• 毛坯很快退出北京地产市场吗?

    Roughcast Housing will soon withdraw from the Beijing real estate market?


  • 为什么房会再次流行起来?

    Why is house flipping back in vogue?


  • 附上价钱已连税及早餐双人2个早餐。

    Please find attached room rate net net with breakfast included. In the case of twin room breakfast for 2 will be provided.


  • 担心我们临时呆的这座下来,于是慢慢地走开,Kanishka扶着Padmini,我扶着妈妈,我们来到高地上。

    I worry that the house we are sheltering in will come down. We walk away slowly wading through the water to higher ground, Kanishka holding Padmini, and I, Amma.


  • 一周健身锻炼让你的生活健康。

    Three sessions in a week at the gym would result in a healthier life.


  • 虽然经常很忙,他依然挤出时间健身锻炼。

    Though he is often busy, he squeezes time to go to a gym.


  • 综合征可能附近瘢痕组织引起,后者减慢干扰或是阻断冲动传导。

    Sick sinus can also be caused by scarring near the sinus node that's slowing, disrupting or blocking the travel of impulses.


  • 可能发现,如果你其他团体(比如粮食合作社志愿者团体)很活跃或是通过保险计划符合健身折扣条件。

    You may also find that you’re eligible for discounts at a gym by being active in other community organizations, such as food co-ops or volunteer groups, or through your insurance plan.


  • 使工作当中发挥更多作用,让你成为一个受欢迎朋友,在健身活动时(或者在实现其他新年决心时)也更加轻松

    You'll be more useful at work, more fun as a friend, and it'll be easier to hit the gym or whatever your New Year's resolution was!


  • 无论是否自信糟糕一天结束时伴侣浪漫感情,如健身,等等,不然,在某种时候放弃这种行为

    Whether "it" is confidence, romantic feelings towards your partner at the end of a bad day, wanting to go to the gym, or whatever, at some point you drop the act.


  • 组织董事带来了夏威夷空运过来、40朵兰花编成花环——告诉他们,这是进这间以来收到第一新鲜

    The organization’s board of directors had a 40-orchid lei flown in from Hawaiithe first fresh flowers the woman had ever had in the house, she told them.


  • 许多刚从健身出来更多而且面包圈这样的垃圾食品。这或许是因为锻炼我们感觉饥饿可能是我们犒赏自己

    Whether because exercise makes us hungry or because we want to reward ourselves, many people eat more - and eat more junk food, like doughnuts - after going to the gym.


  • 组织董事带来了夏威夷空运过来、40朵兰花编成花环——告诉他们,这是进这间以来收到第一新鲜

    The organization's board of directors had a 40-orchid lei flown in from Hawaii - the first fresh flowers the woman had ever had in the house, she told them.


  • 知道比起整理文件每隔30分钟查看一下网站俄罗斯方块,如果我健身锻炼、文章我的妻子共度美好时光的话,意义。

    I know going to the gym, writing articles and spending quality time with my wife will have a more long term impact than sorting files, checking my site stats every 30 minutes and playing Tetris.


  • 到了一个健身,你容易马上被那里的身材苗条的推销员说服成为那里的员。

    When you visit a gym, it's easy to get convinced by a very fit salesperson to sign up right away for a membership.


  • 戴芳萍已经这间中住了50余年,她说:“过去这里一切孩子在外面嬉戏玩耍邻居时不时串门聊天。”

    "Things used to be really good," said Dai, who was born in the same house 50 years ago. "Kids used to play outside, neighbors used to pop in."


  • 我们可能倾向认为被动设计环保冷却手段现代绿色理念典范。

    We might tend to think of passive home design and environmentally-friendly cooling methods as qualities of modern "green" construction.


  • 健身可能提供功能性训练课或者在日常训练课中包含一些功能性训练。

    Gyms may offer functional fitness classes or incorporate functional fitness into boot camps or other types of classes.


  • 收入者工作更少也许卖力地工作,因为只有卖力才能第四的钱。

    High earners won't work much less; they might even work harder, because it takes more effort to make enough to buy that fourth home.


  • 短期实现-投资者注意力全集中联储购买的债券的影响忽视了美元的副作用。

    It is working in the short term, as investors focus on the impact of the Fed buying Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's paper, and ignore its impact on the dollar.


  • 行为研究学家预付完年费后,就定期银行帐单“任务”提醒,由此,他们健身锻炼的次数少许多

    Behavioural specialists say that members who pay an up-front yearly fee go less frequently because they don't have a regular reminder of their commitment printed on their bank statements.


  • 每当步入健身寻找将自己推向极限的动机可能不可思议的任务,因为,事实我们必须要面对:总有一天觉得你只是一点也不想锻炼,更别说将你的身体推向极限了。

    It is a well known fact that often words mean very little when it comes to being able to find your motivation and so with this tip, you are stimulating your body and mind through visual presentation.


  • 1806钥匙。电梯转弯处。传达员行李上去。

    These are keys and room cards for room 1806.The left is at the left corner.The bellman will show you up with your luggage.


  • 如果业主愿意让出第二工人们也许更愿意新工作,甚至可能抬高

    If owners felt more relaxed about letting out second homes, workers might find it easier to move in search of jobs.It might even lift house prices.


  • 我们闲置土地囤积土地,炒这些违反相关法律规定行为严厉处罚

    We will make greater efforts to deal with violations of laws and regulations such as keeping land unused, property hoarding and price rigging.


  • 这些照片促使你们去健身塑造自己身材

    I guess these photos will make more than one person to start visiting the gym and getting in shape.


  • 农村女孩便宜一些即便如此她们也要求套婚

    Rural girls are cheaper, but even they require a house.


  • 农村女孩便宜一些即便如此她们也要求套婚

    Rural girls are cheaper, but even they require a house.


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