• 知道进入这个小组困难的,自从学校的时候算起,一定已经镜过大概了。

    You know, it is so hard to get into this group, I must have auditioned like ten times since I have been at the school.


  • 怎么知道假装认识

    How should I know why you choose not to know me?


  • 如果孩子说,‘参加一个聚会’,然后家长'如何知道确实那里不是另外的地方

    "If a kid says' I want to go to a party, 'and the parent says,' How do I know you're going there and not somewhere else?"


  • 想法现在知道想什么了。

    If you could only read my mind, you'd know by now.


  • 知道就是告诉的?

    I know all about it. Is that what you wanted to tell me?


  • 有权知道罪名什么(为什么逮捕丈夫?)

    Have the right to do... a I have the right to know the charges.


  • 坐在里面写东西爸妈看不到知道之所以秘密行事是因为他们担心出门

    I sat in there and wrote where my parents could not see me because they were worried, you know, that I didn't go outside.


  • 屋顶沉思知道,都是关于正义其他问题,例如喜欢女孩为什么对发脾气

    I'll be doing a lot of thinking on rooftops, you know, about justice and whatever. Maybe the girl I love gets blown up.


  • ,“仍然记得其中一个合伙人拉到一边知道成为暑期助理固然但是沉住气。”

    She says, "I still remember one of the partners taking me aside and saying, 'You know, being a summer associate is all well and good, but take a deep breath."


  • 注意压力很大时,这些东西确实突袭因此保持好的心情,健康,知道的感受。

    I notice that when my stress level is high, then those things really come upon me, so I constantly keep in shape, you know, how I feel.


  • 觉得生命是一份礼物,不想浪费不会知道一手牌是什么学会接受生活。

    You neverknow what hand you're going to get dealt next. You learn to take lifeas it comes at you.


  • 想想如果突然决定打电话可能知道是否方便清楚为什么打电话

    Consider: If I suddenly decide I want to dial you up, I have no way of knowing whether you're busy, and you have no idea why I'm calling.


  • 把车过去她们出来,“什么啊”,一般说“”“槟榔”槟榔西施于是就说“知道了”,然后回去

    When a car pulls up, the girls come out and ask, "What'll you have?" Drivers will answer "give me some water" or "give me some betel nuts," and hand over some money.


  • 别看现在打特价,到时候伺候知道多少银子呢。 再说了,这么名贵衣服只适合压箱底,送进洗衣店肯定舍不得穿。

    The shirt may be on sale, but you’ll pay much more for cleaning costs, not to mention how long it will sit on the floor of the closet before you take a trip to the cleaners.


  • 中的大多数可能听说过,们中的一部分可能知道如果真的知道,那么警告耶鲁出了名的严厉。

    Now many of you may have heard, many of you may know, and if you don't already know this, I should warn you, that I have a reputation around Yale as being a harsh grader.


  • 知道到底多大知道的孙女星期结婚了

    I don't know how old you really are. I only know her granddaughter is gonna marry next week.


  • 知道,”酒吧男侍说,福特面前邪恶地摇晃着,“考虑名誉。”

    "You see," said the barman, and his face seemed to wobble evilly in front of Ford's, "I have a reputation to think of."


  • 这儿500个人这个职位而且怎么知道不会客户撒谎

    I've got 500 people in line for that job, and how do I know that you won't lie to a client?


  • 所以清楚问题有不同观点,“知道只是物体

    So, I make various claims of the sort that I've been making about, "Well look, you know, we're just physical objects.


  • 找出原因。知道了以后告诉。现在,了。饼干吗?

    Well, I haven't figured that out yet. I'll let you know when I do.In the meantime, we should be moving along. Cookie?


  • 知道离开对不对

    Yeah, I think I get the drift. You want me to leave, right?


  • 知道是否真的但是我知道不能没有如果地球毁灭,那么告诉唯一想见”。

    I don’t know whether I really love you, but I know I cannot loseyou. If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see。


  • 耶利米说:「知道所订的计划使昌盛不是降灾祸,这个计划使希望,有将来。」

    God told Jeremiah, "The plans I have for you fare] plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."


  • 知道是谁。如果记录孩子互动做到最好。(研究人员提示带入任何育儿研究)。

    I don't know about you, but if I'm going to be recording my interactions with my kids, I'd be on my best behavior. (Note to researchers: don't include me in any parenting studies.)


  • 所以开始一个问题时,“知道没有看到终点在哪里……。,”科比很快会纠正,“但是终点已经近了很多了可以看到通道末端亮光。”

    So when you start a question, "I know you don't see the end coming...," Bryant corrects you quickly. "But it's a lot closer; I can see the light at the end of the tunnel."


  • 知道的任何有关植物事告诉,”

    'you asked me to tell you what I know about plants,' he said.


  • 因着内心纷乱的身体好象四分五裂了,忽然微小声音深处说:“安静知道”。

    For a little while it seemed as if I must fly to pieces with the inward turmoil, when suddenly the still small voice whispered in the depths of my soul, "Be still, and know that I am God."


  • 因着内心纷乱的身体好象四分五裂了,忽然微小声音深处说:“安静知道”。

    For a little while it seemed as if I must fly to pieces with the inward turmoil, when suddenly the still small voice whispered in the depths of my soul, "Be still, and know that I am God."


- 来自原声例句

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