• 祖父五十年前年五千美元工资意味着可以生活非常舒服

    My grandfather says that 50 years ago a salary of, 000 a year meant you could live very comfortably.


  • 祖父非常河里干净。他经常朋友们河里游泳

    My grandfather says, when he was very little, the water in the river was very clean. He often swam in the river with his friends.


  • 然后往常许多那样,解释,“祖父19世纪80年代中国来到这里。”

    Then I explained as I had done many times before, "My grandfather came here from China in the 1880s."


  • 祖父经常重复,他想回到乡下住。

    My grandfather often repeats that he wants to go back and live in the countryside.


  • 奥尔雷德:“听到了祖父谈话孙子手术忧心忡忡,不知道该怎么休斯顿。”

    "I guess she overheard her grandfather and me talking about how we're worried about how we're going to get to Houston, for my grandson's heart surgery," said Allred.


  • 从不关心这些。”他的祖父说

    "I never care about that, " said his grandfather.


  • A祖父告诉,在时候当时4硬币流通。

    A: My grandfather told me that when he was young, there were four kinds.


  • 一次解释:“(不是犹太人)就好象否定父亲母亲以及祖父。”

    To say he had, he once explained, "is like denying my father and mother, my grandfathers and grandmothers".


  • :“所知祖父没有杀害印第安人。”

    "So far as I know," he says, "my grandfather didn't kill a single Indian."


  • 回到桌边,他眼睛副阴沉表情不幸消息祖父刚刚去世了

    When he returned to the table, he lowered his eyes, put on a grim expression and said, I have some bad news. My grandfather just died.


  • 面向教堂会众,带着自信地,“希望祖母一个教堂,她不能走路所以祖父必须家里。”

    As she looked out at the congregation, she spoke confidently, "I would like for my grandma to have church." She cannot walk, and she and my grandpa have to stay at home.


  • 祖父发明电视那个他们那个地段

    My grandparents said that the man who invented television had once lived in their neighborhood.


  • 祖父坐在沙发上,电视板球比赛观察评论员一句话时候嘴形,但是他不能听见的祖母在一个房间里面他。

    My grandfather would sit on the couch and watch a cricket match on TV, catch every word from the commentator's mouth, but wouldn't "hear" my grandmother when she called from the other room.


  • 祖父坐在沙发上,电视板球比赛观察评论员一句话时候嘴形,但是他不能听见的祖母在一个房间里面他。

    My grandfather would sit on the couch and watch a cricket match on TV, catch every word from the commentator's mouth, but wouldn't “hear” my grandmother when she called from the other room.


  • 埃德索尔·福特是亨利曾孙,也是福特公司的总裁之一。他:“祖父对于今天制造工艺取得了如此长足的进步是惊叹不已的。”

    Edsel Ford, Henry's great-grandson, and a Ford vice President: "I think that my great-grandfather would just be amazed at how far technology has come."


  • 28岁马丁内斯纽约一家保险公司职员。有一孙子可能会他们祖父又平庸,直到满是灰尘的、显示“当年勇”的东西拿出来给他们看。

    'One day my grandchildren might think their granddad is old and lame, until I bust out the dusty box of old flings,' says Mr. Martinez, 28, who works at an insurer in New York.


  • 看得出来。”艾薇塔的祖父

    "I can see that," Ivetta's grandfather said.


  • 祖父对于地球年龄心态非常好,”,“从不进化。”

    "My grandfather had an open mind about the age of the Earth," he says, "and never mentioned evolution."


  • 老实告诉你们那外祖父念得更好听些:布宛纳巴退。

    I warn you that my grandfather does better still; he says Buonaparte '.


  • 祖父教育简单生活并不是自己亏待自己,而是自己时间自由金钱追求自己梦想

    My Grandparents taught me that living a simple life isn't about self-deprivation. Instead, it's about giving yourself the time, freedom, and money to pursue your dreams.


  • 阿富汗最终实现自由恢复和平局面,全家便回到了家乡,”这位65大家庭祖父

    "When we heard that Afghanistan was finally free and peace had returned, I brought my family home," says the 65 year old grandfather of a large extended family.


  • 好的,”克莱尔松了口气,笑了笑,“恩,密歇根黑文湖边的一个小镇旁,其实一个较偏僻的地方原本祖父母米格兰夫妇的房子

    Well...my family lives in Michigan, by a small town on the lake called South Haven. Our house is in an unincorporated area outside the town, actually.


  • 祖父过一个故事:有一次在浏览块布的式样,他对自己“这块布难看!”

    My grandfather told me this story once: he was buying some cloth and when looking at one of the cloth designs... and he thought to himself "that is so ugly!"


  • 今天弟弟看完一部恐怖片之后跑去祖父希望如何死去,他:“日落一样。”

    Today, after watching a violent horror movie, my little brother abruptly asked my grandfather how he wants to die. "Like the sunset," my grandfather replied. MMT.


  • Watson,“如果有人带来萧的作品,祖父留下能否展出这些作品,真实回答。”

    If somebody brought these in and said they were their grandfather's and asked if we would exhibit them, the truthful answer would probably be no.


  • 记得曾参观过那个小小的空间听到祖父:“没错儿,有时候也会爬进去来,不过只要点上油灯,蛇不会了。”

    I still remember peering into that little space and hearing my great-grandfather say, Yes, sometimes snakes go down there too, but they won't bite you if the lanterns lit.


  • 作为名摄影师经常在急躁的模特他们狂热粉丝陷入两难的境地。当然的是孩子和他们的祖父母。

    As a photographer, I often find myself caught between impetuous models and their ravenous fans. I am of course talking about my children and their grandparents.


  • 作为名摄影师经常在急躁的模特他们狂热粉丝陷入两难的境地。当然的是孩子和他们的祖父母。

    As a photographer, I often find myself caught between impetuous models and their ravenous fans. I am of course talking about my children and their grandparents.


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