• 可以课题手工作品或者一项研究并且需要与你所申请的专业有关

    This could be a class project, a piece of artifact you built, or a research, and it doesn't have to be related to our program.


  • 我们无法知道胎儿是否快乐或者悲伤的感觉,但是伦敦做的一项研究发现小宝宝第35周就能够识别痛感了。

    It is impossible to know if an unborn baby can feel happy or sad, but a new study conducted in London has found a baby can distinguish pain from 35 weeks.


  • 研究1中,参与者告知他们一项关于愤怒测试得分或者

    In Study 1, participants were given feedback that they had scored high or low on an anger test.


  • 根据今年九月一项研究显示,宇航员呆着太空手套工作或者训练指甲容易掉落,特别是手比较的那波人。

    Astronauts with wider hands are more likely to have their fingernails fall off after working or training in space suit gloves, according to a study released in September.


  • 英国刑事律师进行一项研究表明超过三分之二曾偷过公司的文具用品,朋友复制光盘或者店铺少收钱时保持沉默

    More than two-thirds of people have stolen stationery from work, copied CDs for friends, or kept quiet when undercharged in shops, a study by British criminal lawyers shows.


  • 去年一项研究表明全世界五分之珊瑚礁已经死亡或者破坏了剩下部分也受到越来越严重气候改变影响

    Last year a study showed that one-fifth of the world's coral reefs have died or been destroyed and the remainder are increasingly vulnerable to the effects of climate change.


  • 斯坦福大学教授克利福德·奈斯引用一项研究来说明,胎儿只母亲声音做出反应不会对其他女性或者其父亲的声音做出反应。

    Stanford University professor Clifford Nass cites a study in which fetuses react to their mother's voice, but not to other female voices or their father's voice.


  • 研究表明那些出生早已养着狗或者家庭孩子容易哮喘

    There have been other studies which suggest that children born into a household that already has a dog or a cat are less likely to develop asthma.


  • 不幸是,很多——或者大多数——美国人摄取量不足,这个结论是根据丹佛科罗拉多大学医学博士流行病学家阿迪特·金德(AditGinde)的一项研究得出的。

    But manyperhaps mostAmericans fall short, according to research by epidemiologist Adit Ginde, MD, at the University of Colorado, Denver.


  • 一项加利福尼亚州研究发现该州移动电话拨打紧急呼叫电话中,多达45%的无谓轻率或者恶作剧

    A California study found that as many as 45 percent of the emergency calls placed from cell phones in the state were frivolous or prank calls.


  • 如果出游并且尽量减少气候影响最佳选择就是火车,公共汽车或者乘船新的研究发现飞机稍次的选择,自驾车最差。

    If you have to travel and you want to make as little impact as possible on the climate, your best bet is to go by train, bus or even ship, found a new study. Airplanes are the next best option.


  • 一项2002年研究发现,比起基因相差甚远或者完全相同男性女性那些基因自己相似的男性气味感兴趣。

    A 2002 study found women prefer the scent of men with genes somewhat similar to their own over the scent of nearly genetically identical or totally dissimilar men.


  • 项研究发现,连续四周每天早晨能将高密度脂蛋白水平或者说是“良性”胆固醇的水平提升21%。

    One study found that drinking three glasses of orange juice a day for four weeks raised levels of HDL, or "good" cholesterol, by 21 percent.


  • 据费舍尔项研究表明外遇女人中,34%婚姻快乐或者非常快乐。

    In one of her studies, Fisher found that 34% of women who had affairs were happy or very happy in their marriage.


  • 然后他们可以调查患者的背景吸烟史这样比较明显联系或者根据最近项研究提议,寻找像饮料温度这样意料之外因素

    They can then search patients’ backgrounds for contributing factors as obvious as smoking or for unexpected links, like beverage temperature, as one recent study suggested.


  • 一项关于喝酒量对夫妻生育能力的影响的研究发现女性每周葡萄酒或者男性每天喝啤酒的话,那么成功怀孕的可能就会减少

    Research into alcohol consumption among couples being treated at a fertility clinic found fewer successful pregnancies when the women drank several glasses of wine a week, or the man had a daily beer.


  • 尽管新的研究表明神秘悲伤或者快乐的形式遍布全美,但是背后原因我们却知之甚少

    While the new study identifies an intriguing pattern of gloom and glee across the country, the factors behind the pattern are less clear.


  • 根据项研究调查大约三分之二年轻女子她们火车或者地铁车厢里被人过。

    According to one survey, nearly two-thirds of young women say they have been touched inappropriately in train or underground carriages.


  • 一项研究称,每晚睡眠时间不足小时将大大提高心脏病或者中风几率

    Sleeping for less than six hours a night greatly increases the risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke, a study has found.


  • 一项研究结果,女性微笑男性无太兴趣;她们倒是更喜欢那些看上去傲慢自大、强硬或者忧郁害羞的男性。

    They are least attracted to smiling men, instead preferring those who looked proud and powerful, or moody and ashamed, according to a study.


  • 日本四大手机运营商做的一项研究报告却发现没有证据表明来自手机无线电波人体细胞或者脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)造成损害

    But a study by Japan’s four mobile telephone operators found no evidence that radio waves from the phones harmed cells or DNA.


  • 如果其中或者多个测试用例失败了,那么底部总结(这里空白的)向您报告一项测试或者哪几测试需要研究

    If one or more test cases did fail, the summary at the bottom (here, it's blank) would report which test or tests require investigation.


  • 根据一项研究表明太少或者太多Facebook朋友会大幅减少社交魅力:300人认为是最佳数字

    According to one study, having too few or too many Facebook friends greatly decreases your social attractiveness: 300 was judged the optimal number.


  • 项研究中,相对喝茶或者咖啡因咖啡来说,这些每天咖啡因的咖啡的人直肠癌几率减少

    In one study, people who drank 2 cups a day of decaf coffee had half the risk of rectal cancer, compared with tea or caffeinated coffee drinkers.


  • 芝加哥大学研究发现,“没有证据显示分数会得益于所谓的考试或者是进行场完全的定时的模拟考试以外方法。”

    A new study from the University of Chicago found "no evidence that scores benefit from learning testing strategies or from practicing on test questions outside of taking a full, timed practice test."


  • 最近项研究发现网站提供侵权数字内容或者仿造比如非法电影下载非法仿造软件每年记录达五千三百万起。

    A recent study found that Web sites offering pirated digital content or counterfeit goods, like illicit movie downloads or bootleg software, record 53 billion hits per year.


  • 内科学文献一项新的研究显示,婚姻不幸或者关系不好你的心不好。

    According to a new study a bad marriage or bad relationship could be bad for your heart.


  • 根据印度一项研究所作出测算每位癫痫病例每年所花费费用为344美元(或者人均收入的88%)。

    An Indian study calculated that the total cost per epilepsy case was US$ 344 per year (or 88% of the average income per capita).


  • 根据印度一项研究所作出测算每位癫痫病例每年所花费费用为344美元(或者人均收入的88%)。

    An Indian study calculated that the total cost per epilepsy case was US$ 344 per year (or 88% of the average income per capita).


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