• 伦敦过夜第二我们前往法国北部参观战场

    After staying overnight in London, we travel on Day 2 to Northern France to visit the World War I battlefields.


  • 拉多是二时期军队名翻译欧洲战场牺牲了

    Corrado, a translator for the army during WWII, was killed in action in Europe.


  • 例如真实战场上既没有犀牛也没有西斯也远非影片描写的那样庄重威严;

    There were no rhinoceroses or elephants on the real battlefield, for example, and King Xerxes was more dignified and remote than his depiction in the movie.


  • JSLSCAD利用复杂的模式识别算法,可以探测分类鉴定化学剂,同时还可以识别自然人造战场干扰物。

    Using sophisticated pattern recognition algorithms, JSLSCAD detects, classifies, and identifies chemical agents while discriminating against both natural and manmade battle space interferents.


  • 到了辎重军兵战场呐喊要

    He reached the camp as the army was going out to its battle positions, Shouting the war cry.


  • 陆军海军战场80套系统

    The Army and Marine Corps have 80 systems in theater.


  • 太平洋战场结束数十年后驻扎几内亚的前机尾部机枪手一本老兵杂志写了一封信希望和其他人一起分享关于“声音”的记忆

    MANY years after the end of the war in the Pacific, a former tail-gunner who had been stationed in New Guinea wrote a letter to a veterans' magazine. He wished to share his memories of a voice.


  • 但是战场树木遮挡,在小山包上观看人群只能看到一点点战场情形。

    But the battleground was covered so thickly with trees that the crowds saw little of the fighting.


  • 时,欧洲非洲战场伤病员中,士兵遭受精神创伤比率接近人中就有一例病例一人精神受创,另外三身受重伤。

    In Europe and Africa during World War II, the proportion of mental traumas among all casualties was close to one in fourone mental health case for every three blood wounds.


  • 列举了伊拉克战场两个事件:其一,美国直升飞机驾驶员被控杀死了受伤士兵;其二,埋伏哈迪塞镇海军陆杀害普通公民

    He cites two incidents in Iraq, one in which U.S. helicopter pilots allegedly finished off wounded combatants, and another in which ambushed marines in the city of Haditha killed civilians.


  • 通过收集信息数字视野呈现战场MIDS能为美国海军空军陆军海军以及美国防务合作伙伴提供增强的态势感知

    By gathering information into a digital view of the battlefield, MIDS provides greater situational awareness in combat for the U.S.Navy, Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, and for U.S. defense partners.


  • 通过收集信息数字视野呈现战场MIDS能为美国海军空军陆军海军以及美国防务合作伙伴提供增强的态势感知

    By gathering information into a digital view of the battlefield, MIDS provides greater situational awareness in combat for the U.S. Navy, Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, and for U.S. defense partners.


  • 不过海军第一尝试这些政策付诸于战场上的部门

    But the Marine Corps are the first service to try to put those policies into action on the battlefield.


  • 正当北约领导人思索如何应对俄罗斯入侵格鲁吉亚时,战场又让他们艰难熬过一周阿富汗

    EVEN as they brooded over their response to Russian aggression in Georgia, NATO's leaders endured a bad week on another front: Afghanistan.


  • 海军队SITE项目旨在使用模拟训练技术帮助海军排级班级指挥人员做出关键战场决策。

    The Marine Corp SITE program eek to ue imulation and training technology to help leader of Marine Corp unit a mall a platoon and quad make crucial battlefield deciion while operating independently.


  • 首先,陆队员必须经历“心理准备训练过程旨在他们先睹模拟

    At first the marines must run the course of so-called "psychological preparation" which aims to give them a glimpse of the fight and simulate real fighting conditions.


  • 乘客配备一个IM - 6战场医疗机器人其它求生装备

    The passenger section is equipped with an IM-6 battlefield medical droid and other survival gear.


  • 浏览器软件不是Microsoft开放源码社区冲突唯一战场

    Browser software wasn't the only front in the conflict between Microsoft and the open source community.


  • 1944年6月6日(世称D日—译者注),当比尔米林(Bill Millin)随军向法国诺曼底登陆战场上的斜坡攻击时,任何理性观者都会认为米林没有带武器。

    ANY reasonable observer might have thought Bill Millin was unarmed as he jumped off the landing ramp at Sword Beach, in Normandy, on June 6th 1944.


  • 我们战场环境有时候相当天虫虫重装上阵。教你怎样更好地获取周围视野

    Thee environments we do battle in are sometimes quite big. I'll show you how to get a better view of your surroundings.


  • 直到现在,一一些老兵存活着,他们生了白内障双眼曾经目睹过战场他们颤抖声音描述战场上的血雨腥风。

    Until recently old men still lived whose eyes, milky with cataracts, had seen the battlefields of the Great War and whose quavering voices could still describe them.


  • 我们看看战场如何中东形成

    Let's look at how the battlefield is shaping up over in the Middle East.


  • 标准错误已经修正, 大量AI改进表现战场策略等级中

    The standard Total War bugbear has also been addressed, with the AI hugely improved on both battlefield and strategic levels.


  • 标准错误已经修正, 大量AI改进表现战场策略等级中

    The standard Total War bugbear has also been addressed, with the AI hugely improved on both battlefield and strategic levels.


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