• 支架移动控制在一个方向

    They limit the axial displacement of shaft or housing ir one direction.


  • 我们国家倾向于采用血管成形术支架带来好处

    We in this country have been enamored of the benefits of angioplasty and stents.


  • 有些缓冲器使用泡沫缓冲材料制成能量吸收器支架

    Some bumpers use energy absorbers or brackets and others are made with a foam cushioning material.


  • 壳体上标准阀门支架相连中间输出一个标准的八角

    There is standard bolt hole connecting with the valve or bracket. The output axis in the middle is a standard internal octagon.


  • 双层楼板中,下面天棚是由自身下方搁栅支架承载的。 收藏。

    In double floors, its own ceiling joists or bearers carry the ceiling of the room below.


  • 认为比较可靠方法使用固定倾斜角竿支架用改变高度调节取样面积

    The relative reliable way is using fixed minor slope Angle of supporting rod or trestle and changing the height of camera to obtain different sample area.


  • 风机采用悬挂吊装安装支架承托安装,水泥预埋安装;并可根据用户要求生产

    The fan can be mounted in ways hanging on the ceiling or fixing on the wall. Upon request of users.


  • 血管成型术支架植入术并发症虽然罕见,但却可能会造成严重的后果甚至植入肾脏的丧失

    Complications of angioplasty or stent insertion, though rare, may have severe consequences and lead to graft loss.


  • 闭塞的左髂总静脉以闭塞切除重建术治疗好,严重狭窄的以血管成形支架植入术治疗为好。

    Resection and reconstruction is useful for occlusive LCIV, while PTA or stent placement is preferred for severely stenotic vessels.


  • 结论缺乏合适治疗手段的情况下钢缆接骨术结合固定支架固定不失为治疗不连的有效选择

    Conclusion Cable osteosynthesis combined with internal fixation or external fixator immobilization can be an effective alternative to treat bone nonunion in case no optional procedures are available.


  • 这个的确全职工作来说-不断看着东西不断知道如果事情正常比如忘了分号支架

    This package does full-time job for me - it constantly watches what I write and instantly lets me know if something is not OK, for example I forget semi-colon or brackets.


  • 对于考虑支架其它手术疗法以及药物疗法治疗心脏病的患者,有什么话要说

    What would you say to someone considering a stent or other surgical procedure or drug therapy, to treat their heart disease?


  • 心脏支架可以使那些因为冠状动脉疾病变窄被阻塞大动脉打开恢复功能。

    Stents open arteries that have become narrowed or blocked because of coronary artery disease.


  • 现在需要编辑一个多个生成文件只需稍加编辑)控制器使用支架

    Now you need to edit one more generated file, just a bit, to get the controller to use the scaffold


  • 网站Web应用中支架包括信息架构用户体验交互设计以及内容战略系统中的信息流

    In a website or web application, this scaffolding includes information architecture, user experience, and interaction design as well as content strategy and the flow of information through the system.


  • 观看视频查看照片时,有一个支架可以背面折叠可以让手机立在水平面上

    A small kickstand folds out from the back of the handset allowing you to sit the phone horizontally when watching videos or viewing photos.


  • 大部分摄像机的上面都的螺丝孔用来把相机固定一个三角架其他稳定拍摄支架结构上。

    Most cameras have a small screw-hole somewhere on them that allows the camera to be mounted to a tripod or other steady filming stand or structure.


  • 但是没有任何药物治疗措施根除病因,这样毫不意外地,随着疾病进展,就需要更多的药物、支架旁路手术。

    None of these drugs or interventions addresses the basic causation of disease and not surprisingly the disease progresses with the need for more drugs, stents, and repeat bypasses.


  • CE对于已患心脏病人来说,支架手术旁路手术还是救命的,但是,有90%研究证明支架手术旁路手术并不能阻止未来的心脏病发作延长寿命

    CE: Admittedly in the midst of a heart attack a stent or bypass may be live saving, however, for the remaining 90% studies confirm that they do not prevent future heart attacks or prolong life.


  • Rothemund目的不是微型地图,Ro themund将来使用金属其他材料构造纳米结构时,微小DNA结构可以作为支架使用

    But the real goal of this work isn't tiny maps. Rothemund says that in the future, tiny DNA shapes could serve as scaffolds for quickly building nanostructures made of metals or other materials.


  • 后部底部输入端口连接冲洗延长安装支架允许用户配置多方面最大限度地利用可用空间

    Rear and bottom input port connections and flush or extended mounting brackets allow the user to configure the manifold to maximize the use of available space.


  • 我们建议使用所安全支架,将家具固定墙上如果孩子攀爬吊挂在上面以防家具倾覆

    We recommend you to fix the furniture to the wall with the enclosed safety bracket to prevent it from tipping over if a child climbs or hangs on it.


  • 因此大部分光伏阵列使用固定支架指向南面(北面如果位于赤道以南)。

    So most PV arrays use fixed mounts that face south (or north if you are below the equator).


  • 对于每位颈动脉狭窄患者治疗主治医师用内科疗法、动脉内膜切除术放置扩张支架完成。

    Treatment for carotid stenosis in each patient was selected by the attending physician and consisted in medical treatment endarterectomy or stent placement.


  • 对于每位颈动脉狭窄患者治疗主治医师用内科疗法、动脉内膜切除术放置扩张支架完成。

    Treatment for carotid steno sis in each patient was selected by the attending physician and consisted in medical treatment endarterectomy or stent placement.


  • 不要盖子发动机吊点支架上的铰链螺栓

    Do not remove the cap or the hinge bolt for the engine mount bracket.


  • 利用设备研究人员可以实时观察细胞因为它们生长一个精确控制化学物理条件下三维胶原支架

    With the new device, researchers can observe cells in real time as they grow in a three-dimensional collagen scaffold under precisely controlled chemical or physical conditions.


  • 但是证据显示,药物涂层支架将导致几个月几年之内血栓形成的危险度增加的时候,这种应用开始减少

    But use has fallen since new evidence emerged that drug-coated stents carry a slightly higher risk of triggering blood clots months or years later.


  • 其他框架结构管道支架应该采用类型2设计构造

    All other framed structures or pipe racks shall utilize Type 2 design and construction.


  • 处方鞋类仅限于糖尿病治疗足部并发症治疗鞋子腿部支架矫形一部分

    Prescription footwear is limited to treatment of Diabetes or when a shoe is part of a leg brace (orthotics) or foot complications.


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