• 这个手机只是见证了成功失败幸福悲伤

    For my cell phone, I just want to say that he witness my success, failure, and happy, sadness.


  • 展示这个活着手机

    Let me show the living mobile phone.


  • 一个工作人员:这个手机拿到演播室外头这样才能继续采访

    A WOMAN: Let me take the phone out of the studio so that we can carry on with the interview.


  • 星期开始使用这部手机可以看到这个版本手机第一版里吸取了不少灵感。

    For the past week, I have been using the phone, which takes its inspiration from the first version of the iPhone.


  • 这个手机最大吸引力在于互联网应用,它系统所于核心地位

    I think this phone's biggest appeal will be the central role the Internet plays in the OS.


  • 毫无疑问人们可以台智能手机充当他们记忆力不够时的后备,为了这个目的自己确实有在用。

    No question, one can use a smart phone as an aid to memory, and I do use one myself for that purpose.


  • 这个推销员用花言巧语哄这部新款手机

    The salesman sweet talked me into buying the newest cell phone.


  • 没法随随便便地告诉每天有多少上脸书每天通过手机访问这个网站人数出奇

    Off the top of my head, I can't tell you many people hit up Facebook daily, but a freakishly high number of people visit the site on their phones everyday.


  • 一个日本的极经验来判断想出10个很好的理由为什么iphone可能很难这个国家手机文化中立足?

    Judging by my experience as a geek living in Japan, I can however think of 10 good reasons why the iPhone might have a hard time in this country's cell phone culture.


  • 手机一小开水拖着疲惫身子躺在床沉沉的去,却不断做着相同虽然知道这个梦永远也不会实现。

    Turning off the phone, I will drink a cup of water and drag my weary body to the bed, falling into sleep deeply. I am dreaming the same dream constantly, though I know clearly it will never come true.


  • 以前手机衣袋深处随身带着一个塞满皮夹如果有人道路叉口枪指着车窗就把这个给那些摩托车劫匪们。

    I used to hide my cellphone in a deep pocket and carry a wallet filled with paper to hand over to motor scooter pirates at intersections if someone stuck a gun in the car window to rob me.


  • 朱莉娅喜欢这个时髦手机吗?

    Julia: Like my snazzy new mobile phone?


  • 一天广播听到乌比·戈德堡的访谈人们手机打电话大声讲话这个现象不满

    I heard an interview with Whoopi Goldberg the other day on the radio and she was complaining about the problem of people talking too loudly when they use a cell phone.


  • 妻子通过手机一个女儿讲述了痛苦经历,这个手机正是女儿不经意留在这里的。

    One daughter heard our ordeal over my wife's cell phone, which she had inadvertently left on.


  • 回答道,一部蓝牙音响。确实这个家伙播放着手机中的音乐

    I then explain it is a Bluetooth-enabled speaker, and yes, the music that is pumping out of it is streaming from my phone.


  • 来安排。一个未经预约就手机的电话通过不了对话测试(conversational Turing test):这个电话几乎肯定垃圾电话,因此忽略

    An unscheduled call that rings on my phone fails the conversational Turing test: it's almost certainly junk, so I ignore it.


  • 交给苹果早期做UI家伙,他很懒做滚动什么的然后就想,‘上帝可以这个来造手机。’

    I gave it to one of Apple's early UI folks who got inertia scrolling and other things working and I thought, 'My God, we can build a phone with this.'


  • 苹果论坛的一位匿名纽约,“妻子新的4s手机下载朋友这个软体,当然其实并不知情

    The unnamed New Yorker, who posted on Mac forums, said, 'I got my wife a new 4s and loaded up Find My Friends without her knowing.


  • 但是这个方法合适朋友d2手机,2部办公室电话一部家里电话

    But not with my friend D. Between his two mobile phones, two office phones and one home phone, you can never know which number to try, and he seems never to pick up, anyway.


  • 几个星期WindowsPhone7几乎放下iPhone相信微软已经用他们的系统破获这个手机

    After several weeks with Windows Phone 7 and putting down my iPhone altogether (well almost), I am convinced that Microsoft has cracked it with this OS.


  • 发现一个条形码时,手机摄像头对准这个条形码,保持秒,之后,谷歌Shopper就会自动扫描,然后寻找精确结果

    Where I found a bar code, I simply pointed the phone's camera at it, held still for a moment and Google Shop automatically scanned it and found the exact right results.


  • 想想几年即使是不慎手机充电器忘到家了,手机坚持1个礼拜绰绰有余(经常这个)。

    Years ago, if you accidentally left your charger at home, your phone could still make it through a weeklong vacation with life to spare (I did it more than once).


  • 发现这个手机英语词汇量很小这样的话短信发起来会费事。

    I found that the English vocabulary installed in this mobile is not big enough which renders message editing rather tricky.


  • 发现这个手机英语词汇量很小这样的话短信发起来会费事。

    I found that the English vocabulary installed in this mobile is not big enough which renders message editing rather tricky.


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