• 再加上醒来突然意识已经世,两种感觉促使“荒山”那件作品

    I came to aware that she has passed away when I woke up, this feeling drove me to produce the work "Barren Mountain".


  • 一个小时突然醒来心里明白怎么做了。

    An hour later, I woke up suddenly with the solution clearly in mind.


  • 狮子从梦中醒来的时候,突然明白了什么是竞争。

    When a lion wakes from his dream, I suddenly knew what competition was.


  • 意思是:可能天早上醒来突然忘记了如何工作

    I'll say, 'He didn't just wake up one morning and forget how to do his job.


  • 第二天清晨醒来感觉心情愉快心中充满了希望突然觉得一切都会好起来

    When I woke up the next morning, I felt happy and hopeful and suddenly I knew things would get better.


  • 这种来临如此突然:头天晚上睡觉只是觉得很口渴像人们得了感冒醒来时候感觉到的嗓子痛。

    It came on very suddenly. I had gone to bed feeling oddly thirsty, in the way that you do when you're getting a cold, and woke up with a sore throat.


  • 因工作需要到多伦多开会,那天早上饭店醒来双手放在腹部上,想在上多分钟突然觉得自己好像怀孕了,满怀信心的相信,的感觉是正确的。

    I lay in bed for a few minutes with my hands on my abdomen, believing that I might be pregnant and hoping with all my heart that I was right.


  • 贝克汉姆上传至Facebook段视频补充到:“不会刻意去计划纹身只是有时候睡觉醒来,脑海中突然浮现了希望将其留在身上的画面。”

    In a video posted on the social networking site, he added:"I don't plan on having a tattoo. "It's just sometimes I wake up and I think, you know,I've got an idea of an image I would like on me.


  • 贝克汉姆上传至Facebook段视频补充到:“不会刻意去计划纹身只是有时候睡觉醒来,脑海中突然浮现了希望将其留在身上的画面。”

    In a video posted on the social networking site, he added:"I don't plan on having a tattoo. "It's just sometimes I wake up and I think, you know, I've got an idea of an image I would like on me.


  • 一个周日睡到中午醒来突然注意到,房子生活如此安静

    One Sunday I woke up at noon, and I suddenly noticed how silent both my house and my life were.


  • 半夜突然醒来

    I awoke suddenly from sleep at midnight.


  • 震惊,接着突然大哭起来。半夜醒来,原来只是

    I was so shocked and then I bursted out crying. I woke up at midnight. It was only a dream.


  • 有一消失了半夜突然醒来想到泣不成声

    If one day, I disappear, who will be midnight suddenly woke up, I would like to think of choke with sobs.


  • 每天醒来看到那种暖暖的阳光窗台突然觉得生活美好的东西。

    Wake up every day to see the kind of warm sun drying into the bay window, I suddenly feel that life is a beautiful thing.


  • 天晚上突然醒来炎热汗水

    One night I woke up suddenly in hot sweats.


  • 总是午夜十分突然醒来

    I've been waking up in the middle of the night of late.


  • 好像一张舒服的椅子突然醒来

    It was like being in a deep sleep, in a favourite chair, and then being woken suddenly.


  • 今早醒来突然产生这个想法

    This idea hit me when I woke up this morning.


  • 很生气醒来时一身冷汗这时突然想起,鸭子明天上课时交上去。

    Angrily, I woke up in a cold sweat. And then it occurred to me, I had a drawing of ducks due tomorrow in class.


  • 不想早上醒来突然自己头来

    I didn't want to give myself a shot when I waked up in the moring some day.


  • 突然下来来……醒来才发现原来自己猎人打中,但是令坠落不是子弹而是他的灵魂

    Suddenly I fall to the ground and it is only when I wake up that I realize I was shot by a hunter, brought down by the burden of not the bullet but the soul of the man who shot it.


  • 几天之后科德看望姻亲时在黎明来临突然醒来想到一个能够为艾登和泰碧再现声音方法

    A few days later, while we were visiting my 13 in-laws on 14 Cape Cod, I woke up suddenly before dawn and thought of a way I might help recreate my voice for them.


  • 时差时差,礼拜六晚上翻来覆去几乎凌晨四点了还睡不着,脑子一直焦虑早上堂主日聚会要分享;好容易睡着,两三个小时后又突然醒来就再也睡不着了…

    Jet-lag oh jet-lag, you cause me not to toss and turn on Saturday night till almost 4am and yet wide awake, thinking all the time that I have to share in two services in the morning;


  • 时差时差,礼拜六晚上翻来覆去几乎凌晨四点了还睡不着,脑子一直焦虑早上堂主日聚会要分享;好容易睡着,两三个小时后又突然醒来就再也睡不着了…

    Jet-lag oh jet-lag, you cause me not to toss and turn on Saturday night till almost 4am and yet wide awake, thinking all the time that I have to share in two services in the morning;


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