• 但是银行所有存款同一时间提取存款,不大可能的。

    But it is unlikely that all depositors of a bank would withdraw their money at the same time.


  • 不论零售商还是个体拍卖时间即将到期时你的产品总是出现搜索结果的第一

    Whether you were a big retailer or an individual seller, your product was first in line when your auction was about to expire.


  • 超过四分之一人时常饮酒过量并且有许多人将自己朋友家人隔绝开来:几乎半数女性一段时间,超过四分之一的人已经没有朋友了。

    More than a quarter regularly drink too much and many isolate themselves from friends and family: almost a half had not left their homes for a long period and more than a quarter had lost friends.


  • 房地美持有担保所有抵押贷款中,逾期达到90或更长时间的贷款占到了其中的2.4%。

    Freddie said 2.4% of all single-family mortgages it owns or guarantees are 90 days or more overdue.


  • 这位60岁年纪的个体已经需要公路上花费空闲时间但是却是一个很难打破习惯

    The self-employed 60-year-old mechanic doesn't have to spend his spare time on the road, but it's a hard habit to break.


  • 毫无意义演讲和其它活动占据了电视上黄金时间将近1800万家庭观看这场大会。

    The useless exercise had taken all the prime-time television hours, when nearly eighteen million households were watching the convention.


  • 在不到时间她们为1200多居民商店船舶以及300家企业去了便宜照明清洁电能

    Within two years, they were bringing low-cost light and clean power to over 1,200 households, shops, and boats, and 300 businesses.


  • 张朝晖3个时间用了10万枚钉子作品《钉子》制作成,《钉子男性图形女性图形组成。

    He spent three months finishing his work by 100, 000 nails and the work is composed of a male image and a female one.


  • 这种狭窄道路时间以后,我们到了人家可是他们不想我们说话

    Finally, after have walked on these narrow paths for a while we came to a family but sadly they did not want to speak to us.


  • 以利沙知道时间到了差遣一位忠心快速仆人拉末以色列

    Elisha knew it was God's timing, He sent a faithful swift servant to Ramoth to anoint Jehu king over Israel.


  • 方法分不同地点、不同时间测定15居室装修后空气甲醛浓度同时设立对照房间

    Formaldehyde concentration in the air of 15 newly-decorated rooms were detected according to different places and times, meanwhile, a control room was also set up and detected.


  • 这个故事发生时间,余先生邻居抢劫一空

    At the time of our story, a family in his neighborhood had been robbed of almost everything they had. Mr.


  • 这个方法适合于干个体,他们没有孩子足够多的时间在一起

    The solution works only for couples who are self-employed, don' t have small children and get along _well enough_ to spend most of their time together.


  • 上海高级电脑工程师目前利用业余时间北京的反拆迁钉子效劳赚取象征性工资打算出。

    A senior computer engineer in Shanghai is working part time as an "anti-demolition nail" in Beijing, earning a token salary he plans to give away.


  • 以色列希望继续建设3,000定居点限制建设几个时间

    Israel wants to go on building about 3,000 homes and limit construction for several months.


  • 为了一年一度助学金颁发典礼,马来西亚亚庇慈济志工挨家挨申请学生家中进行家访,短短两个时间造访了一百五十人家;

    In order to prepare for the annual scholarship distribution, in the space of only two months, Tzu Chi volunteers in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia visited the homes of 150 student applicants.


  • 由于我们相信我们单家独房屋价格有所下降,市场拖延时间越长的东西严重损失将是,”罗斯

    "Since we believe we are still in somewhat of a declining market for single family home prices, the longer you delay things, the more severe the losses are going to be," Ross said.


  • 欢迎您加入我们阳澄湖活动,时间定为2010年10月30日(周六),午餐阳澄湖当地养殖家中享用

    Please join us for a motorcycle ride to Yang Cheng Lake to eat the famous local Hairy Crabs. We will eat lunch at the home of a local crab farmer. This ride will be on Saturday October 30, 2010.


  • 欢迎您加入我们阳澄湖活动,时间定为2010年10月30日(周六),午餐阳澄湖当地养殖家中享用

    Please join us for a motorcycle ride to Yang Cheng Lake to eat the famous local Hairy Crabs. We will eat lunch at the home of a local crab farmer. This ride will be on Saturday October 30, 2010.


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