• 斯坦伯格:“战争造成损失提醒我们这个协议代表前景以及在我们试图确保悲剧不再发生同时所涉及的利害关系。

    That legacy of loss provides a reminder of the promise that this agreement represents, but also its stakes for the future as we try to make sure that this tragedy does not happen again.


  • 作为列宁格勒一位普通工人唯一活下来儿子出生俄罗斯称之为伟大的卫国战争”之后(俄罗斯这场战争损失了2600万)。

    The only surviving son of a Leningrad factory worker, he was born after what the Russians call the Great Patriotic War, in which they lost more than 26 million people.


  • 近期的一次采访中亚历山大被问到是否美国赢得网络战争他回应道,“认为,现在一旦网络战争打响,我们损失惨重当然我们敌手也不能幸免。”

    Asked in a recent interview whether the U.S. could win a cyber war, Alexander responded, "I believe that we would suffer tremendously if a cyber war were conducted today, as would our adversaries."


  • 英国对阿富汗行动意见分化尤其严重,711天里损失15名士兵,引起英国公众强烈反响。7月是阿富汗战争开始以来北约盟军死伤最惨重一个月。

    It has been an especially divisive issue in Britain, where a public outcry followed the loss of 15 soldiers in 11 days in July, the deadliest month for allied forces since the start of the war.


  • 海地的一国际法院判处厄立特里亚向埃塞尔比亚支付数百万美元赔偿埃方在交战所遭受的损失,该战争持续两年。

    An international tribunal in The Hague has ruled that Eritrea will have to pay Ethiopia millions of dollars in compensation for damage done during a two-year war between the two countries.


  • 任何事情,包括爱子归来,都无法弥补您以及千百万美国家庭这场灾难性战争中所饱受的巨大损失

    Nothing, not even the safe return of a beloved son, can compensate you or the thousands of other American families who have suffered great loss in this tragic war.


  • 历史千奇百怪战争借口层出不穷,一家糕饼损失而兴兵征伐一个国家真是合理的借口吗?

    Highly creative justifications for war have been made throughout history. But is invading a country on account of damage to a pastry shop really justifiable?


  • 基于战争经济成本概念,分别从战争经济投入战争经济损失战争人力资本损失战争后续成本四个方面探讨战争经济成本的主要内容

    Based on the concept of the economic costs of war, this paper study the content of economic costs of war which contains economic input of war, economic losses of war, human capital losses of.


  • 本文中,谈一包含关于苏联武装力量战争中的损失情况其他资料——关于档案馆中的保存档案。

    In the present article I would like to talk about another source which contains information about losses in the Armed Forces of the USSR during the war - about documents which are preserved in TsAMO.


  • 合作关系破裂组织机构成功造成的损失令人震惊。“舍本逐末”每年都会企业个人带来数十亿美元成本,和真正战争别无二致。

    And the cost of failed partnerships to organizational success can be staggering. Not unlike true war, the "Side Show" costs businesses and people billions of dollars every single year.


  • 昨天日本夏威夷群岛袭击使美国海军陆军军力遭受了严重损失很遗憾告诉诸位战争夺去了很多美国人的生命。

    The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost.


  • 昨天日本夏威夷群岛袭击使美国海军陆军军力遭受了严重损失很遗憾告诉诸位战争夺去了很多美国人的生命。

    The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost.


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