• 透了老板牢骚,便活儿他自己干吧,才不稀罕。

    I got sick of my boss's moaning and told him he could stick the job.


  • 必须作为酒馆老板一直印象深刻件事

    I must say that's one thing that has always struck me about being a pub owner.


  • 宠物老板震惊。“抱歉告诉过什么吗?”

    The pet store owner was shocked. "I'm sorry. Tell me, did he ever say anything?"


  • 跟几个朋友谈过了,他们可以给提供工作,所以老板说要走了。

    I talked to a few friends and they said that they could give me work, so I told my boss I was leaving.


  • 给计算技术一方面贴上的标签部署”。 当某个软件您的屏幕上时,您的老板或客户,“喜欢这个东西!”

    The label I put on this aspect of computing is "deployment."


  • 格拉维特:“老板不想听到的一句话就是想起儿子。’”

    "The last thing the boss wants to hear is' you remind me of my son, '" says Gravett.


  • 老板主持晚宴见到克雷夫的,”劳伊娜用文雅东欧语调慢慢地,“那时就像一条离了的鱼,他引起了的注意,交谈起来。”

    "I met Clive at a dinner I hosted for my boss," Rajna says in a refined Eastern European drawl. "He was like a fish out of water and I was concerned, so I got talking with him."


  • 应该可以提前下班老板理解的,因为毕竟情有可原

    He tells me I should take off early, that my boss will understand because this is an extenuating circumstance.


  • 公司董事长批评们业绩不好时候,老板是因为过错造成的,感觉到自己老板出卖非常生气

    When our chairman criticized the work of our company, my boss told him it was all my fault. He totally threw me to the wolves and I was very upset.


  • 公司董事长在批评们业绩不好时候,老板是因为过错造成的,感觉到自己被老板出卖了,非常生气

    When our chairman criticized the work of our company, my boss told him it was all my fault.he totally threw me to the wolves and I was very upset.


  • :“这些应该总想着,而是能为家人朋友同事甚至老板做些什么。”

    “From being all me, me, me, they should be thinking, what can I do for my family, my friends, my colleagues, even my boss, ” he said.


  • 老板提拔但是老实话只是希望公平对待

    I wish my boss would give me a raise, but honestly I just hope he would treat me fairly.


  • 这个:“原来计划好这个周末海边玩的,但是不得不把预定好的旅馆等都取消,因为老板非要在下星期一之前把公司年度报告。”

    I'd planned to go to the beach this weekend but I had to cancel my reservation. The boss has me under the gun to finish the company's annual program report by next Monday.


  • 艾里克出现技术部时玛丽娜·克里·洛夫娜就曾经:“如果的帕白斯卡是公司老板可能他一样来晃。”

    "If my Papatchka ran the factory, maybe I'd also go around grinning like a defective," Marina Kirilovna had said to Polina when Alec appeared in the technology department.


  • 事情完全超出理解力之外的时候,愿去钻牛角尖情愿去想想另外晚餐好了吗,派里尼老板

    I say, that when a thing completely surpasses my comprehension, I am accustomed not to dwell on that thing, but to pass to another. Is supper ready, Signor Pastrini?


  • 这位经理:“老板非常支持洛杉矶一个分公司建议按计划。”

    My boss liked my idea to open a branch office in Los Angeles and gave me the green light to go ahead.


  • :“从来知道老板到底喜不喜欢工作。他脸上真是一点表情都没有。”

    I never know whether my boss likes my work or nothe is a real poker face!


  • 得小心听着:老板负责管理檀香山开办分公司。

    Now hang on to your hat——the boss says he wants me to take charge of the new office in Honolulu.


  • 人们某事时,总会编个理由比如老板炒了告诉全世界他到底是个什么玩意

    People always find a logical reason for what they want to dolike, that company fired me, the world needs to know what they're really like.


  • 老板责备打扫干净。

    My boss blamed me for not having cleaned up properly.


  • 老板打量一眼看上去像是应该去医院。

    My boss took one look at me and said I looked as if I should be in hospital.


  • 老板告诉明天以后都不用了。

    My boss told me that I don't have to come in tomorrow, or any other day.


  • 塔克曼,在向老板提出要求,可以描述你的症状而不是直接将你的病症名字讲出来,例如你可以嘈杂环境中比较容易分心,有没有安静的地方可以让工作?

    When you approach your boss, describe a symptom instead of naming your condition, Tuckman says. For example: "I have a tendency to get distracted if I'm in a noisy environment.


  • 老板杜鑫(音):“以前老友记的时候知道是不是真的这家咖啡店,有的话肯定天天光顾

    "When I watched 'Friends', I always wondered whether there was really such a coffee shop because I would definitely become a frequent customer, " said Du Xin, who opened the cafe in March.


  • 真的愿意参加老板晚宴因此了个推脱之词,出席朋友今晚举行婚礼宴会

    I really didn't want to go to my boss's dinner party, so I told a white lie and said I had to go to a friend's wedding party that night.


  • 如果回答像这样的“这个地方只有一个领导——就是可能就碰到的“压制型老板”。

    If he says something like, "There's only one leader here -- me, " you may have what I call a "Suppressor Boss."


  • 冯女士,“一般老板资历几个问题,但最后一个问题总是‘已经结婚了,你打算什么时候孩子?’

    The boss would ask several questions about my qualifications, then he’d say: ‘I see you just got married. When will you have a baby?’


  • 冯女士,“一般老板资历几个问题,但最后一个问题总是‘已经结婚了,你打算什么时候孩子?’

    The boss would ask several questions about my qualifications, then he’d say: ‘I see you just got married. When will you have a baby?’


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