• 想法这样的,既然许多植物毒素的,辣味刺激引发争斗逃跑反应

    The thought was that since many plant poisons are bitter, the bitter stimuli would engender a fight or flight response.


  • 开发人员可以快速试验想法研究一种对象属性不同算法无需编译执行测试任何代码

    A developer can quickly try out an idea and explore an object's properties or different algorithms without having to compile, execute, and test any code.


  • 认为仅仅一种想法系列想法

    He argued that a dream was simply a thought or sequence of thoughts.


  • 坦白地说,XML不是一种多么复杂语法因此认为可以自己通过正则表达式其他特殊方法来解析的想法是可以理解的。

    Granted, XML is not a very complex syntax so you can be forgiven for thinking that you can hack your way with regular expressions or other ad-hoc means.


  • 可能萌发一种想法去探索计算机科学软件工程重要的内容”。

    You might help budding young minds discover the "next big thing" in computer science or software engineering.


  • 潜隐记忆记忆偏误发生人们错误以为自己创造了原创的而实际上别人想法观点歌曲笑话时候

    Cryptomnesia is a memory bias that occurs when a person mistakenly believes that they have come up with an original thought, idea, song or joke, when it was actually generated by someone else.


  • 需要之前考虑组织因为单个项目可以一种实验性的想法孵化器

    There is no need to initially turn an organization on its head, since individual projects may be treated as test LABS and idea incubators.


  • 有时因为耻于生活中的想法行动模式并不想心中的缕光闪耀

    Sometimes I feel like I don't want my light to shine because I am ashamed of a thought or action or pattern in my life.


  • 有了这个想法后,还有想当然需要使用某分配复制机制机器之间复制/对。

    When faced with this idea, the temptation is to assume that you need some sort of distribution or replication mechanism that will copy the key/value pairs between the machines.


  • 诗节中经常陈列想法引出论题,提出条建议,抛出个问题。

    The octave usually presents an idea, raises an argument, makes a proposition, or poses a problem.


  • 符号任意性是我们可以拿来世间任何想法比如椅子故事国家,再发明一种声音符号相联系

    And what this means is we can use — take any arbitrary idea in the world, the idea of a chair or a story or a country, and make a sound or a sign to connect to it.


  • 这样想法以及其它他们没有承认尚未定形的可能想法孩子向前着的时候,在身上投射出一种使人敬畏的色彩。

    Thoughts like these - and perhaps other thoughts, which they did not acknowledge or define - threw an awe about the child, as she came onward.


  • 我们最终也只能射击排排轮胎破损的汽车,”讲道,“我们想要注入一种想法,把目标现场救火的环境中。”

    "We end up shooting at piles of tyres or old vehicles," he says. "We wanted to inject a thinking, moving target into the live-fire environment."


  • Buckland补充道:“带来并不全然是一种声音什么,他我们带来了许多想法,可以关于任何东西甚至是如何安排我们每天的生活。”

    Buckland adds, "it wasn't so much that he brings like a sound or something to it. He brings lots of ideas about everything, even down to like how we structured our day."


  • Orwell强调语言应该一种表达想法用来隐匿粉饰的手段”。

    Words are important. Orwell argues that language should bean instrument for expressing and not for concealing or preventing thought.”


  • 通过现有(略加修改的)Web应用程序电话提供服务能力一种强大的想法也是许多Web开发人员渴望探索的领域之

    The ability to serve telephones through existingor slightly modifiedWeb applications is a powerful idea, and one that many Web developers are eager to explore.


  • 如果内心产生了一种令人焦虑紧张想法下来,然后放在以后再处理。

    If an anxious or stressful thought pops into your head write it down and put it aside for later.


  • B可能人类同伴万分不信任,过于苛责,可能会认为不能解决自己问题一种软弱想法

    You might have a deep distrust or excessive cynicism in your fellow humans and might see that not being able to fix their problems is a sign of weak thinking.


  • 然而没有什么你们读到听到的东西毫无价值的,新的想法可以潜伏段时间然后苏醒过来。

    However, nothing that you read or hear is without its value, and a new idea can lay dormant for a while and then come to life.


  • 如果实践一种梦想幻想想法是在做事。

    If you live out a dream, fantasy, or idea, you do the things that you have thought about.


  • 对于我们所关心,和他们耽溺想法错误的负面情绪当中不是一种仁慈友谊证明

    It is not a demonstration of kindness or friendship to the people we care about to join them in indulging in wrongheaded, negative feelings.


  • 建筑想法让人感到很超凡,建筑几乎漂浮海面上就像艘船只鸟一种植物

    The idea is that the building feels ethereal, almost floating on the sea, like a ship, a bird or a plant.


  • 设计建造某物行为一种将无形想法体系赋予物理形态过程。

    The act of designing or building something is the act of giving an immaterial idea or system a physical form.


  • 剽窃把他人言语想法有的做法。

    Plagiarism is the act of representing another person's words or ideas as your own.


  • 剽窃把他人言语想法有的做法。

    Plagiarism is the act of representing another person's words or ideas as your own.


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