• 这个问题交给样本数医生时,72%医生遵循安全和确定的战略选择方案A只有28%的医生选择冒险策略方案B

    When this question was put to a large sample of physicians, 72 percent chose option a, the safe-and-sure strategy, and only 28 percent chose program B, the risky strategy.


  • 服务战略作为一种竞争策略图书馆最佳选择

    The service strategy as a competitive strategy is the best choice to libraries.


  • 利用企业博弈模型得益矩阵分析企业合作战略联盟策略选择问题

    The benefit matrix of enterprise game model is adopted to analyze the strategy selection of business enterprise strategy alliance.


  • 开始公司应该选择一种退出策略头脑中建立公司退出战略

    From the get-go companies should choose an exit strategy and build the company with that strategy in mind.


  • 因此企业应当根据全局战略理性选择品牌竞争策略加强品牌管理,以品牌参与竞争,以品牌赢得竞争。

    Therefore, the enterprise should select the tactics of the brand competition sensibly, enhance the brand administration, participate in and win the competition according to the overall strategy.


  • 在供应链管理环境积极培育企业核心竞争力,实施企业业务外包策略架构横向一体化管理模式战略选择

    The strategic choice of horizontal integration management mode is to cultivate enterprise core competence under the environment of Supply China Management, and carry out outsourcing strategy.


  • 因此广告代言人选择就成为广告策略营销传播乃至整体品牌战略一个值得关注的焦点。

    Therefore, the choice of ads spokesmen becomes a focus of advertising strategies, marketing communications and brands strategies.


  • 第三阶段评估替代战略选择这个阶段,替代策略应该检查三个标准包括适用性可行性可接受性

    The third stage is to evaluate alternative strategic options, in this stage, the alternative strategies should be examined with three criteria, including suitability, feasibility and acceptability.


  • 基础上提出中国应对策略战略选择

    On this basis, suggested that China's coping strategies and strategic choice.


  • 消费者商店选择行为研究零售企业制定实施营销战略策略重要基础

    Studying on consumer behaviors of store choice is a very important foundation in establishing and and implementing enterprise marketing strategy and tactics.


  • 为了应对美国的挑战中国有必要进行一定战略调整策略选择思考处理好一些重大问题

    In order to tackle the challenge of U. s. A., it is necessary for China to adjust strategy in a certain degree, think and handle some great problems well on the choice of tactics.


  • 企业战略确定了企业所选择从事经营活动,以及这些活动中的竞争策略,由此决定了企业价值创造基本模式价值创造潜力企业价值的核心

    Corporate strategy determines the operation scope and the policy of competition, and determines the basic model and the potential of the value creation, so it is the core of the value creation.


  • 战略管理角度出发研究华跨国公司的一体化-当地化战略选择特定战略指导下经营策略问题。

    From the perspective of strategic management, this research examines the selection of integration-localization strategies by Multinational Companies (MNCs) in China.


  • 当然这种战略选择解决方案最终质量起着重要作用不过战略价值的体现还是基于正确策略选择

    'of course, such tactical decisions are critical to the ultimate quality of the solution, but they can be properly evaluated only in light of a successful strategy.


  • 商标策略管理作为企业实现商标战略目标而采取的具体方法和措施,主要体现在商标选择注册使用宣传保护等方面。

    As the main approach for enterprises to achieve the strategic goals, trademark management refers to the choice, registration, use, propaganda and protection of trademarks.


  • 因此,薪酬体系的战略选择包括薪酬的水平策略结构策略

    So the strategic selection includes the level strategy and structure strategy.


  • 战略管理管理者选择一系列策略帮助企业实现愿景过程

    Strategic management is the process by which managers choose a set of strategies for an enterprise to pursue its vision.


  • 我国企业公益品牌策略选择应与企业品牌定位协同配合,选择公益事业的关键群体,视公益品牌策略企业的长期战略成为我国企业经营策略

    The paper samples Bein GMATe for a case study about Chinese corporate brand strategy for public good in terms of strategy selection, positioning, and decision making, etc.


  • 因此他们进入我国选择组建中外合资公司这种战略联盟策略中外运组成合资公司。

    Therefore, they are at the beginning of the entering into China all chose a sino-foreign joint venture company this strategic alliance, and the strategy of sinotrans joint venture company.


  • 由此全球采购成为许多跨国照明公司非常重要的战略选择策略手段。

    It is also the reason that global sourcing has been the most important strategic options of global lighting company.


  • 最后分析中国参与东亚经济一体化现状特点角色基础中国在东亚区域经济合作中的战略定位和策略选择提出相应的建议。

    Lastly, based on the analysis of the present situation, characteristics and role of China in the economic integration of East Asia, we put forward some Suggestions about the strategy of China.


  • 教练员策略控制是指教练员在客观条件下对体育训练竞技比赛中的战略战术、行为目标、技术方案选择与运用

    The paper introduces the protocols and basic components of QoS, then expatiates the conception and the basic principles of policy control QoS, moreover.


  • 教练员策略控制是指教练员在客观条件下对体育训练竞技比赛中的战略战术、行为目标、技术方案选择与运用

    The paper introduces the protocols and basic components of QoS, then expatiates the conception and the basic principles of policy control QoS, moreover.


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