• 显然不是一个切实可行选择这里高尚理由

    Obviously, this was not a practical choice; I came here for more noble reasons.


  • 显然可以选用自己调色板颜色这里选择我选择的是绿色混合

    Obviously the chosen color palette is down to you, but here I'm using a mix of green and cyan.


  • 特佩奇·摩根说:“给人们一个没有罪恶感的选择,那就是他们可以穿着那些衣服,而不会被人泼油漆。认为这会是一件大事,至少在纽约这里。”

    Model Paige Morgan says, "To give people a guilt-free option that they can wear without someone throwing paint on them—I think that's going to be a massive thing, at least here in New York."


  • 这里所勾勒出来系统那些选择执行的人而预备的。

    What I have outlined here is a system that will work for those who choose to implement it.


  • 注意这里展示基本要点选择消除名词动词歧义

    Note that, at this point, I chose to disambiguate the nouns and the verb only to make a basic point.


  • 当然这里还有个高风险策略他说:“是选择还是?”

    There is also, of course, the high-risk strategy of saying: ‘It's the booze or me.


  • 这里不是记录操作而是选择实际修改存储在所选字段中的string

    Rather than just logging operations, I've chosen here to actually modify the String value being stored to a selected field.


  • 当然这里还有个高风险策略他说:“是选择还是?”

    There is also, of course, the high-risk strategy of saying: ‘It’s the booze or me.’


  • 通常将之设置Professional1(当然也可以这里进行自己选择)。

    I usually set it to Professional 1 (but you can make your own choice here, of course).


  • 每次有人这里抱怨可以完完全全接受他们怨言可以帮助他们指出问题积极一面选择后者。

    Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.


  • 理解为什么数百万选择移居这里

    I could see why millions of people were choosing to migrate there.


  • SVG支持所期望所有鼠标事件但是支持键盘事件,甚至还支持特定的按键事件,最后一种情况就是选择这里证实的情况。

    SVG supports all of the mouse events you expect but also has support for keyboard events -- even for specific key events, which is what I've chosen to demonstrate here.


  • 终于知道海盗或是其它人选择这个地方作为安息之地的原因—一旦来到这里不想离开

    I could see why the pirates, or whoever, had picked this place as an eternal resting spot. It made you never want to leave.


  • 这里所说的“提起兴趣”是车友们能够视作自己唯一选择而不是在自己的“汽车舰队”中平添一台更大豪华的交通工具。

    And by appealing, I mean to the point where drivers would have it as their only car, not just one in a family fleet that includes bigger, more luxurious vehicles.


  • 当然也可以选用自己喜欢颜色这里选择我选择蓝绿色渐变

    Obviously the choice colour palette is down to you, but here I'm using a mix of green and cyan.


  • 杰夫——”艾博有点不耐烦地说道。他仿佛提醒不是出于自愿选择这里来的——因为犯了这里算是代替服刑

    "Jeff," Abnesti said, irritated, as if trying to remind me that I was here not by choice but because I had done my crime and was in the process of doing my time.


  • 选择这个方法因为博客只是刚刚起步,这里一个可以的观点感受甚至创意全世界展示的地方。

    I chose this way because my blog is my baby, it's where I can channel all my best ideas and feelings creatively and share it with the world.


  • 经常会稍稍羽化选区避免粗糙的转换效果这里我选择了0.5的像素

    I always feather my selections slightly to avoid harsh transitions, here I choose 0.5px as a value.


  • 当月9日,再次回到马萨诸塞州伍斯特,参加六名因公殉职消防队员举办的葬礼。 1998年8月那些不开心的日子就是选择这里度过的。

    On the ninth, I went back to Worcester, Massachusetts, the city that had welcomed me in the dark days of August 1998, for the funeral of six firefighters who had been killed in action.


  • 要是这里自己的房子要么选择暗色的宽加工地板要么选择漆成白色木质地板。

    If it were our own place, I'd choose either dark, wide-plank, weathered wooden floors, or white painted wooden floors.


  • 不论如何选择相信您的家人都会喜欢这里的生活。

    In any case, I am sure you and your family will enjoy your stay in this city.


  • 选择了呆这里并且引以为豪

    I stayed here. And I'm proud of it.


  • 很快这里慵懒的生活节奏友好氛围所感染,选择众多1718世纪庭院风格旅店中的一个入住。

    I was quickly struck by the laid-back vibe and friendly atmosphere, and was soon checking into one of the town's many 17th and 18th century courtyard-styled guesthouses.


  • 真的是选择这里实践“地球理念----不联电网自给自足。

    We also really chose to live here to participate in the concept of Earthships -- to live off-grid and be self-sufficient.


  • 简单挑选方法就是从基础开始这里选择绿色基础色,色相为120;下面会挑选相关颜色

    The easiest way to do this is to start with a primary color: in this case, I'll go with green-hue 120; The next color I'll pick is going to be related to that color.


  • 因此这里纠正两个观念:第一最喜欢一些技术使人们减少选择的技术。

    So I want to set the record straight on two things. The first is that some of my favorite technologies are ones that take choices away from people.


  • 为了帮助选择它们这里列出Android发现的,觉得这些是最好的。

    To help you sort through them all, here's my list of the best apps I've found on Android.


  • 选择一个hmc(这里选择hhmc01)之后出现管理系统之一570-1一些处理器数据(4)。

    After selecting an HMC (in this case hhmc01), I am presented with some processor pool data for one of my managed systems, 570-1 (Figure 4).


  • 这里同样的道理。如果素食主义者的食物然而给上的却是非素食,那么两个选择

    I take this same stance. If I order food that is supposed to be vegan and it arrives un-veganized I have only 2 options.


  • 2年后几乎今天iPhone4S真正成为选择所以来到这里

    Two years later, almost to the day, the iPhone 4s came out on my network of choice, and here we are.


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