• 需要做出改变的时候,每次用或者一个小时去做。

    Take it one day, or hour, at a time if you need.


  • 相反必须至少一个小时走路骑车或者游泳

    Instead, you have to go for a walk, ride a bike, or swim at least an hour.


  • 甚至可以一个保姆或者请你朋友每天你家几个小时喂孩子们吃饭,让他们按时睡觉

    You can even have a babysitter or friend come in for an hour or so each night to help everyone eat and get ready for bed.


  • 其中方案协助照看这些表演人员或者小时左右他们到达之后做好组织工作,然后他们在一起,确保一切顺利进行。

    One possibility is to help look after the entertainers, or you could spend an hour or so organising people as they arrive, and then just be part of the team making sure everything's going smoothly.


  • 我们人类社会中,当一个孩子的父母因为某种或多种原因不幸去世,或者其父母病重而无法照顾自己时,这个孩子就得找一个寄养家庭,尤其当他还是个婴儿或年龄较小时

    In our human society, when a child's parents meet their unfortunate deaths for a certain reason or reasons, or its parents become too sick to look after it, this child will have to find a foster family, especially when it is a baby or at a very young age.


  • 大多数不会早上醒来一个小时想像冥思或者自我肯定而且他们首先的事情他们今天什么?

    Most people won’t wake up and waste an hour visualizing, meditating, or affirming, and the first thing they think about is asking what do I need to do today?


  • 应该工作一个小时就站起来休息分钟左右喝点水或者只是隔壁格子间里

    You should get up about five minutes every hour to get out of your chair, get a drink, or just walk to the next cubicle.


  • 就寝一个小时允许做些轻松活动新闻或者回复电子邮件并不指望

    Allow one hour before bedtime for a relaxing activity. Watching the news or answering e-mails does not count!


  • 给自己设定最短工作时间十五或者二十分钟,甚至是小时期间只做项目

    Set yourself a minimum work time; it might be fifteen or twenty minutes or even an hour, and then work on just one project during that time.


  • “没有哪个人机会或者需要一个小时播出节目埃及卡塔尔或者沙特或者摩洛哥影响这样的节目,”坚称

    "Nobody had the chance nor the need to have an hour on air about the possible impact of Egypt on Qatar, nor on Saudi, nor on Morocco," he insisted.


  • 自然包围里可以练习20分钟一个小时或者更长

    Out here in nature, you can practice the art for 20 minutes, an hour, or even longer.


  • 本周潜艇地中海蔚蓝的海岸呆了一个小时,期间它完全由手动操作,或者说完全螺旋桨驱动

    The vessel managed an hour under water in the Mediterranean waters off the Cote d'Azur this week and is entirely controlled by hand or pedal.


  • 正视恐惧自己一些时间尝试允许自己摆脱不必要需求可能就一个小时一天或者一周

    Face the fears, and give yourself a little trial period - allow yourself to let go of the need, but just for an hour, or a day. Just for a week.


  • 一个小时过去了或者久,你不断重复过程,越等待越生气烦躁,于是用抽烟来发泄郁闷的情绪。

    An hour or so later you call back and repeat the process, more nicotine-deprived and angry.


  • 用户不管什么时候访问,微博风云总是准备好了小时或者今天乃至本周最热门趋势

    Be the hottest trends of last hour, or today or even this week, Weibo's Board of Fame is always prepared to tell you what are trends that users really into in the specified time.


  • 可以小时或者

    It could be a second. It could be an hour. It could be a year.


  • 就是超出直接成本部分(可以单位设定产品或者小时服务)。

    This is the amount of money you get over and above your direct costs for each unit you sell. (you can define your unit as either a product or hour of service.)


  • 年前的联系人终于认可小时或者一天Facebook上阅读朋友们如何准备晚饭一些这样东西时人生短暂

    A YEAR ago, your correspondent decided life was too short to spend an hour or so a day reading what friends on Facebook were about to cook for supper or some such thing.


  • 同时Lampoldshausen硫酸铁系统能够一个或者两个小时处理4,500废水

    The iron-sulphate system at Lampoldshausen, meanwhile, is capable of treating 4, 500 litres of waste water in an hour or two.


  • 长期缺失睡眠之后早上增加或者两个小时持续复苏行为警觉性的恢复非常好的效果,”Dinges

    "An additional hour or two of sleep in the morning after a period of chronic partial sleep loss has genuine benefits for continued recovery of behavioral alertness," Dinges said.


  • 十五或者是二十分甚至小时期间只做项目

    It might be fifteen or twenty minutes or even an hour, and then work on just one project during that time.


  • 我们很多每天电脑8个小时然后回家,接着在沙发上上网或者电视,从座位屏幕一个座位和屏幕。

    Many of us sit in front of a computer for eight hours a day, and then go home and head for the couch to surf the Web or watch television, exchanging one seat and screen for another.


  • 有经验临床医生一般会为次长时间拜访安排23个小时访谈或者2到三个短时间的访谈。

    An experienced clinician will typically schedule a two - to three-hour interview in one long visit, or two or three shorter ones.


  • 可能要持续工作长的时间(比如小时或者小时)。

    You’ll probably want to work in longer bursts (maybe 30 minutes or an hour).


  • 分钟或者可能小时过去后颇有希望地拥有至少会跳舞饼干人

    And then after a few minutes or maybe an hour, you hopefully have at least one dancing cookie.


  • 如果发现自己想着一整天事情请打住集中中的个个小时或者一个小时,你起床真正事情,然后掀开被子行动!

    If you find yourself running through everything you need to do in the day, stop. Focus on that first half hour or hour of your day - the one thing you really want to get out of bed for.


  • 但是再多回复几封电子邮件或者办公室无所事事一个小时,到底有没有好处呢?

    But is \ there any benefit to responding to those additional emails or hanging around the office for that extra hour?


  • 典型的,生成构建版本中午过后如果集成过程中出现任何问题允许一个或者两个小时时间修改讨论

    The build typically started early in the afternoon, allowing an hour or two for small fixes and discussions if any issues arose from the integration.


  • 典型的,生成构建版本中午过后如果集成过程中出现任何问题允许一个或者两个小时时间修改讨论

    The build typically started early in the afternoon, allowing an hour or two for small fixes and discussions if any issues arose from the integration.


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