• 战如

    Ashes of soldiers South or North.


  • 那段激动人心岁月里,他经历了伏击(1778年的布鲁·林克斯之),被俘(布曾为肖尼人所俘,后来逃脱),营救绝望保卫

    These were stirring years of ambushes (such as Blue Licks in 1778), captures (Boone was seized but escaped from the Shawnees), rescues, and desperate defenses.


  • 即使是现在中国正在获得武器精确打击反弹道导弹迫使美国航母进入西太平洋,这远远超出舰基f - 35半径

    Even now, China is acquiring weapons, such as accurate anti-ship ballistic missiles, that will push American carriers out into the western Pacific, well beyond the range of seaborne F-35s.


  • 其他影响因素还有,西班牙本地市场价格

    Other factors include a number of price wars in local markets such as Spain.


  • 美国以前的攻击类似,可以携带鹞式飞机()海军队垂直降落的F - 35 B联合攻击斗机

    Like previous assault ships, America can carry Harrier jump jets (pictured) and, eventually, the Marines' vertical-landing F-35B Joint Strike Fighter.


  • 意味着,美国将购买不那么简短却足够廉价装备F-35斗机不是F-22这样华而不实的高精尖端武器

    This means trading off“exquisite” top-end equipment, such as the F-22 fighter, for less capable but cheaper stuff, like the F-35 joint-strike fighter being made with several other allies.


  • 欧文认为这场Facebook用户争夺中,规模较小供应商MixcloudRdio最终会被淘汰出局。

    Irwin believes smaller providers, such as Mixcloud and Rdio, will eventually fall to the wayside in the battle for Facebook's users.


  • 1917年,期间妇女进入很多重工业领域工作煤矿化工公共交通建设。

    During WWI women move into many jobs working in heavy industry in mining, chemical manufacturing, automobile and railway plants.


  • 惠普公司(Hewlett - Packard)瞻博网络(Juniper Net works)这样竞争对手一直交换机低端路由器市场上发动价格试图推动销量对抗全球经济衰退带来的影响。

    Competitors like Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) and Juniper Networks (JNPR) have been waging a price war in switches and low-end routers, trying to boost volume in the face of a weak global economy.


  • 华盛顿特区布鲁金斯学会李侃(Kenneth Lieberthal)所言,意味着讨论太空网络等议题

    As Kenneth Lieberthal, of the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC, argues, it also means talking about such issues as space and cyber-warfare.


  • 时至今日,一结束90,这些画家的法国参观者感到阴郁的作品,仍然既往地给人么留下了深刻印象

    Ninety years after the conflict ended, their bleak images, as the Maillol's visitors have found, still make as deep an impression as they ever did.


  • 雅虎可能裁员消息,使其他网络公司googleFacebook闻风而动,进行一场人才争夺

    Word of possible layoffs at Yahoo comes as other Internet companies, including Google Inc. , Facebook Inc. , and others are on hiring sprees.


  • 雅虎可能裁员消息,使其他网络公司google,Facebook闻风而动,进行一场人才争夺

    Word of possible layoffs at Yahoo comes as other Internet companies, including Google inc., Facebook inc., and others are on hiring sprees.


  • 充气人群”是圣莫尼卡一家公司,《钢铁2》、《 斗士》、《世纪疫》等电影就大量使用了这家公司提供栩栩的充气假人。

    company that supplies seas of lifelike blow-up dolls to films like Iron Man 2, The Fighter, and Contagion.


  • 英语中,常被用来形容词,用在短语中游击游击营销

    In English, it's most commonly used as an adjective, in phrases like "guerrilla warfare" or "guerrilla marketing."


  • 德国人善于相对较小范围,较时间良好天气条件下发动闪电入侵波兰法国南斯拉夫希腊

    A relatively short-range and short-time Blitzkrieg in good weather, as the invasions of Poland, France, Yugoslavia and Greece were, is one thing, and the Germans excelled there.


  • 德国马歇尔基金会康斯坦斯•斯坦米勒女士所说,德国仍是一个自我克制的国家,这点较其他胜利国有所不同

    Yet unlike the victors of the second world war it remains, in the words of Constanze Stelzenmüller of the German Marshall Fund, a "self-shackled republic".


  • 鲁迅生前,椽巨敌人、与庸众、与论敌、与自己

    Luxun used his pen to fight the enemy, the mediocre persons, and oneself while he was living.


  • “计算机网络的空间去年姆(宫)研究所的报道说“这种黑客行为应该当做第五次空间,对比传统争领域,陆地空中海洋,外太空。”

    "Cyberspace, " read a Chatham House cyber security report from last year, "should be viewed as the 'fifth battlespace', alongside the more traditional arenas of land, air, sea and space".


  • 现有海盗船队名字国家志愿海岸警卫队索马里索马里海军陆证明海盗最初动机

    The names of existing pirate fleets, such as the National Volunteer Coastguard of Somalia or Somali Marines, are testament to the pirates' initial motivations.


  • 意味着,美国将购买不那么简短却足够廉价装备F-35斗机不是F-22这样华而不实的高精尖端武器

    This means trading off"exquisite" top-end equipment, such as the F-22 fighter, for less capable but cheaper stuff, like the F-35 joint-strike fighter being made with several other allies.


  • 中国不能这场争夺中有所作为,那往后几年钾肥进口价,铁矿石一样,受制于人

    If China is not able to make a difference in this battle, import price of potassium fertilizer in coming few years will probably like iron ore, under control by others.


  • 我们该悼钱塞煤媚利用进步医疗保健展开穷贫天域

    We should put the money into better use, like improving medical care and developing poor areas.


  • 意义以后我叫约翰,十年以后变革很年夜,我古曾经25了,我一个赖煤媚野,我的老婆孩子可亲怙恃,我的野庭亲善

    After ten years of my My name is John, ten years after I changed a lot, I've now 25 years old, I have a wonderful family, my wife, children and my amiable parents, my family is very harmonious.


  • 木质船身的观察者号,时期曾作为扫雷艇服役,改装艘可容纳12名乘客的游览,在阿拉斯加内海通道光滑镜的水面上滑过

    Observer, a wooden-hulled, World War II-era minesweeper that has been converted to a 12-passenger cruising yacht, glides through glassy water in Alaska's Inside Passage.


  • 木质船身的观察者号,时期曾作为扫雷艇服役,改装艘可容纳12名乘客的游览,在阿拉斯加内海通道光滑镜的水面上滑过

    Observer, a wooden-hulled, World War II-era minesweeper that has been converted to a 12-passenger cruising yacht, glides through glassy water in Alaska's Inside Passage.


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