• 应向道歉,你一定觉得态度讨厌的。

    I owe you an apology; you must have found my attitude very annoying.


  • 好吧对于这些道歉

    Well, for those of you who are really getting this, I apologize.


  • 封信的目的不仅仅为了道歉同时也是每个知道菲律宾门多萨那样

    I wrote this letter not just to apologize but also to let everyone know that we Filipinos are not all like Mendoza.


  • 愤怒沉默传达信息的合伙有罪如果希望进一步沟通,那么不得不道歉请求原谅

    An angry silence communicates the message that my partner is the guilty party and if she wishes any further contact with me, then she will have to apologize and ask for my forgiveness.


  • 提到那位发言壳牌已经反复道歉而且表达泄漏后悔之情。

    The spokesperson I talked to said that Shell has repeatedly apologised and expressed its regret for the spill.


  • 主治医生认真他说:“没有诊断有多好,”但是患者对信任这位医生,他告诉,“所有医生,只有她一个我道歉。”

    "I'm kicking myself for not diagnosing you," his primary-care doctor said to the patient regretfully. But the patient continues to have faith in his doctor.


  • 相反维纳先生所有误导了、被欺骗了要对他们所有道歉。”,而且这个好几

    Mr Weiner, by contrast, said "all of you who were misled, the people who I lied to, I have an apology for all of them," and used the word several times more.


  • 相反维纳先生所有误导了、被欺骗了要对他们所有道歉。” ,而且这个好几

    Mr Weiner, by contrast, said "all of you who were misled, the people who I lied to, I have an apology for all of them, " and used the word several times more.


  • 发言首相先生已经清楚的表达科尔森的观点,‘如果证实撒谎,到时会正式道歉,如果那样的话,不会不到的。’”

    "The prime minister has made his thoughts on Andy Coulson clear," the spokesman said. "he has said that 'if it turns out I have been lied to, that would be the moment for a profound apology."


  • 英语不是很好不是语言感谢错误道歉祝愿您们每一个幸运

    My English not good, it is not my language. But thank you very much. I apologise for any mistakes I have made. We wish all of you good luck.


  • 粉丝道歉希望明年可以回到马德里的球场。在家附近训练不久就重新参加巡回赛真是让激动

    I apologize to my fans and hope to be back in Madrid next year. I'll be training near my home, and am excited to rejoin the Tour soon.


  • 后来收到送来的一磁带,里面录了道歉听到只是因为哥伦比亚倾向于见面时互相亲吻时,很快就感到轻松安心了。

    Later, I received a cassette from him, in which he recorded his apology. On hearing that Columbians were more likely to kiss others, I soon felt at ease.


  • 相比那些会杀终结者机器这个试验的结果像是威尔·史密斯主演的《机器》中的那个道歉机器索尼,但是它们都遵守重要原则

    The results are more like the apologetic robot rebel Sonny from the film I, robot, starring Will Smith, than the homicidal machines of Terminator, but they demonstrate an important principal.


  • 解释一下一来就到处找过他,同时为刚才花园里他面对面却不知道他是何许道歉

    I wanted to explain that I'd hunted for him early in the evening and to apologize for not having known him in the garden.


  • 封信不仅仅为了道歉也是为了所有知道菲律宾并不是。

    I wrote this letter not just to apologize but also to let everyone know that we Filipinos are not all like Mendoza. We are loving and good-hearted people.


  • 规则存在其原因虽然确实见到了也听到他的道歉他的辩解是他收到的琢磨透的短信好!

    So did I send one? Of course not! Rules are there for a reason. I did see him though and he apologised for not replying; his excuse, "It was the most suggestive text he had ever received".


  • 而且还要一个能够自己没有犯下罪行道歉吗?

    And I will also ask, can one apologize for a crime one has not committed?


  • 有时会错话,那些评论向你道歉

    Sometimes the words just come out wrong, I apologize for the comments.


  • 拜访了惠普公司的创办戴维·帕卡德英特尔公司的创办鲍勃·诺伊斯自己的失败他们道歉

    I met with David Packard and Bob Noyce and tried to apologize for 14 screwing up so badly.


  • 放学回家的路上,看见年轻车骑得飞快路口撞倒妇女,年轻不但道歉,反而出口就骂

    On my way home, I saw an impolite young man riding a bike quickly. At a crossing a woman was knocked down by the bike. The young man didn't make an apology and said some dirty words.


  • 一个走的,挡住不是因为害怕,也不是你向道歉而是她做完事情

    A person's heart cannot be stolen. I stop you not because I am afraid of you, not because I don't want you to apologise to her, but to let her finish what she wishes to do.


  • 写了一封道歉邮件,发给地址簿里的一个联系警告他们“别点击附件!”

    I wrote a mea culpa warning, which I mailed to everyone in my address book: Don't click on that attachment!


  • 写了一封道歉邮件,发给地址簿里的一个联系警告他们“别点击附件!”

    I wrote a mea culpa warning, which I mailed to everyone in my address book: Don't click on that attachment!


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