• 自己发明菜谱可以

    I invented the recipe for them and can send it to you.


  • 自己发明一种冥想方式。发现件事情特别有益

    There is a quiet meditation I have developed on my own; I've found it tremendously helpful for four things.


  • 虽然自己发明的样式看起来别扭至少他们可以保持浮动

    Though my self-invented styles look awkward, at least they can keep me floating.


  • 以免认为我自己发明的,请注意最初SwingSet代码包括这样一个调用

    Lest you think I invented this myself, notice that the original SwingSet code includes such a call.


  • 为了打发时间自己发明一个游戏,在领班过来取软木将装木塞木塞塞得满满当当的。

    To pass the time, I'd play a game by trying to cover the bottom of the barrel with corks I drilled before the foreman came along to empty it out.


  • 最后节中介绍我自己发明的、用于描述在编写方面测试时用到的一种测试helper类型术语mock目标

    In this final section, I introduce a term I invented to describe a type of test helper that is useful in writing aspect tests: mock targets.


  • 汽车零件其他东西制作了自己发明比如电子玩具

    I made my own inventions, such as electronic toys from car parts and other things.


  • 引导着,加上我自己发明很感兴趣,成为了一名工程师和发明家。

    His guiding hands, together with my interest in inventing, led me to become an engineer and an inventor.


  • 工作只是各个站点的技巧收集一起,尤其是在上面提到那个PDF文件从来没有说过这些技巧使自己发明

    What I did is just make a collection of the information from various sites but mostly from that PDF file I mentioned above. I never claimed that these are my own discoveries.


  • 现在已经知道是怎样锻炼的了,作为例子,你可以喜欢地发明自己的锻炼方式。

    Now that you've seen my sample workout, you can create your own by picking whatever exercises tickle your fancy.


  • 他们知道是怎么自己内在对话蒙蔽的——总是想着自己下一件事不管是工作还是那些创意发明

    They all know how I get wrapped up in my internal dialogue - I always have my mind on the next thing I need to do, whether it be work or creative stuff I'm working on.


  • 他们知道是怎么自己内在对话蒙蔽的——总是想着自己下一件事不管是工作还是那些创意发明

    They all know how I get wrapped up in my internal dialogue – I always have my mind on the next thing I need to do, whether it be work or creative stuff I'm working on.


  • 请大家理解并不否认他们有权发明社会组合宣传它们弘扬它们,他们自己身上尝试,他们自己承担代价和和风险

    Please understand that I do not dispute their right to invent social combinations, to advertise them, to advocate them, and to try them upon themselves, at their own expense and risk.


  • 银行取,发现大门已关,于是他萌生了发明自动取款机的念头:"必然有一种方法英国世界各地取到自己钱。

    "It struck me there must be a way I could get my own money, anywhere in the world or the UK," he said in a 2007 interview.


  • 成为修复findResource问题需要线索只要发明自己协议前缀称为onejar:。

    This was the clue I needed to fix the findResource problem: I would simply invent my own protocol prefix called onejar:.


  • 只不过建设自己喜欢东西发明实验室中。

    I was just kind of building stuff for myself like an inventor in the laboratory.


  • 如果长大发明发明后悔药因为每一个人都有自己后悔的事情,为此苦恼

    If I grow up is an inventor, I invented a medicine called regret medicine. Because every one of us has our own regret, for this, we are very upset.


  • 觉得自己有些异想天开真的这个想法人类发明听懂任何动物语言耳机

    I really feel some whimsical, but I really have this idea: we can understand the invention of a language of any animal headphones.


  • 他们之上发明生活转移我自己而且愉快田园诗者总是想像

    I divert myself by inventing the life upon them, and am amused to find my imagination always towards the idyllic.


  • 喜欢烹饪并且自己喜欢发明创造新的饭菜。

    I love cooking, and I like creating new dishes myself.


  • 天才天生的。发明,有个思维前提以为自己上帝

    LI: Don't make fun of me. Talent is inborn. The man who invented "I want, I can" think on the premise: he was God.


  • 完全自学而成天才的处世之道与行为准则都是我自己创造发明

    Quite an untaught genius, I made the discovery of the line of action for myself.


  • 要是发明后悔药一定第一个先自己立刻自己回到自己后悔一天这样可以修改历史了! !

    If I invented the regret medicine, I must be the first to eat, first to immediately return to let oneself regret yourself of that day of, so that can change history!


  • 真希望自己发明牛仔裤这样的东西

    I wish I could invent something like bluejeans.


  • 知道一种出卖自己的行为。出卖这个词儿发明出来完全就是用来描述那时

    I knew I was selling out. Literally, the term was invented to describe what I did.


  • 英雄事迹自己到了本书里《23实际的生活马上荣获诺贝尔全部奖,称为23世纪优秀的作家,数学家科学家以及发明

    My heroic deeds by their own written a book, "23 real life" immediately won the Nobel Prize in all, also known as the finest 23-century writing, mathematicians, scientists and inventors.


  • 感到非常骄傲,终于有个机会通过发明一种仁慈工具、同时又不会伤害它们表现自己

    I felt very proud. Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing something merciful that would catch snakes but not harm them.


  • 告诉,给自己痒痒可能的,不过科学家们已经发明一个痒痒机器人能够遥控器控制挠痒痒。

    I tell her it's impossible to 11 tickle yourself, although scientists have developed a robot tickler which tickles by remote control.


  • 自己方法根据80年代发明三重滤网交易系统一直更新现在

    My own approach is based on the Triple Screen trading system that I developed in the 1980s and continue to improve to this day.


  • 自己方法根据80年代发明三重滤网交易系统一直更新现在

    My own approach is based on the Triple Screen trading system that I developed in the 1980s and continue to improve to this day.


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