• 最近早上听到了不同——一点,还是容易辨别——右耳里鸣着,像一个洞穴里的钟乳石一样贮在那儿。

    One recent morning, a different notefainter than the root note, but easily discernible—pealed distinctly in the middle of my right ear, a lone stalactite hanging in a cave.


  • 知道道德看法各种不同的看法,在讨论时可能朝着一个急剧下滑的方向进行因此依靠们对道德责任道德义务理解继续阅读。

    I realize that there are different views of morality and we could go down a very slippery slope discussing them. So, decide upon what you consider "moral duty and obligation" before reading further.


  • 知道所面对问题是什么,最终决定好好的反思一下讨厌一层不变的喜欢新鲜面孔体验不同生活------但是自己所感兴趣的的同时也做到事事有点不太可能

    I understood this problem, and finally decided to reason with myself: I’m a fan of variety who loves dynamic people and a dynamic lifestylebut it’s impossible to do everything and be good at it all.


  • 知道自己已经不行了,感觉仿佛有成千上万只蜜蜂脑中响起两个不同的声音:一个邪恶的声音眼睛睡觉,另一个和善的声音却在提醒,眼睛一闭,你再也醒不过来了。

    I felt like I was being stung by millions of bees. The bad cop in my head told me to close my eyes and go to sleep, the good cop was saying, if you close your eyes, you're going to die.


  • 突然成了音乐鉴赏家鉴定一个新任首席演奏家如何来展示一个不同的经典可能用上新的乐器吧。

    I'm suddenly a connoisseur of fine music recognizing how a new master performer has chosen to compose a classic slightly differently, maybe with an added instrument or new flourish.


  • 为了可以简单测试开发模块速度提高情况,编写一个简单的测试程序运行不同版本模块

    To easily test the speed of the incrementally improving modules I planned to develop, I wrote a small test harness to run different versions of the module.


  • 寻找一个编码器可以创建3个不同博客其他网站嵌入部件使用他们的网站

    I am looking for a coder that can create 3 different embed widgets for blogs and other websites to use on their site.


  • 目标就是展示出一个独特的环境不同基调生活在这里感觉。设计达到内部空间外部环境和谐共存。

    The main goal was to show a unique atmosphere, different moods and the feeling of living there. The indoor Spaces blending with outdoor in harmony.


  • 这个冗长目标(相信见过冗长得的目标)执行四个不同过程编译源代码、编译测试运行JUnit测试创建一个JUnitReport

    This long target (believe me, I've seen much longer ones) is performing four distinct processes: compiling source, compiling tests, running JUnit tests, and creating a JUnitReport.


  • 在国外度过的时光学到原来每件事都可以从不同角度来观察,而只真的在乎达到一个目标方法可以多种

    My time abroad taught me there's more than one perspective on everything and many ways to accomplish a goal, once you care.


  • 告诉一个稍微不同方法创建

    I'm going to show you a slightly different approach for creating shoes.


  • 现在告诉你们一个不同答案

    But now I want to tell you a different answer.


  • 认为一个国家为了强大以及保持强大,必须展望未来

    I don't agree. I think a country always has to look to the future in order to be great and to stay great.


  • 就想一个不同解决方法但是复杂些

    I came up with a different solution but it was more complicated.


  • 其中热烈推荐一个美容项目通过不同精油使脸上的皮肤恢复并且改善脸的水份

    One of them that I also can warmly recommend is the beauty program in which different oils let the skin of the face recover and improve its moisture.


  • 当然不想有起来,决定自己变成一个完全不同的人。

    In the last one to get up every day, he would shower.


  • 当然不想起来决定自己变成完全不同

    Surely I don't want to get up one day to determine that I got a completely different person.


  • 通常在家过暑假今年完全不同因为参加澳大利亚悉尼举办的夏令营将和一个澳大利亚的家庭一起,并用英语沟通。 们还会去观光,并且海滩上野餐。

    Usually I spend the summer holiday at home, but this year is going to be very different because I'm going on a summer camp in Sydney, Australia.


  • 通常在家过暑假今年完全不同因为参加澳大利亚悉尼举办的夏令营将和一个澳大利亚的家庭一起,并用英语沟通。 们还会去观光,并且海滩上野餐。

    Usually I spend the summer holiday at home, but this year is going to be very different because I'm going on a summer camp in Sydney, Australia.


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