat unless the productions are counterfeit and inferior and it is not qualified by the standard department.


  • 因为这些产品全部万维网高速缓存设备领军企业制造通过了工程级的质检测试所以它们最佳质量产品,这点尽管放心

    You may be rest assured that they are all op quality products because all of them are made by the large labels of caching appliance manufacturers and have passed engineering caliber testing.


  • 沙斯塔气息稍稍有点儿放心所以告诉对方:他从来不知道真正父亲母亲,他一个渔夫严厉地抚养大的。

    Shasta was a little reassured by the breath: so he told how he had never known his real father or mother and had been brought up sternly by the fisherman.


  • 所以放心啦!今生既然运气不错,有吃有喝也有得玩,可见另外一个空间里,应该也不会哪儿去。

    So, don't worry! We live a good life in this space and in other space our life will not be worse than life in this space.


  • 另外,每量杯(约240克)的野生蓝莓含80卡路里的热量,所以完全放心大胆地食用。

    Another plus: at only 80 calories a cup, you can eatthem without guilt.


  • 所以不是古晋的朋友们,请放心购买吧!

    So, if you're not staying in Kuching. Don't worry!


  • 水星不再逆行115日,所以可以放心发布计划签署几天之后重要文件

    Mercury will no longer be retrograde as of January 15, so you can safely launch plans and sign key documents a few days after that.


  • 但是这些兄弟姐妹因为父亲严格要求高期望所以他们的爸爸撒了却是为了爸爸高兴放心

    However, in order to let him happy, the brothers and sisters are lying to their father cuz of he always ask them more and expected more.


  • 孩子我的朋友家所以放心

    My son is in my friend's home, so I am really at ease.


  • 所以下一次如果步行走过泰晤士河的话,请放心千禧不会掉的。

    So next time you go to walk across the Thames, remember, the London Millennium Bridge is not falling down.


  • 这个模组并不任何方面影响存档所以你可以放心现有存档使用

    This mod DOES NOT alter your saves in any way, so it is safe to use with existing save games.


  • 这个模组并不任何方面影响存档所以你可以放心现有存档使用

    This mod DOES NOT alter your saves in any way, so it is safe to use with existing save games.


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