• 是发过的,所以你说便士的时候,你就起了假誓。

    Thou wast under oath, and so swore falsely when thou saidst the value was but eightpence.


  • 所以胡说的销售术阻止了另一个西装

    So his nonsense salemanship prevented me from buying another suit.


  • 所以那个时候开始倾听研究客家现代歌曲元素和客家音,以及将二者混合在一起旋律

    So at that time I started to listen and research the elements of Hakka modern songs and the eight tones and a mixed rhythm.


  • 第四美国想靠疯狂钻井机们致富的话,它们四通达的管道如蜘蛛网般所以输送天然气市场上

    And fourth, in America wildcat drillers, if they strike it rich, enjoy access to a spider's web of existing pipelines, so they can get their gas to market.


  • 那时已经了,我本当之前就不应该再有这种习惯所以我认为很不正常。

    I was now aged eight, so that this was a reversion to a habit which I must have grown out of at least four years earlier.


  • 珂赛特很发愁,因为虽然只有,但受过那么苦,所以她发愁时那副苦相已象老太婆了。

    Cosette was meditating sadly; for, although she was only eight years old, she had already suffered so much that she reflected with the lugubrious air of an old woman.


  • 所以我们电子结构,它看起来化学惰性有关

    So, we have an octet of the electrons that seems to be associated with chemical inertness.


  • 名叫做萨哈·穆哈·默德·哈利勒的战士:“我们狙击手投降他们不肯,所以我们向他们射击。我们射杀了人,俘虏一人。”

    "We asked the snipers to surrender: They didn't, so we shot them. We killed eight and captured one," says fighter Sahah Mohammed Khalil.


  • 理由夏天雇主不会聘用任何人。 但就是在去年月中旬获得我目前这份工作的,所以,我清楚地知道,公司夏季招聘,这个观点不一定永远正确的。

    A close friend of mine who has been job hunting for the past six months or so is talking about taking July and August "off, " on the theory that employers don't hire anyone in the summer anyway.


  • 因为月份之前没有什么重大比赛所以感受一下亚锦赛的激烈程度

    Because there is not a big competition before August. I want to feel the intensity of the Asian Championships.


  • 晚上受喜爱菜肴就是茴香即使要比菜单上图片难看得,但却又多汁,所以我们并不介意

    The favorite dish of the night was a star anise braised chicken dish that, although much uglier than in the picture menu, was so tender and juicy neither of us cared.


  • 所以格芬夫人知道是否卖掉那只时,他回答道他他们全寄吉姆

    So, when Mrs. Garfein wanted to know if he would sell the myna bird, he 'answered that he'd shipped them all back to Jim.


  • 年来我们已经取得很大进展美国变得更加多样化所以还有很多事情做。

    We had made a lot of headway in eight years, but America was growing more diverse, and there was still much to be done.


  • 我们也许觉得他们受过培训有经验的、顶着五花的头衔的专家,所以他们一定知道如何更好地帮助你理财

    We may feel that because they have the training, experience or fancy job titles that they know what's best for you when it comes to your money.


  • 所以不多不少恰恰打利用其他石头打磨一小薄片留下这边面几乎呈现直线边缘相当之锋利。

    One, two, three ... three times at the other ... so eight specific actions by him, knocking it with another stone, to take off a flake, and to leave this almost straight line, which is a sharp edge.


  • 七月非常炎热月份罗马变成令人窒息的沙漠许多企业甚至会关闭所以应该尽量避免这个时候来访

    July and August are unpleasantly hot, and Romans traditionally desert the stiflingly hot city in August, with many businesses closing; try to avoid visiting at this time.


  • 所以耶和华怒气以色列人发作,就把他们交在米所波大米古珊利萨田的手中。 以色列服事古珊利萨田

    The anger of the LORD burned against Israel so that he sold them into the hands of Cushan-Rishathaim king of Aram Naharaim, to whom the Israelites were subject for eight years.


  • 因为巴塞尔公约III各国决策人强制执行而他们不会急着自己国家银行系统关张,所以觉得这个数字胡说

    Because the Basel III rules will be enforced by national regulators, who wouldn't rush to put their national banking system out of business, I think that number is nonsense.


  • 由于女性平均寿命通常男性所以她们老年人口中的比例越来越高。

    Because women tend to live on average six to eight years longer than men, they represent a growing proportion of all older people.


  • 所以看到其他博客或者论坛时,感觉就像四周全是嘴巴,充斥着各种声音,四面方朝你喊,让你跟着走。

    As soon as you start adding in other blogs and forums you will feel like you’re being pulled in a five million directions.


  • 所以即使欧洲把在董事会的座位让两个亚洲,似乎也是无伤大雅

    The offer to share two of Europe's eight seats hardly seemed to grasp this nettle.


  • 由于不同地理位置渗透出各异流行文化所以严寒到来时,世界各地吃喝穿玩方面的习惯也是五花

    And since cultural trends often spill across geographical borders, there's a rich mix of things that people eat, drink, wear and do around the globe when the mercury falls.


  • 其实,“品味主观论所以风行原因之一就在于过去人们关于品味的一些论调多为胡说

    Indeed, one of the reasons "taste is subjective" found such a receptive audience is that, historically, the things people have said about good taste have generally been such nonsense.


  • 土卫较暗的一面实在是非常的黑暗,覆盖着土卫正对公转半球认为土星公转时被宇宙空间扫除了一些黑色物质所以它只是表面的一层不足一米的薄层。

    It covers the moon's leading hemisphere - the side that faces forward as it moves in its orbit - which suggests that the black material has been swept up from space as the moon moves around Saturn.


  • 所以如果有人告诉他们什么都测了,这个要么撒谎要么在胡说

    Therefore, a person who tells you they have been tested for "everything" is either lying to you or has no idea what they're talking about.


  • 王朝王室成员成为电视名人之前,历史学家通过追踪第二个儿子未来亨利世的崭露头角,寻求亨利七世统治下微弱闪烁阳光所以在本书中亨利再次崭露头角

    Long before the Tudors became television celebrities, historians sought gleams of sunshine in his reign by tracing the emergence of his second son, the future Henry VIII; and so it is again here.


  • 妈是个丑怪,上班都带着所以不用说再见

    Yo momma's so ugly, that your father takes her to work with him so that he doesn't have to kiss her goodbye.


  • 母亲节临近,今年的这个日子是五月星期日所以时间母亲选择一个理想礼物

    Mother's Day is approaching fast. This year it falls on Sunday, May 8th, so you still have time left to come up with the ideal gift for your Mom.


  • 母亲节临近,今年的这个日子是五月星期日所以时间母亲选择一个理想礼物

    Mother's Day is approaching fast. This year it falls on Sunday, May 8th, so you still have time left to come up with the ideal gift for your Mom.


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