• 不论小米怎么包括一些朋友觉得一幕苹果乔布斯致敬”的发布会

    No matter how millet or Lei Jun said, I and my friends all think this is a scene in "to the apple and Jobs tribute" conference.


  • 方法:分别将MEBO或雷夫奴尔纱条外敷创面,外层无菌纱面覆盖固定每日24

    Method: MEBO gauze was applied to the wounds and then covered and fixed with sterile gauze 2 to 4 times a day. Rivanol gauze was used as a control.


  • 牙买加音乐完全不同北美爵士乐布鲁斯音乐

    Jamaican reggae music is quite distinct from North American jazz or blues.


  • 西发现大多数成年移民精通农业手工艺受过教育,并且家庭为单位组织行事

    Cressy finds that most adult immigrants were skilled in farming or crafts, were literate, and were organized in families.


  • 渔民·特纳纽约德拉支流手工建造了这个V 字形石头溢流称鱼梁。

    Fisherman Ray Turner hand-built the V-shaped stone overflow dam, in the East Branch of the Delaware River in New York.


  • 2001年,上海找到了一份工作由于收入高,开始利用业余时间书店图书馆阅读古诗相关书籍

    In 2001, the younger Lei found a job in Shanghai and began to read books related to ancient poems at bookstores or libraries in his spare time, since he didn't make much money.


  • 西利用当代文学证据船运单海关记录发现大多数成年移民精通农业手工艺识字家庭为单位组织起来

    Using contemporary literary evidence, shipping lists, and customs records, Cressy finds that most adult immigrants were skilled in farming or crafts, were literate, and were organized in families.


  • 患有感冒流感儿童青少年应该服用阿司匹林缓解疼痛因为这会有综合症风险氏综合症是一种罕见严重肝脏和中枢神经系统疾病

    Children and teens with a cold or flu should not take aspirin for pain relief because of the risk of Reye syndrome, a rare but serious condition of the liver and central nervous system.


  • 琴,一个衣衫褴褛的小女孩,没有和其他人争吵打架,而是静静地站在远离他们的地方。

    Gretchen, a poorly-dressed little girl, did not argue or fight with the rest, but remained standing quietly far away from them.


  • 服用抗凝药物比如法林肝素抗血小板聚集药物(阿司匹林)——一般情况下,在结肠镜检前应明停止服用这些药物,以防出血不止。

    Are taking any blood-thinning drugs (such as warfarin or heparin) or antiplatelet medication (such as aspirin or clopidogrel)


  • 片神奇海滩就是画布,到那里只能小船危险的攀爬

    And this amazing beach, accessible only by boat or a treacherous climb, is Gray's canvas.


  • 但是,勒格申辩这些人同样能带来经济利益而且不会极少影响到"当地工人就业前景

    Yet, argues Mr Legrain, they too bring economic benefits and do “little or no harm” to the wages or employment prospects of native workers.


  • 渔民·特纳纽约德拉瓦河东支流手工建造了这个V字形石头溢流称鱼梁的墙壁漏过的鳗鱼进入木制收集架内

    Fisherman Ray Turner hand-built the V-shaped stone overflow dam, or weir, in the East Branch of the Delaware River in New York; its walls funnel eels into a wooden collecting rack.


  • 这些年来有幸了解到了黑猩猩一些令人惊奇性格奥丽迈克、麦克格先生每个猩猩都独特的性格

    I had been privileged to know some amazing chimp characters over the years... Olly, Mike, Mr. McGregor, each with his or her unique personality.


  • 曼尼·阿尔瓦斯医生:没有相处的同事朋友家人呢?

    Dr.Manny Alvarez: Who doesn't have a difficult colleague, friend, or family member?


  • 任何理想的无论他是否通过研究西亚统任何其他人格言来学习如何统治世界多少有点值得怀疑,其原因前面讨论箴言的时候已经说过了。

    Whether any ideal person will learn to rule the world by studying Gracian's or any one else's maxims is somewhat more doubtful, for reasons I have given above in discussing proverbs.


  • 很多受欢迎艺人很害羞包括美国电视节目主持人约翰·卡大卫·德曼不过舞台面对镜头他们会很放松,巴杜

    Many popular entertainers, including American TV show hosts Johnny Carson and David Letterman, are shy but feel more at ease when they're on stage or on camera, Zimbardo says.


  • 研究表明如果被迫排队人群等待,本来深明事理的人会失去理智,甚至暴跳

    Studies show that otherwise rational people act irrationally when forced to stand in line or wait in crowds, even becoming violent.


  • 如果·普兰德利的球队保持、取得比他们过去两个赛季里第四更好的成绩,那么就理所应当作为核心展开比赛

    If Cesare Prandelli's side are to match, or even better, their fourth-placed finish of the last two years, it goes without saying he will have a central role to play.


  • 罗慕洛谋杀双胞胎兄弟摩斯,亲弟埃布尔,不都是为了创建谋杀吗,为了创建城市人类文明

    What was Romulus' murder of Remus or Cain's murder of Abel,? But the kind of murder that founded, at the basis of the founding of cities and civilizations?


  • 我们到关于辐射接触人们,我们西韦特来表示辐射吸收剂量的单位用来衡量全身辐射生物学效应

    When we talk about people being exposed to radiation, we use units called rems or sieverts, which measure the biological effect for whole-body radiation.


  • 可能会认为身体语言表现出特综合症似的抽搐那些没有患图特综合症的,缺少对大脑的控制力。

    You might think that someone who exhibits the physical and verbal tics of Tourette has less control of hismind than do non-Tourette people.


  • 但是如果公共建筑上个月蒙特市中心的一家酒吧那样点燃发生发生枪战,民众不安就自然迅速相互传染开

    But if public buildings are being torched or shot up, as a city-centre bar was last month in Monterrey, the jitters will quickly, and rightly, spread.


  • 但是如果公共建筑上个月蒙特市中心的一家酒吧那样点燃发生发生枪战,民众不安就自然迅速相互传染开

    But if public buildings are being torched or shot up, as a city-centre bar was last month in Monterrey, the jitters will quickly, and rightly, spread.


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