• 抛光牙齿必要有益吗?

    Is it necessary or beneficial to polish teeth this way?


  • 坦率地说世界上存在一些有益无益赚钱方式

    To put the point bluntly, there exist more or less useful ways of making a fortune.


  • 也许现在参加俱乐部活动没有以前那么有趣有益

    Maybe you are involved in a club or an activity that it is not as fun or rewarding as it used to be.


  • CATs被称作积极肯定有益自言自语教练激励不断努力,做到最好

    CATs, also referred to as positive affirmations or helpful self-talk, are like a coach motivating you to keep going, to be the best you can.


  • 他们质疑管理者主要计划位置是否必要有益项目经理角色意味着别人工作做计划

    They questioned the belief that casting the manager in the role of chief planner is necessary or beneficial; that the role of project manager means planning others' work for them.


  • 无意有益过量使用药品(止痛药镇静剂抑郁常见的过量使用的药品)和暴露清洁用品

    Unintentional or intentional drug overdoses (painkillers, sedatives, and antidepressants are high on the list) and exposure to cleaning products.


  • 每个人的时间有限的,项任务”的时候,你就不得不另外的一些机遇说“”,尽管那些机遇现在对你来说可能更加重要紧急有益的。

    Time is a limited resource and when you say "yes" to one task, you have to say "no" to other opportunities that might be more important, urgent and beneficial to you at the moment.


  • 尽管午睡已经证实身体有益,但很多公司没有休息室里为员工设置这样休息的工具,有足够长的午餐时间时间偷偷溜回家小睡一会。

    Despite the proven benefits of a mid-afternoon nap, most corporate offices don't keep cots in the lobby or give you a long enough lunch hour to sneak home and snooze for a bit.


  • 试着控制自己精神状态积累那些对自己的健康有益有害的经验。

    I try to manage my mental state, and I try to learn from experience what does or does not help.


  • 我们潜意识就像一个仓库,里面贮藏着潜在能量可以导致有益有害的结果。

    Our unconscious is a tremendous storage plant full of potential energy which can be expended for beneficial or harmful ends.


  • 话说,从直观的角度来讲,我们关注那些可能会对自己有益有害的人和富人同样如此,而社会地位较低并非如此。

    In other words, we pay more visual attention to people and things that might benefit or harm us - and for rich people, that's not those in lower social classes.


  • 其他非常相似支持这一观点好像不是有益有害

    It was fairly similar to the other two groups, really supporting the opinion that it doesn't seem to be beneficial or harmful.


  • 然而这些致癌添加剂留在我们食物而且变得更加困难时候知道加工食品包装上标签事物有益有害的。

    Yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things in the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful.


  • 小型氧气衍生分子其中过氧化氢是其中之一可能有益有害的。

    These small oxygen-derived molecules, of which hydrogen peroxide is one, have the potential to be both helpful and hurtful.


  • 亚历山大拿破仑行为,不能简单有益有害因为我们说不出它为什么有益为什么有害。

    It is impossible to say of the careers of Alexander and of Napoleon that they were beneficial or harmful, seeing that we cannot say wherein the benefit or harm of humanity lies.


  • 延迟消除现象,避免不良后果,有目的地创建强化有益的分岔现象,使其人们所利用分岔控制理论研究的主要内容

    It is the main topics in bifurcation control to either delay (or eliminate) bifurcations for avoiding bad affects or creat (or enhance) beneficial bifurcation behaviors on purpose of utilizing them.


  • 延迟消除现象,避免不良后果,有目的地创建强化有益的分岔现象,使其人们所利用分岔控制理论研究的主要内容

    It is the main topics in bifurcation control to either delay (or eliminate) bifurcations for avoiding bad affects or creat (or enhance) beneficial bifurcation behaviors on purpose of utilizing them.


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