• 简化诊断标准为:同时具备舌苔胃脘痞满,即可诊断。

    The simplified diagnostic criteria were characterized the co-existence of yellow and greasy tongue fur and fullness or distension or pain in the stomach.


  • 以上实验结果提供了福尔马林模型中,海马感受反应过程发挥一定作用的电生理证据

    The results imply that both the pain excitatory neuron and the pain in-habitory neuron may play a role in nociception or Dain modulation in the formalin pain model.


  • 过去健康专家曾警告我们即使肺部感染严重咽喉常见疾病有一天也会很难得到医疗护理

    In the past, health experts warned us that the day would come in which it would become very difficult to provide medical care for even common problems such as lung infection or severe sour throat.


  • 过去健康专家曾警告我们,有天,即使肺部感染严重咽喉常见疾病也会很难得到医疗服务。

    In the past, health experts warned us that the day would come in which it would become very difficult to provide medical care for even common problems, such as lung infection or severe sore throat.


  • 乳突乳房出现20%排卵问题妇女中。

    Absence of mastodynia (breast pain or tenderness) occurs in about 20% of women with ovulatory problems.


  • 心因性称为精神性躯体”。

    Psychogenic pain, is also called "psychalgia" or "somatoform pain".


  • 如果脖子试试轻柔地转动脖子丈夫进行快速肩膀按摩

    For the neck, try gentle neck rolls or enlist your husband to give you a quick shoulder rub.


  • 呼吸紧促胸口可以说明心脏猝死危险但是这样的可能性很小而且这也可能年轻人其它健康问题一个信号比如哮喘

    Shortness of breath or chest pain may also be a sign that you're at risk of sudden cardiac death, but these are rare and may be a sign of other health problems in young people, such as asthma.


  • 为了分析大脑如何不同牙齿疼作出反应研究人员利用功能磁共振成像监视牙在受到脉冲刺激活动

    To see how the brain responds to pain emanating from different teeth, the researchers used fMRI to monitor changes in activity when the upper tooth or the lower tooth was zapped.


  • 大多数情况下,这些症状包括一般性综合性疼纤维症,可以通过顺气活血中药解决

    Most of the time all of these problems can be handled with herbs that move Qi and blood, including general pain or syndrome pain like fibromyalgia.


  • 不舒服,感到很卧病在床时我才明白自己以前感冒”做的斗争其对象着凉上呼吸道疾病。

    I was so sick, achy and bedridden that I realized all my other bouts with "flu" were really just bad colds or upper respiratory infections.


  • 狂犬病最初症状发热伤口部位常有异常原因不明的(感觉异常)。

    The initial symptoms of rabies are fever and often pain or an unusual or unexplained tingling, pricking or burning sensation (paraesthesia) at the wound site.


  • 接下来几个月随时但是痊愈后,非常美观,”

    "The next few weeks and months were a little painful at times, but it all healed beautifully," she says.


  • 拜访牙医代名词就是受苦受医治的疗法包括泻药脚上放血

    Visiting the dentist was, literally, a pain in the backside; cures for toothache include drinking laxatives, or bleeding in the foot.


  • 风湿热链球菌感染引起,病童最初症状通常嗓子患扁桃体炎。

    Rheumatic fever is caused by streptococcal bacteria, which usually begins as a sore throat or tonsillitis in children.


  • 随访中,最初先兆发作一次多次女性明显较高小脑损伤风险,这些损伤好像缺血性栓塞。

    At the follow-up, women who originally reported having migrainewith aura once or more a month had a significantly higher riskof having lesions in the cerebellum that appeared to be ischemicinfarcts.


  • 如果疲劳持续半年以上而且非常严重以致无法进行日常活动可能患了慢性疲劳综合症纤维组织

    If your fatigue lasts more than six months and is so severe that you can't manage your daily activities, chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia are a possibility.


  • 感染最初可能毫无症状出现发热皮疹等流感样疾病症状。

    The first few weeks after initial infection, individuals may experience no symptoms or a flu-like illness including fever, headache, rash or sore throat.


  • 他们抱怨衣服标签袜子缝合处所造成的痒,也会对强光刺耳声音臭味一些食品材质而感到畏惧。

    They may complain about scratchy shirt labels or sock seams and recoil from bright lights, harsh sounds, "bad" smells, or certain food textures.


  • 疗法慢性疲劳综合症纤维组织没有速效药,患者通过改变日常活动,养成高质量的睡眠习惯,进行一些适度的锻炼活动成效往往不错。

    Fix: While there's no quick fix for CFS or fibromyalgia, patients often benefit from changing their daily schedule, learning better sleep habits, and starting a gentle exercise program.


  • 与其服用平常药,为什么学习如何自然地治愈呢?

    Instead of taking the usual pain relievers, Why don't you learn how to get rid of fever or cure your headache naturally.


  • 气温试图创下新的纪录不想要就是葛之水泡的刺感。

    When the temperature's out to set new records, the last thing you want is the pain of poison ivy or the burn of a blister.


  • 炎症身体局部组织出现症状通常损伤感染反应

    Inflammation: a localized physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot and often painful, especially as a reaction to injury or infection.


  • 病症如下:手发麻——尤其是小指无名指

    Here are the symptoms: pain or numbness in the hand-especially the pinky and ring fingers.


  • 培训用户精确地报告问题简单方法询问相应问题好的机械师医生那样问:“能否告诉哪里?”

    One simple method of training our users to accurately report problems is by asking them appropriate questions, just like a good car mechanic or doctor: “Can you show me where it hurts?”;


  • 罗勒饮用漱口可减缓

    Water boiled with basil leaves should be taken as a drink, and also used as a gargle to relieve a sore throat.


  • 如果更改了元数据消息(例如服务器变量)的组织方法,更改使用这些元数据和消息的客户机脚本验证函数感到十分头

    If you change the way you organize metadata and messages (such as the server-side classes or variables), you end up changing client script validation functions that use them.


  • 如果更改了元数据消息(例如服务器变量)的组织方法,更改使用这些元数据和消息的客户机脚本验证函数感到十分头

    If you change the way you organize metadata and messages (such as the server-side classes or variables), you end up changing client script validation functions that use them.


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