• 通常称为服务器聚合网格计算

    This is more commonly called server aggregation or grid computing.


  • 想一想拥有数千个计算节点计算集群网格)。

    Think of a compute cluster or grid composed of thousands of commodity computing nodes.


  • 网格涌流网格流动变化轻轻震颤着。

    The grid shimmers with " current" or grid flux.


  • 另外提示工具网格遮挡必须重新评估只能猜测了。

    Additionally, the values of the points that have been hidden by the tooltip or grid wall had to be estimated: in other words, I guessed.


  • 整理列表网格中的项目时,开发者可以一种新的多选方式用户选择多个项目。

    For managing collections of items in lists or grids, developers can offer a new multiselect mode that lets users choose multiple items for an action.


  • 还有一些人计算一种市场宣传,只不过是技术(效用计算、虚拟化网格计算)换张新面孔

    Others say that cloud computing is marketing hype that puts a new face on old technology, such as utility computing, virtualization, or grid computing.


  • 戴森风扇利用空气倍增技术吸纳空气扩大由于没有转动叶片网格外罩,安静,安全易于清洁

    Dyson fans use Air Multiplier technology to draw in air and amplify it. With no blades or grille, they are safe and easy to clean.


  • 网格局部径向插值(LRPIM)需要借助于任何单元网格进行积分插值,。一种真正网格方法

    The meshless local radial point interpolation method (LRPIM) doesn't need any element or mesh for the purpose of the energy integration or interpolation. Therefore it is a truly meshless method.


  • 对于运行超级集群中的websphereeXtremeScale网格需要桥接任何包含目录服务器集群网格托管集群核心组

    For such a pure WebSphere eXtreme Scale grid running in a super cluster, there is no need to bridge any of the core groups containing the catalog server cluster or the grid hosting clusters.


  • 代理中,可以网格数据执行任何计算操作

    Within an agent, you can perform any calculation or operation on grid data.


  • 单一片段另一工作站上没有故障转移片段,需要依赖其他软件片段才能完成多个网格计算任务会出现问题。

    This is only if the single piece doesn't have a failover piece on another workstation and relies on other pieces of software to accomplish one or more grid computing task.


  • 服务位置透明性资源移动提供了支持,意味着网格可以基于可用性扩展收缩必要还可以移动

    Service location transparency provides for mobility of such resources as well which means that the grid can expand or contract based on availability and move when necessary.


  • 网格中的每个单元格包含文本另外一个GWT小部件

    Each cell in the grid can contain either plain text or another GWT widget.


  • 任何情况下输入数百数千记录需要一定时间,而网格计算方面显著提高处理速度

    In any case, it can take quite a while to enter hundreds or thousands of records and this is where grid computing can speed things up enormously.


  • 网格中的数据可以通过单击列名按钮排序(升序降序)。

    The data in the grid can be sorted (in either ascending or descending order) by clicking the button near the column names.


  • 构建包含大量任务属性(例如网格中的)的高效任务列表可能相当困难

    Building an efficient task list containing a large number of tasks or attributes (for example, columns in a grid) can be rather challenging.


  • 日常实践用不到超级集群但是对于HTTP客户机大型WebSphereeXtremeScale网格确实存在这方面需求可以使用多种方法来解决这个问题。

    The need for a super cluster does not occur in everyday practice, but should it happen for HTTP clients or large WebSphere eXtreme Scale grids, there are ways you can address it.


  • Web服务交互考虑企业中的Web服务是否需要通过网格点对点连接其他企业的Web服务交互

    Web services interaction: Consider whether Web services in your enterprise need to interact with Web services of other enterprises via a grid or point-to-point connection.


  • 这个管理bean注册OracleCoherencegrid - wide管理监测(JMX)框架使能够每个网格结点监测每个测量

    This managed bean is registered with Oracle Coherence grid-wide management and monitoring (JMX) framework making it possible to monitor every Metering or Group from any grid node.


  • GridBlox一个网格可以-列的格式显示关系型多维数据类似电子表格。

    A GridBlox is a tabular grid that can display relational or multidimensional data in a row - and-column format, similar to a spreadsheet.


  • ifx_grid_connect:连接网格运行一个多个SQLddl语句

    Ifx_grid_connect - connect to grid to run one or more SQL DDL statements.


  • Informix GrowthEdition提供附加数据库功能包括任何类型没有限制ER网格集群节点以便在集群发送接收数据更新

    Informix Growth Edition gives you additional database functionality, including unlimited er and grid cluster nodes of any type to send or receive data updates within the cluster.


  • cdrdisablegrid移除授权运行网格例程用户服务器

    CDR disable grid - to remove users or servers that are authorized to run grid routines.


  • 如果装载应用程序系统异常繁忙,那么利用网格计算,应用程序可以格网中空闲充分利用的系统上运行

    With grid computing, if the system housing the application is unusually busy, the application may run on an idle or underutilized system that is part of the grid.


  • 通过所有相关集群中启用停止虚拟应用程序网格容器可以轻松地启动停止

    By starting or stopping the dummy application in all of the relevant clusters, the grid containers can be easily started or stopped.


  • 例如启动停止网格JVM触发视图变更因为服务器确认新的消失成员更新它们可用网格J VM视图。

    For example, starting and stopping grid JVMs will trigger view changes as the servers acknowledge the new or missing member and update their view of the available grid JVMs.


  • 显示网格一台控制客户)计算机控制。

    The display grid is controlled by one or more control (or client) computers.


  • 除了网格本身用于分配任务收集结果中央服务器服务器集群也是网格计算架构的一个不可组件

    Besides the grid itself, a central server or server cluster for distributing the task and collecting the results is a necessary component of grid computing architecture.


  • 除了网格本身用于分配任务收集结果中央服务器服务器集群也是网格计算架构的一个不可组件

    Besides the grid itself, a central server or server cluster for distributing the task and collecting the results is a necessary component of grid computing architecture.


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