• 不断叮嘱自己保持冷静

    I kept telling myself to keep calm.


  • 看到那些食物难以保持冷静既然没有一尝,只好尽量忍受的渴望。

    I could hardly keep my wits together in the presence of that food, but as I was not asked to sample it, I had to bear my trouble as best as I could.


  • 噢,don't loseyourcool是冷静, 不生气发火。

    LL: No, you didn't lose your cool, you were calm.


  • 危机开始时反复呼吁人们建立起信心勇气现在强调的是人们冷静清醒

    At the beginning of the crisis, I appealed to people to build confidence and courage. Now I want to stress that people need to remain calm and sober.


  • 马特拉齐当时告诉保持冷静因为还手,自己下。”罗西最后说道。

    "[Marco] Materazzi told me to calm down because I also could have been sent off," concluded the Biancorossi player.


  • 因此告诉莱昂纳多保持冷静失眠队员团结一致。

    For that reason I would tell Leonardo to stay calm, not lose any sleep and stay close to his players.


  • 其实一个敏感、容易被感动的是学历史的,知道记述历史事实的时候保持客观冷静

    I'm a sensitive man, but as history is my discipline, I know that I should try to be objective.


  • 库尔尼科娃:“比赛机智、冷静犯了一些情有可原错误因为执著了。”

    "You have to play smart and be patient with her," Kournikova said. "But I made a few unforced errors because I tried to go for too much."


  • 作为名运动员学到最好一课就是面对逆境保持冷静

    The best lesson I've learned, in terms of being an athlete, is when faced with adversity keep a balance line.


  • 告诉自己保持冷静坚强因为必须活下去,看着孩子们长大活着看见孙子孙女们出生。

    I told myself to stay calm, to be strong, and that I had no reason to think I wouldn't live to see my children grow up and to meet my grandchildren.


  • 拉法:呵呵,中国努力使自己保持冷静工作一部分专注比赛分析场上情况时作出调整改变局面

    Rafa: No, I don't drink Chinese tea, so I try to be calm because it's part of my job, to concentrate on the games, analyse things, and try to change things if it is necessary.


  • 保持冷静比赛尽可能登上领奖台。认为可持续性是赢得冠军的关键。

    We have to stay calm, and in these seven races get as many podiums as possible.


  • 怎么冷静?,购物车里所有东西都没了。花了三个小时鞋子就这么没了。

    How can I calm down? I'm gonna lose my whole shopping cart. That's three hours of picking out shoes just shot to hell.


  • 确实讨论过这件事,帕托告诉保持冷静继续优秀的表现到时候看看事情的进展。

    "We talk about it, yes. Pato told me to stay calm and to continue performing well, and then we will see what happens, " he told Globo Esporte.


  • 今天达沃斯下雪了,使得这里群山变得更加漂亮但是心情过去参加世界经济论坛(World EconomicForum)时明显冷静

    It snowed today in Davos, making the mountains here all the more picturesque. But the mood is definitely more sober than the past two years that I've attended the World Economic Forum.


  • 真的不知道他们什么他们走过时,没人犹豫是不是救人,都很沉着冷静,真的。

    I really wonder what they were thinking when they walked by, I mean none of them hesitated in stride or composure, really.


  • 慢慢站稳努力冷静下来——或者至少记起自己,现在何处穿着如此好看衣服正在做什么

    I regained my balance and struggled to regain my composure-or to at least remember who I was, where I was, and what I was doing wearing such fine 10 threads.


  • 看过巴萨的比赛录像,里面会他们球员假摔保持冷静

    I watch Barcelona on television and see the players diving, but the important thing for us to do is step on to the field with a cool head and help the referee.


  • 看过巴萨的比赛录像,里面会他们球员假摔保持冷静

    I watch Barcelona on television and see the players diving, but the important thing for us to do is step on to the field with a cool head and help the referee.


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