• 昨天地区发生过零星战斗

    There was spasmodic fighting in the area yesterday.


  • 战斗发生地区丘陵起伏,树木茂密

    The areas where the fighting is taking place are hilly and densely wooded.


  • 这个地区3个月激烈战斗现场

    The area has been the scene of fierce fighting for three months.


  • 我们现在战斗为了阻止他们增援部队派前线地区参加军事行动。”LaNan周一告诉《伊洛瓦底》

    "We are fighting now to prevent them sending reinforcements to the frontier areas for military operations, "said La Nan, speaking to The Irrawaddy on Monday.


  • 我们现在战斗为了阻止他们增援部队派前线地区参加军事行动。”周一告诉《伊瓦底》记者

    "We are fighting now to prevent them sending reinforcements to the frontier areas for military operations," said La Nan, speaking to the Irrawaddy on Monday.


  • 竞争工作加州美国海军陆战队地面战斗中心进行,该中心洛山东部莫哈韦沙漠地区拥有数量众多的设备

    The competition will be at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, Calif. — a vast installation in the Mojave Desert region east of Los Angeles.


  • 尼日利亚南部三角洲地区发生激烈战斗,当地主要叛军石油公司24消失疏散员工

    After heavy fighting in the Delta region in southern Nigeria, the main rebel group there told oil companies to evacuate their staff within 24 hours.


  • 其它较大欧洲盟军部署较为平静的阿富汗北部地区,它们也不愿意卷入南部战斗

    Other big European Allies are deployed in the quietish north of Afghanistan, and reluctant to become involved in the fight in the south.


  • 每次美国航母战斗驶入该海域时,由于处于那些反舰导弹有效射程之内,所以无论是进入还是离开,都会加剧地区紧张局势

    And every time a U.S. carrier strike group sails into this area where these anti-ship missiles are active — that, in and of itself, is going to raise tensions.


  • 如果这些地区带走蚂蚁他们不会战斗

    If you take ants from any of those locations, they don't fight.


  • 每次美国航母战斗驶入该海域时,由于处于那些反舰导弹有效射程之内,所以无论是进入还是离开,都会加剧地区的紧张局势。

    S. carrier strike group sails into this area where these anti-ship missiles are active — that, in and of itself, is going to raise tensions.


  • 他们战斗一窍不懂,而且赫尔曼德地区,他们实际是也是外来人

    They were green to combat and virtually foreigners themselves, here in the Helmand.


  • 去年瓦特地区的三百万人民战斗无家可归美国的帮助下国家灾难管理局成立了。 但该局只有几十人员电脑数量更少

    The National Disaster Management Authority, set up at America’s expense after 3m people were displaced by fighting in the Swat area last year, had only a dozen staff and fewer computers.


  • 去年瓦特地区的三百万人民战斗无家可归美国的帮助下国家灾难管理局成立了。

    The National Disaster Management Authority, set up at America’s expense after 3m people were displaced by fighting in the Swat area last year


  • 但是斐济人捕获了很多食草动物比如:长喙鸟,以至于没有鱼同本地区海藻战斗,这些海藻开始蔓延,覆盖海床60%。

    But where Fijians spear lots of herbivores such as bird-beaked parrotfish, few fish remain to prune back the region's seaweeds, a blanket term for many types of big algae.


  • 法国长久以来都向动荡地区大量出售武器战斗包括(直到现在)利比亚在内

    France has long been a big seller of weapons and fighter jets in the region, including (until now) to Libya.


  • 同时,整个喜马拉雅地区铁锨已经加入了战斗之中

    In the meantime, battle is joined with pick and shovel across the Himalayas.


  • 许多敌方战斗人员摩苏尔城市赶走,目前企图乡村地区重新集结

    He says many combatants have been forced from cities like Mosul and are now attempting to regroup in villages and rural areas.


  • 霍姆斯联合国安理会说,战争地区平民以及试图帮助他们援助工作者正在越来越多地成为战斗人员武装组织的袭击目标

    John Holmes told the U.N. Security Council that civilians as well as the aid workers who are trying to help them are increasingly targeted by combatants and armed groups in conflict zones.


  • 他说:“过去相比,巴基斯坦联邦直辖部落地区外国战斗人员明显增多不想具体

    There are clearly more foreign fighters in the FATA, than have been there in the past, and I wouldn't get into any specifics.


  • 对斯瓦特地区武装分子战斗巴基斯坦任何别的地方更具破坏性。

    The campaign of the Swat militants has been the most destructive anywhere in Pakistan.


  • 对斯瓦特地区武装分子战斗巴基斯坦任何别的地方更具破坏性。

    The campaign of the Swat militants has been the most destructive anywhere in Pakistan.


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