• 股东有权依法提起要求停止上述违法行为侵害行为诉讼

    The shareholders shall have the right to initiate litigation to stop such breach or infringement.


  • 触犯某人,得罪某人:伤害、触犯侵害感情行动职权

    To hurt, offend, or encroach on the feelings, actions, or province of.


  • 经销商不得提起有意允许以任何方式损害侵害商标公司商标所有权诉讼

    The Distributor shall not take, nor shall he knowingly permit, any action which may in any way prejudice or harm the Trademarks, or the Company's ownership thereof.


  • 拉宾一样提倡和平不过语气尖锐:“我们人民并不认为行使自决权侵犯他们邻国权益侵害邻国的安全。”

    Like Rabin, he promoted peace, but with an edge: Our people do not consider that exercising the right to self-determination could violate the rights of their neighbors or infringe on their security.


  • 尤其是不要试图禁用窗口状态URL 栏;无疑邀请恶意代码侵害用户

    Most especially, don't even try to suppress the status or URL bars of a new window; that's just asking for malicious code to phish your users.


  • 你们如何起诉一个有欺诈压迫行为,但又是受到侵害虐待的人呢?

    And how prosecute you him who in action is a deceiver and an oppressor.


  • 家里如果孕妇风湿病患者容易受到湿气侵害

    Home if there is pregnant or rheumatism patients, the more vulnerable to moisture violations.


  • Office加载程序VisualStudio工具使用默认设置允许任何程序集运行保护用户免受病毒其他恶意代码侵害

    The default Settings used by the Visual Studio Tools for Office loader do not permit any assembly to run, which protects users from viruses and other malicious code.


  • 不引人注意部位肉芽肿的损害导致局部肿大往往侵害邻近结构

    The granulomatous lesions, regardless of location, result in enlargement of the part and often encroachment on adjacent tubular of cavernous structures.


  • 鱼缸还要覆盖防止鱼儿跃出鸟类动物侵害

    Rail network should cover on the tank to prevent the fish leaping out of or infringement by birds, animals.


  • 片害共栖有机体之间共生的作用关系,物种一个物种侵害抑制后者不受前者的影响。

    A symbiotic relationship between ORganisms in which one species is harmed OR inhibited and the other species is unaffected.


  • 刑法目的对法益保护,对法益造成侵害危险行为受到刑法的调整

    The purpose of criminal law is the protection of legal interests, Infringement on the legal interest or danger caused by the conduct against the adjustment of the criminal Code.


  • 一方面,植物受到昆虫植物病菌侵害也知道

    On the other hand, when a plant is attacked by an insect, animal or pathogen, it knows.


  • 某人抛媚眼相当于精神侵害不想理由去威胁吧?

    Ogling someone is the equivalent of psychological aggression. You don't want to intimidate people for no reason.


  • 贵方获悉我方所有的任何版权其它知识产权正在已经可能遭受侵害,贵方应立即通知我方

    If you become aware that any copyright or other Intellectual Property rights owned by us are being, have been or are likely to be infringed, you shall notify us immediately.


  • 这种做法严重扰乱了货代市场秩序,侵害货主承运人合法权益

    This action disturbs freight forwarding market seriously and infracts the legal interest of consigner and carrier.


  • 另外一种方法毒性减弱病原微生物制成,作为疫苗注射时,这种微生物会引起温和表现症状但是可以保护接受者免受猛烈野生菌株侵害

    In another they were made from weakened strains of pathogenic organisms that caused mild or no symptoms when injected as a vaccine yet protected recipients from more severe wild strains.


  • 新闻官司由于记者采访报道自觉不自觉地侵害了被报道对象的名誉权、肖像权、著作权等,从而引起的诉讼纠纷

    The media lawsuit is litigation dispute, which caused by the journalists encroach on other's rights in reputation portrait, copyright consciously or unconsciously.


  • 纯粹经济损失人身财产受到侵害引起的经济上的损失。

    The Pure economic loss is economic loss which is not caused by Personal or property damage.


  • 对于婴幼儿精神病人出卖亲生子女案件由于行为并未侵害人身自由因而出卖作为既遂未遂的认定标准

    For infants, the mentally ill or sell natural children category of cases, his ACTS did not infringe on personal freedom, which should be accomplished as a betrayal and attempted standard.


  • 身体虐待使用武力侵害他人方式伤害危害

    Physical abuse is the use of physical force against someone in a way that injures or endangers that person.


  • 这样本危害受害一方之间侵害与被侵害个体报复复仇关系上升犯罪国家之间关系。

    This is harmful to the relationship of individuals revenge orretaliation, between the injured party and party and rises to the relationship between the crime and countries.


  • 不能保证使用者食品不受细菌侵害

    However it does not protect users or others against food bacteria.


  • 过失侵权责任以过失行为人身财产侵害之间的因果关系为前提

    Tort liability for negligence presupposes causality between the negligent act and the injury to person or property.


  • 第二部分主要分析了新闻侵害隐私权现实生活中的常见形态样式。

    The second chapter is mainly about the common representations in the invasion of the press to the right of the privacy.


  • 公民故意过失拍摄不当视频片段图文,通过大众媒体传播侵害他人合法权益构成侵权

    But the video clip or script which is intentionally or negligently shot and transmitted by mass media will prejudice the lawful rights of others and constitute an infringement.


  • 犯罪客体复杂客体还是简单客体,关键是看犯罪构成要件行为所侵害的对象反映出什么社会关系社会利益

    Whether the object of crime is complex one or simple one depends on the social interests of the social relationship reflected by the target changed by requisites to constitute a crime.


  • 犯罪客体复杂客体还是简单客体,关键是看犯罪构成要件行为所侵害的对象反映出什么社会关系社会利益

    Whether the object of crime is complex one or simple one depends on the social interests of the social relationship reflected by the target changed by requisites to constitute a crime.


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