• 阳关道,的独木桥。

    You take the open road, and I'll cross the log bridge — you go your way, and I'll go mine.


  • 孩子们想让他们一起圣诞节,但是感到无法做到

    My children want me with them for Christmas Day, but I can't face it.


  • 原本应该方法事。

    I told you we should have done it my way !


  • 感觉到深褐色的头发轻轻后。

    I felt her dark brown hair brushing the back of my shoulder.


  • 告诉不要东西

    I told you not to touch my things.


  • 告诉别碰东西

    I've told you before—leave my things alone!


  • 告诉什么到这里来的。

    I told you about what brought me here.


  • 心理分析师警告喜欢已婚男人

    My analyst warned me that I liked married men too much.


  • 告诉你吗?圣诞节从未真正快乐

    You know something? I've never really enjoyed Christmas.


  • 不得爸爸拥抱不曾膝上

    I can't ever recall Dad hugging me. Neither did I sit on his knee.


  • 好吧的话统统收回

    OK, I take it all back!


  • 乐意帮忙

    I said that I should be pleased to help.


  • 只是为了高兴

    I said I'd go, just to keep him happy.


  • 只是为了高兴

    I said I'd go just to keep him happy.


  • 答应今晚不会喝醉

    I promised him that I'd stay sober tonight.


  • 有点担心的话后果

    I was a little apprehensive about the effects of what I had said.


  • 那天下午买东西

    I remarked that I would go shopping that afternoon.


  • 不起什么了

    I can't remember what I said.


  • 从未告诉任何人真的特别以自己母亲为耻。

    I've never told this to anyone, but it's true, I was terribly ashamed of my mom.


  • 此事征求的许可,只要在下周一上午回来就

    I squared it with Dan, who said it was all right so long as I was back next Monday morning.


  • 曾经并不真正喜欢现代音乐

    I had mentioned that I didn't really like contemporary music.


  • 抱怨啦!迟到的。

    Don't start! I told you I'd be late.


  • 完善技术切除这些纤维瘤。

    I removed the fibroid tumours, using the techniques that I have perfected.


  • 告诉当时就那里,您可以想得到的,看到了那里的一切

    I tell you I was there, and you can conceive that I saw everything there was to be seen.


  • 从来没有服从任何人总是喜欢做的事。

    I have never obeyed anyone and I have always done as I pleased.


  • 昨天的话道歉因为那个时候心情不太好。

    I want to apologize for what I said to you yesterday because I was in bad temper at that time.


  • 李子

    I said he's got a bag of my plums!


  • 管理大楼检查员已经警告如果阁楼放入更多书籍天花板也许会塌下来

    Our building inspector has warned me that the ceiling might collapse if I put more books in the attic.


  • 记得好像,“扇门——吧,汤姆!”

    It seems to me that you said, "Why, I believe that that door--Go on, Tom!"


  • 相信从来没有告诉没有

    I am sure you never told me not.


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