• 员工去到那里获取软件,执行诸如开销报告寻找空闲会议室之类的任务

    Employees go there to get software for such tasks as expense reporting or finding free conference rooms.


  • 开动自己右脑努力解决问题寻找解决办法,同时暂停使用倾听说话

    He USES his right brain to try to solve his problems or find solutions and he stops using his left brain to listen or speak.


  • 鼓励坚持治疗寻找别的治疗途径,如果6-8疗效没有出现

    Encourage him or her to stay in treatment, or to seek different treatment if no improvement occurs after six to eight weeks.


  • 很多方面抗拒着这种操纵适应寻找着一方式对付这种操纵。

    It resists manipulation in many ways, adapting to it or finding ways to cope.


  • 燃料消耗量相差无几,发生故障要购买配件或寻找技工的难度也都差不多。

    Fuel consumption does not vary hugely, and parts and mechanics are equally available for both when a problem occurs.


  • 奴役一些西印度人(即印第安人),强迫他们欧洲人服务寻找黄金

    He enslaved some of the West Indians, forcing them to serve the Europeans or search for gold.


  • 这样做吧处女座,像是简单一杯咖啡寻找其他一些带给安慰东西

    Doing so Virgo, can be as simple as brewing that cup of tea or coffee, or finding some other thing that brings you comfort.


  • 既然是从闪盘运行的,不要担心对电脑有任何影响继续探索寻找乐趣吧

    Since you're running it from a flash drive, you don't have to worry about messing anything up, so go ahead and try it for research or fun.


  • 下一次利用网络做出购物旅行改善健康寻找方向方面的决策的时候,请试试必应吧。

    The next time you're using the Web to make a decision about buying something, going somewhere, improving your health, or finding directions, give Bing a shot.


  • 摄影师必须携带灯具,自带寻找电源而且还要环境光线人工灯光天衣无缝的结合到一起。

    You lug along lights, must find or bring power sources, and then seamlessly integrate ambient and artificial light sources.


  • 挖掘自己的韧性寻找方法组织内培养更具韧性的企业文化试试下面四个秘诀

    To tap their toughness, or finding method in tissue culture more flexible corporate culture, try these four tips.


  • 知道今天侠盗最后一战上瘾最终可能发现土星卫星或寻找治愈癌症的方法。

    Who knows, today's Grand Theft Auto or Halo addict may end up discovering a new moon around Saturn or finding a cure for cancer.


  • 寻找优雅装饰植物站在符合装饰一个美丽的生命香味草药花园美化厨房柜台

    Or search for elegant and decorative plant stands that match your decor, and bring to life a beautiful and scented herbal garden to spruce up your kitchen counters.


  • 总体上来说任何团队(尤其是敏捷团队),只要他们尝试平衡寻找一种适当关于需求测试方法,那么他们应该阅读这本书。

    Overall, this book is a definite must read for any teams (particularly agile teams) who are trying to balance or find a decent approach to specifications and testing.


  • 1947年一所商业学校巴黎爱轮苏破商业学校毕业加入Total,通过文件收集石油寻找运行家庭事业的职业

    He joined Total in 1974, just after graduating from the École Supérieure de Commerce in Paris, a business school, and picked oil over diplomacy or a career running the family business.


  • 事实长寿幸福不是通过非凡的事情寻找一份不可思议梦寐以求的工作诸如此类的,梦中情人)就能获得的。

    The truth is, a long life and happiness are not obtained by doing extraordinary things or looking for that magicaldream job” (or dream spouse, for that matter).


  • 我们正在寻找各个年龄过无畏、善良英勇之举的杰出人士

    We're looking for people of all ages who have performed outstanding acts of bravery, kindness, or courage.


  • 用于火灾地震寻找

    It will be used for finding people in a fire or an earthquake.


  • 几乎就像童子军童子军中寻找东西

    It's almost like what you looked for in a boy scout or a girl scout.


  • 我们不再需要着眼睛四处点击寻找我们想访问功能按钮这个简单界面中,我们可以点击它。

    We no longer have to squint or click around in search of the feature we're trying to access. The button is right there in that simple interface for us to tap.


  • 寻找自然框架比如拱形峡谷的阴影。框架可以一个戏剧性的装置突出主题

    Look for natural frames, such as an arch or the shaded walls of a canyon. A frame can be a dramatic device to enhance your subject.


  • 长期以来,公司市场营销人员教师一直在寻找有趣方式激发人们追求奖励竞争精神

    Companies, marketers and teachers have long looked for fun ways to engage people's reward-seeking or competitive spirits.


  • 他们的分数板需要寻找以及活动徽章佩戴要求很少要求来自用户交互

    Their "scoreboard" requires little or no interaction from the user other than to look and to wear an active badge.


  • "鸟类其他动物懂得使用树枝其他工具寻找食物

    Using sticks or other tools to find food isn't unknown among birds and animals.


  • 44%网上搜索健康信息实际上是在寻找医生其他提供者

    Forty four percent of people are actually looking for doctors or other providers when they search for health information online.


  • 它们其他众多用途,如:城市运送人员机场之间飞行协助救援工作以及帮助寻找失踪通缉人员

    Among their other multitude of used: deliver people across town, fly to and from airports, assist in rescue work, and aid in the search for missing or wanted persons.


  • 医药公司已经花费数十亿美元寻找逆转显著减缓阿尔茨海默病的治疗方法,毫无结果。

    Drug companies have spent billions of dollars searching for therapies to reverse or significantly slow Alzheimer's disease, but in vain.


  • 几十年来,地球之外寻找智慧生命任何生命竞争一直场激烈空间争夺战

    The race to find intelligent life, or any life at all, beyond Earth has been a heated space scramble for decades.


  • 由于自然原因了解甚少把所希望不希望发生的事情归因于超自然魔法力量寻找方法赢得这些力量的青睐

    Having little understanding of natural causes, it attributes both desirable and undesirable occurrences to supernatural or magical forces, and it searches for means to win the favor of these forces.


  • 由于自然原因了解甚少把所希望不希望发生的事情归因于超自然魔法力量寻找方法赢得这些力量的青睐

    Having little understanding of natural causes, it attributes both desirable and undesirable occurrences to supernatural or magical forces, and it searches for means to win the favor of these forces.


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