• 家庭得到嫁妆,或者甚至可能嫁入一个有较高社会地位的家庭。

    Poorer families can either get a dowry or maybe even marry into a family of higher social standing.


  • 然后传递这些计算机信号,操控电脑屏上光标或者机器人手臂活动手臂,或者甚至可能肌肉刺激器来让瘫痪的手臂重新动起来。

    And then deliver those computer signals either to guide the computer cursor on the screen or onto robotic arm to move the arm or perhaps even muscle stimulators to re-animate the paralyzed arm.


  • 如果马上治愈,甚至可能屋顶或者暴露类似的危险中。

    She might even climb the roof, or be exposed to similar dangers, if she was not cured at once.


  • 它们也许如画一般甚至富有诗意或者它们可能平庸甚至微不足道

    They may be picturesque, even poetical; or they may be pedestrian, even trivial.


  • 还说近来大多数连续事件可能团伙所为,或者甚至是某个体所为。

    The most recent series, he says, could be the work of one group, or even an individual.


  • 考虑日历可能不会每个小时或者甚至每天更改这样非常浪费的。

    This is rather wasteful, considering the calendar is probably not changing every hour or even every day.


  • 或者可能甚至希望自己成为一名指导设计师

    Or you may even decide to become an instructional designer yourself!


  • 如果检查食用份量,你可能在吃或者甚至倍你所期望卡路里

    If you don't check the serving size, you could be eating double or even triple the calories you expected.


  • 也许面试今天早晨另一半吵架了,或者面试官生病了。甚至可能什么原因都没有,面试官今天就是心情不好。

    Perhaps the interviewer fought with his or her spousethat morning, or perhaps the interviewer is sick. Or perhaps, for no reason, the interviewer is just in a foul mood.


  • 现代社会里我们习惯我们觉得舒服东西以致任何东西都可能我们造成伤害或者甚至只是对我们造成不便,于是我们充满恐惧,需要保护

    In the modern world we are so used to our comforts that we are fearful of, and demand protection from, anything that might hurt us or even just inconvenience us.


  • 可能打字错误拼写错误或者甚至想到事情忘记写了。

    There may be typos, spelling errors or even things you thought about writing but forgot too add.


  • 他们可能月球轨道或者地球金星之间太阳轨道,甚至有一降落月球上。

    They could go into lunar orbit or into solar orbit halfway between the Earth and Venus, or one day even land on the moon.


  • 于是这个代表这个IT系统或者一部分分析状态拓扑模型可能不能表现那个单元所有性能或者需求(或者甚至成员)。

    Thus the topology model, which represents the analytical state of the it system or its piece, may not be able to express all of the capabilities or requirements (or even the members) of that unit.


  • 或者仅仅所在行业甚至可能是你所在社区中的某位,只要他获得旁人敬重

    It might merely be someone in your industry, or possibly even someone in the community that's earned the respect of others.


  • 对于国家货车司机来说可能甚至缴纳通行税或者平常不过了

    For lorry drivers in poor countries, for example, it can be even more commonplace than paying tolls or taxes.


  • 根据目前存在多种疗法来看,毫无疑问其中有些确实有效,而其他的则可能无效的,或者甚至有害的。

    Given the many therapies in existence, there can be little doubt that some of them do what they are supposed to. Many others are likely to be ineffective or can even be harmful.


  • 遵从以下几个简单规则外出就餐时可能保持营养饮食甚至出外或者路上

    Following a few simple rules when you are eating out will make it possible to maintain your nutritious diet, even when you are away from home or on the road.


  • 现有协议或者已有数据存储转移数据的协议,可能需要支持其他数据集,甚至使用UTF - 8之外的默认编码。

    For existing protocols or protocols that move data from existing data stores, support of other charsets, or even using a default other than UTF-8, may be a requirement.


  • 这个下来只是表明遇到不对或者环境不对,或者可能甚至有点说得太露骨了,有些事情错了

    Don't let this close you off, remember this just means that wasn't the right person, circumstances or perhaps even a little closer to home, there were other things going wrong.


  • 多巴胺角色通常喜欢或者渴望捆绑甚至可能还与一种名为突显性质事物相捆绑。

    The role of dopamine is tied up with both liking and wanting, and it's probably even tied up with something more general called salience.


  • 那些对于冷风过敏的人可能因为冷空气而产生疹子皮肤红肿或者头晕甚至死亡

    People who are allergic to cold, the rash, red skin them, catches them fainting, shock or even death.


  • 隐形眼镜使用者可能会患严重细菌感染或者甚至失明

    Users of these lenses can potentially get a serious bacterial infection or lose their eyesight.


  • 敲击或者重金属音乐可以随意获得虽然利害音乐恐吓可能甚至选择试验爵士乐或者马耳他民乐

    Rap and heavy metal music is freely available though more fiendish musical terroriser might even choose experimental jazz or Maltese folk music.


  • 要达到这个目的,可以使用错误注射引擎(Fault Injection Engine)或者调试器(debugger),甚至可能仅仅只需要手动把一个写到相关内存区就行

    You might do this with a fault injection engine or a debugger, or maybe just by poking a value into memory by hand.


  • 英国全国生育基金(National ChildbirthTrust) 疾闪电发出警告,“症状可能导致早产或者流产甚至新生儿缺陷”。

    Quick as a flash the National Childbirth Trust warned that "symptoms could lead to premature labour or a miscarriage, or even cause birth defects".


  • 或者减10十分显著甚至可能带来问题但是认为不能阻止生命的产生,”Barnes说道

    "Plus - or minus-10 would certainly be noticeable and may be a problem, but I don't think it would prevent life from coming about," Barnes said.


  • 遵守一个要求时组织必须避免太快地实现系统以至于采用第二或者第三个需求集合变得困难甚至可能

    In complying with one mandate, organizations must avoid implementing new systems so rigid that they would make adopting a second or third set of requirements difficult or impossible.


  • 目标可能改善他人生活宽容或者甚至保存一份TV节目的活动

    Your cause may be a charity that improves others' lives, or even a campaign to save a TV show.


  • 目标可能改善他人生活宽容或者甚至保存一份TV节目的活动

    Your cause may be a charity that improves others' lives, or even a campaign to save a TV show.


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