• 既然从未过面,所以他们确定

    Since they'd never met before, they're sure.


  • 这样确定美丽的,变幻无常更为美丽。他们素未谋面所以他们确定彼此并无任何瓜葛

    Such certainty is beautiful, but uncertainty is more beautiful still Since they'd never met before, they're sure that there'd been nothing between them.


  • 确定感觉到无趣时会无精打彩斜坐在那里,所以说话可以通过听众的倾斜度来判断他们烦躁程度

    He determined that people slouch and lean when bored, so a speaker can measure the boredom of an audience by seeing how far from vertically upright they are.


  • 相反他们会将更多时间用于确定如何迅速采集验证使用数据所以这些需要掌握技能

    Conversely, they'll spend more time figuring out how to capture, verify, and use data quickly, so these are the skills to master.


  • 会议中的很多没有真正公司某块认真的工作所以确定我的话他们刺耳的。

    Many of the people in the room had never really worked anywhere else, so I'm sure it was jarring to hear an outsider's point if view.


  • 因为可以导致大量工作丢失所以确定开发人员满足他们自己方案相关更改规则

    Since this can cause a large amount of work to be lost, make sure your developers follow to the rule of not making package-related modifications in their own schemas.


  • 但是他们一双满足一种特定需求所以实在确定到底再减掉哪一双。

    However, they each satisfy a certain need, so I'm not sure how to pare down any further. Here's the rundown.


  • 技术专家因为黑客很难追踪所以攻击的幕后黑手很难确定他们哪里以及如何发动的攻击在很大程度上也都

    Because it is difficult to trace hackers, exactly who isbehind any specific attack and how and where they operate remains to alarge extent a mystery, technology experts say.


  • 真正学习应用程序拥有一套评判标准确定它们为了教育的目的。所以父母与其写说所有这些应用程序、游戏都浪费时间,不如真正有心想想他们孩子要探索什么

    Real learning apps have a set of criteria that qualifies them as educational, so rather than writing them all off as a waste of time, parents can figure out what their kids are exposed to.


  • 公司表示他们蜜瓜运往全美一半地区,补充说由于蜜瓜贩卖后还会经二次贩卖所以他们确定哪些蜜瓜的去向。

    The company has said they shipped the cantaloupe to around half of U. S. states, but added that they aren't sure where the cantaloupe went because it has been sold and resold.


  • 所以确定团队已经准备好了再充分授权,否则的话,你你的组织将会因为他们的不决定而咽下苦果。

    Make sure the team is ready forempowerment or you and the organization will suffer from the consequences oftheir poor decisions.


  • 所以他们现在面临着公司继任人的确定的问题。

    So they now face uncertainties over their bosses’ succession.


  • 所以我们确定他们是否之外,我们我们朋友不能享受幸福购物

    So we are not sure whether they are good or not Besides, we can't enjoy the happiness of shopping with our friends.


  • 由于医生确定究竟是什么增加心脏病突发率,所以就很难确切地病人建议不过他们给出以下忠告

    Because doctors aren't entirely sure what causes the increase in heart attacks, it's difficult to give concrete advice to patients. But they do make these Suggestions.


  • 他们确定为什么我自己感觉不好所以他们就把这种负面感受口袋怪物角色联系在了一起

    They are not sure why they feel bad, so they attach the negative feeling to the Pokemon character that is consistently associated with feeling bad.


  • 所以确定他们不同比赛模式

    So, there is a different mode I am sure for both of them.


  • 因为制造商打包手套之前确定它们优质的。 所以生产周期他们确保(手套)有具备强有竞争力价格质量控制过程

    The production cycle is where they ensure competitive pricing, and quality controls enter the process here, as they want to make certain the gloves are exceptional before they pack them.


  • 马赫今天看起来不错所以总体而言认为我们昨晚没有损失任何人他们只是稍微有点不确定

    Chamakh today looks good so overall I don't think we have lost anybody last night. They are small doubts.


  • 他们非常相信确定所以他们不会把“目前情况他们以前交易联系起来。

    Their belief in uncertainty is so powerful that it actually prevents their minds from associating the "now moment" situation and circumstance with the outcomes of their most recent trades.


  • 几天墨西哥地方病毒学实验室还没有确定流感病毒设备所以他们样本送到美国加拿大进行确认,来回要耗费好几的时间。

    Until a few days ago, Mexico's local virology LABS didn't have the equipment to identify the new strain of bug, so they had to send samples to the U. s. or Canada, a turnaround that took several days.


  • 就像一对乐于互相冒充的孪生兄弟,所以本周判断主意好坏之前不妨先考虑一下这点,确定自己正在面对的是他们中的一个

    Before you decide that any idea is good or bad this week, consider the idea that good and bad are like twins who love to impersonate each other. Be sure you know which one you are dealing with!


  • 确定尝试max474双运算放大器他们工作真的很好所以那些不是ts922电阻值可以回去正本显示,在上述示意图

    OK I have tried the MAX474 Dual op-amps and they work really well, so with those fitted instead of the TS922 the resistor values can go back to the originals as shown in the schematic above.


  • 并且要始终牢记,孩子们会经常他们衣橱里面所以一定要确定这这种可调节架子能够承受一定攀登重量

    Always keep in mind that children often play in their closets, so make sure adjustable shelves can withstand some climbing.


  • 并且要始终牢记,孩子们会经常他们衣橱里面所以一定要确定这这种可调节架子能够承受一定攀登重量

    Always keep in mind that children often play in their closets, so make sure adjustable shelves can withstand some climbing.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定