• 但是由于它们受到国家指导一些国家认为它们是战略竞争对手而不是盟友

    But they are under the guidance of a state that many countries consider a strategic competitor, not an ally.


  • 专利申请更多的是出于战略目的用作抵御侵权案件讨价还价筹码或者作为阻止竞争对手产品发展的手段

    Patents were filed more for strategic purposes, to be used as bargaining chips to ward off infringement suites or as a means to block competitors' products.


  • 认为超越竞争对手一个战略优势吗?

    Do you find this to be a strategic advantage over your competitors?


  • 里德尔先生大量不确定因素困扰通用公司——而且远远多于福特尽管通用施行一个良好应对措施,然而竞争对手更多债务实施企业战略上起着积极效果。

    Mr Liddell is right: plenty of uncertainties surround GMfar more so than apply to Ford, which despite carrying a good deal more debt than its rival is doing a fine job of carrying out its strategy.


  • 乔治•布什认为中国美国的竞争对手比尔克林顿把中国当作战略伙伴

    W1: George Bush thinks that China is our competitor; Bill Clinton thinks that China is our strategic partner.


  • 相比竞争对手Zara对于战略伙伴关系生产成本经营策略了他竞争优势

    In comparison to competitors, Zara's business strategy, in regards to strategic partnerships and cost of production, provide for a strategic competitive advantage.


  • 战略决策必须依据战略情报其中包括洞悉客户市场竞争对手行为

    Strategic business decisions must be informed by strategic intelligence, which includes insight into customer, market and competitor behaviour.


  • 双方宣布建立战略合作伙伴关系,世界表明中印合作伙伴不是竞争对手

    Both sides declared to establish their strategic cooperative partnership, which shows to the world that both sides are cooperative partners, but not competitors.


  • 企业只有相对相同市场相同战略集团中的竞争对手而言时具有竞争优势

    A firm can enjoy a competitive advantage only relative to its rivals in the same market or in the same strategic group.


  • 一个很有野心战略,也是个很聪明花招很大程度帮助SCVNGR的那几个经验丰富竞争对手获得更多的关注。

    It's an aggressive tactic and smart ploy that will go a long way to help make SCVNGR more visible than its more seasoned competitors.


  • 随着奉行低价战略竞争对手碁步步紧逼,一直试图坚持不降价戴尔销售增幅已经放缓

    Dell, which tried to resist cutting its prices, has already seen slower sales growth as low-cost competitor Acer Inc. has stepped up.


  • 所以,那些看到自己排名下降的商家就要赶紧改变搜索战略了,才能重新竞争对手对抗

    With that said, those that see a decrease in their rankings will need to move quickly in updating their search strategies in order to regain ground and get back in the game.


  • 很多银行会谴责竞争对手削减佣金行为,尽管认为某单交易具有战略性意义的情况下,几乎一家银行都会降低佣金。

    Many denounce competitors for allegedly slashing fees, although when a deal is deemed strategic, virtually every firm will reduce the rate.


  • 虽然BT采用一些产品互联网电视等,但这些不可能利润做出重大贡献因为竞争对手包括SKY都有类似战略

    Although BT has some new products, such as Internet TV, these are unlikely to make a big contribution to profits, not least because its rivals, including Sky, have similar strategies.


  • 相对于竞争对手获得巨大领先优势筹集大量资金实施焦土战略迫使竞争对手退出市场一些公司能够管用

    Getting a huge lead on your competitors, raising a ton of money to operate a scorched earth strategy and force your competitors out of the market, will work for some.


  • 过去几年里,随着全球汽车业滑坡吉利小心地制定自己转化国际性竞争对手战略

    Over the past few years, as the global auto industry was faltering, Geely was carefully honing a strategy to transform itself into an international competitor.


  • 组织关注保持平均水平、跟上竞争对手的步伐,而导致组织在战略上远远落后

    The organization focuses only on benchmarking and keeping up with competitors, causing it to fall further behind strategically.


  • 战略是否熟悉竞争对手信息系统

    Are strategists familiar with the information systems of competitors?


  • 表示随着外国制造商面临成本较低的中国竞争对手越来越激烈的竞争击败这些对手唯一方法采取开明培养员工队伍的战略

    As foreign manufacturers face ever greater competition from cut-price Chinese rivals, he says the only way to beat them is to take a more enlightened approach to developing the workforce.


  • 管理咨询业种智力密集型产业差异化战略使企业区别竞争对手有效竞争战略

    Management consultation industry is an intelligence-concentrated industry, and diversity stratagem is an effective strategy which makes the enterprises different from their competitors.


  • 利用过量供应竞争对手石油挤出市场维持沙特市场份额战略已经失败。

    The strategy of swamping the market with extra supplies to squeeze out production from competitors and to maintain Saudi Arabia's share of the world market has failed.


  • 论文认为分析应该竞争对手假设开始然后目标战略能力

    This article suggests that the analysis should begin with competitors assumptions, then go on with objectives, strategy and capabilities.


  • 品牌战略一个完整动态系统这个系统是竞争对手顾客资金人力其他资源互动所构成

    Brand Strategy is a complete dynamic system, which is provided by the competitors, customers, financial, human and other resources posed by the interaction.


  • 品牌战略一个完整动态系统这个系统是竞争对手顾客资金人力其他资源互动所构成

    Brand Strategy is a complete dynamic system, which is provided by the competitors, customers, financial, human and other resources posed by the interaction.


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