• 他们在发明元音方面迈出所以现在不必任何东西

    They do the big step of inventing vowels, so that now you don't have to remember anything.


  • 篇论文总成绩部分,所以一定按照说明做

    This paper is a large part of your cumulative grade, so make sure to follow the instructions.


  • 篇论文总成绩中占部分所以一定按照说明去做

    This paper is a large part of your accumulative grade, so make sure to follow the instructions.


  • 已经提出过所以传统的工程可用性领域,功能必须经过斗争才能包括在内因为他们部分很少用到

    It has been suggested, therefore, that in traditional usability engineering, features should have to fight to be included, because the vast majority of them are rarely used anyway.


  • 马甲大一时有朋友展示了如何攻破电脑系统所以大学里他就爱上了作黑客

    Majia says he fell in love with hacking in college, afterfriends showed him how to break into computer systems during hisfreshman year.


  • 但是正如爱尔兰的独特问题使得希腊同时葡萄牙显示出特殊苦难之处,所以西班牙也有它自己特别一系列问题

    But, just as Ireland had unique problems that made it different from Greece, and Portugal presents its own special difficulties, so Spain hasits own peculiar set of troubles.


  • 节食却相反,一个号的比萨饼已经引发了他们的食欲(他们甚至认为不是他们错误),所以甜点端上来后,节食者反而会大特吃甜点。

    Dieters, on the contrary, feel that the large slice has blown their diet (and, even better, that this was not their fault), so they may as well make the most of it, and dig into the cookies.


  • 所以如果他们运动障碍相当严重的话,他们可以这个圆圈些。

    So, if their motor impairments are fairly severe, they can make that circle large.


  • 然而这个TMF管弦乐队成员里有相当大一部分人并非来自美国所以只有不到一半知道首歌

    The TMF Orchestra was comprised of a fair percentage of musicians NOT from Americaless than half the group knew the music.


  • 即使结婚数量下降啦离婚变得不那么普遍所以今天部分婚姻可能维持30以至更久。

    And even as the number of marriages falls, divorce is also becoming less prevalent. So a greater proportion of today's marriages will likely persist 30 years into the future.


  • 所以这些传言越闹越大一点都奇怪

    So it's not surprising that rumors have been swirling.


  • 所以开始做这件事时候部分的信息技术开销,都用于维持维护了。

    And so when you start to do this, you can now have a much more portion of your IT spending dedicated to maintenance and sustaining.


  • 所以还是的,觉得烦恼,我没觉得需要试图简化它,或简化它。

    So it's still in great flocks, and I don't feel troubled and I don't feel the need to try to reduce it or not to reduce it.


  • 所以性能提升部分归功于DMS的预先分配。

    So a major portion of the performance improvement can be attributed to the pre-allocation of the pages in DMS.


  • 大丹大多数轮”,所以大丹保持尾巴最长狗狗记录不足为奇了。

    Great Danes have a leg up on other breeds in most dog categories for "biggest." so it shouldn't come as a surprise that a Great Dane also holds the record for the longest tail.


  • 所以耶和华以色列人大大发怒自己面前赶出他们剩下个支派。

    So the Lord was very angry with Israel and removed them from his presence. Only the tribe of Judah was left


  • :“怀孕的时候我的体型就很大所以预计这个孩子会比比大儿子里昂体型大一。里昂生于2008年,出生体重是9斤(104盎司)。”

    She said: "I was quite big when I was pregnant, so I was expecting a bigger baby than my first son Leon who was born in 2008 and weighed 10lb 4oz."


  • 17:18所以耶和华以色列人大大发怒自己面前赶出他们剩下支派

    Therefore the LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight: there was none left but the tribe of Judah only.


  • 分析人士认为,之所以之内会有这么急剧变化,部分原因在于持续失业局面人们愿意做出长期婚姻承诺

    It was a sharp one-year increase that analysts largely attributed to people unwilling to make long-term marriage commitments in the face of persistent unemployment


  • 欢迎的整容手术包括隆鼻双眼皮手术,韩国年轻女性都希望自己眼睛看起来大一些,鼻子更翘一些,所以这些手术备受她们喜爱

    Popular surgeries include "Westernizing" the nose to give it an upward tilt and double-eyelid surgery to make eyes look bigger, which is especially popular with young women


  • 别的批评意见则表示赞同。比如,20世纪90年代刺激案之所以失败是因为刺激款项部分都花在了大肆建造道路桥梁这些自身作为发达国家已经高度成熟的地方。

    He agreed with other critics that the 1990s stimulus failed because too much of it went to roads and Bridges, overbuilding this already heavily developed nation.


  • 所以我们大一过程中加了一个小的隔断厨房

    We in the process of raising a freshman in a small village kitchen.


  • 之前的影象研究所以没有发现发育迟滞是因为他们仅注意大小情况。

    Previous brain imaging studies failed to detect the developmental lag because they focused on the size of the relatively large lobes of the brain.


  • 因为本身是广东人,所以可能菜肴里制品腊味比重会些。

    Because I'm from Guangdong, pickled vegetables and cured meats will likely be a big part of my meal.


  • 所以听说过任国公子大鱼这个故事人,离治理好天下目标也还有大一距离

    So, anyone he who has not heard of the story of catching the big fish has a long way to go to achieve the goal of governing a state.


  • 所以听说过任国公子大鱼这个故事人,离治理好天下目标也还有大一距离

    So, anyone he who has not heard of the story of catching the big fish has a long way to go to achieve the goal of governing a state.


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