• 此生做错误决定,”杰克,同时霍默·辛普森式的“Doh表示自己行为愚蠢

    "It was the most stupid decision of my whole life," said Jack as he let out a Homer Simpson-style "Doh" to illustrate the folly of his actions.


  • 愚蠢太害羞了。”

    "He's too stupid and shy,"I said.


  • 是怎么的,,“听着十分愚蠢。”

    He asked me what I thought and I said, "Listen, this is completely insane."


  • 真的只想清楚个人极度反感某人制作一部愚蠢超级英雄电影的行为。无法容忍的。

    Frankly speaking, I just want to make it clear that I am personally offended that someone would make a silly superhero movie. That's unacceptable.


  • 在,觉得跟这个人那些话是今晚做过的最愚蠢的事。

    Now, I felt saying that to the man was the stupidest thing I did tonight.


  • 但是一个卡恩的前同事,“只要是个女人就是个软肋简直无法想象还能做出哪些愚蠢的事来”。

    "As much as he is human and has a weakness for women, I simply cannot imagine that he would do something so stupid," says an ex-colleague.


  • 现在不要误解意思:并不是使用测试覆盖工具愚蠢的。

    Now, don't get me wrong: There's nothing foolish about using test coverage tools.


  • 刘教授总是强调没有愚蠢问题

    I always say there's no stupid question.


  • 愚蠢的?”怒冲冲,这时母亲进来了。脸色苍白,而且的眼睛红红的

    "Stupid?" I say furiously as my mother enters. She's pale, too, and her eyes are red.


  • 如果不能按照我说的话,那么看起来将会是那么愚蠢

    If you've never done this, it may very well sound silly to you.


  • 有些文章到了,他们自己发表了一个很愚蠢观点:微软公司快要倒闭了。

    Some people who were scandalized by the essay convinced themselves I meant something rather stupid: that Microsoft is about to go out of business.


  • 他们提供了很好的机会希望保持联系……确实,不得不假设自己遇上这些这时候和盘托出自己的真实想法愚蠢

    I said I'd been offered an amazing opportunity and I hoped we would keep in touch... You do have to assume you'll meet people again and it would be foolish to speak your mind.


  • 狐狸二十猎手二十只猎狗捕得之后道,“不用他们宰了,可这群人畜又是多么愚蠢和可笑,这般兴师动众值得么?”

    Said a hunted fox followed by twenty horsemen and a pack of twenty hounds, "of course they will kill me." But how poor and how stupid they must be.


  • 西先生:如果的缺点,应该是很难原谅别人愚蠢罪恶或者的冒犯。

    Mr. Darcy: Maybe it’s that I find it hard to forgive the follies and vices of others, or their offenses against me.


  • 热爱的一切,“贝尔,”一段残忍愚蠢岁月不是么?

    I love what we do, "Bale said." it's so bloody silly at times, isn't it?


  • 死后自己一部小不要找工作有人愚蠢的时候,珍妮告诉要坚持。

    When others called me foolish, she told me to go ahead, to write my first novel during the two years after Dan died instead of taking a real job.


  • 有人朋友儿子去世没几天时这样的话,这本好心好意,却是十分愚蠢的。

    Well-meaning, but completely clueless, people said this to my friend just days after his son was killed.


  • 指出,一部大作品将会引用这个然后你们自己看-,一部大作品之所以伟大部分因为,倡导西方文明可能愚蠢

    He points out that a great book - -i will quote this and then I'll leave you - is great in part because it can't possibly be reduced to the silliness that the advocates of Western Civ attach to it.


  • 有一年轻人,“坦白认为这样愚蠢。”

    Honestly, I think its stupid, "said one young person."


  • :“认为坦白,如果有人现在国会彼得雷乌斯将军了解得还愚蠢了。”

    "I think you would look pretty foolish right now to be quite honest to suggest that the Congress knows more than General Petraeus," he said.


  • 突然忆起时间安排赶,以至于最后,不可避免地,错过航班。那一次,不停地咒骂自己愚蠢失败知道旅伴提醒善待自己”。

    I'm reminded of a time when I had cut it too close and inevitably missed a flight, cursing my failure until my traveling companion reminded me to “be kind to myself.


  • 老师愚蠢因为无法阅读,”

    "A teacher called me stupid because I had trouble reading," he said.


  • 认为任何人愚蠢地只看眼前忽略未来长期议题因为这个决定未来的30年内影响

    I don’t think anyone will show the stupidity to focus on the short term and ignore the long-term issue because these decisions will be with us for 30 years, ” he said.


  • 路易基,“你们认为愚蠢吗?”

    'You think I'm dumb?


  • Tadre Jones,“有点愚蠢但是得到一个充满力量的骑兵。”

    "This is kind of silly, but I got a Power Ranger," Tadre Jones said.


  • 热爱的一切,“贝尔,”一段残忍愚蠢岁月不是么?像在玩过家家,但是其他时候又是那么有意义

    I love what we do, "Bale said." it's so bloody silly at times, isn't it? It's like playing dress-up, and other times it is so meaningful.


  • 并不是Linked in程序本身就是未来(愚蠢的),而是整个概念

    No, I'm not saying the LinkedIn app is the future per se (that'd be silly), but rather the overall concept of it.


  • 一张没中,得意,”斯里瓦斯塔瓦,“就是为什么从不参与这些愚蠢游戏的原因。”

    The first was a loser, and I felt pretty smug,” Srivastava says. “I thought, ‘This is exactly why I never play these dumb games.’”


  • 克拉拉出现门口时看上去就像是女神幽灵,知道这样想或这样愚蠢,但就是那种感觉

    When Clara made her entrance, it was like the apparition of a goddess. I know it was a stupid thing to think-and it's a stupid thing to say-but that's how it was.


  • 克拉拉出现门口时看上去就像是女神幽灵,知道这样想或这样愚蠢,但就是那种感觉

    When Clara made her entrance, it was like the apparition of a goddess. I know it was a stupid thing to think-and it's a stupid thing to say-but that's how it was.


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