• 看到事实每个人都这样表示重

    Virtually everyone has got the downbeat here.


  • 看到既是事实上也是比喻地,面临一道墙。

    I saw that she was, both literally and figuratively, up against a wall.


  • 相信你们物理课上光是如何微观方式运动的,以及只有波长特定范围才能看到这一事实

    I am sure you all know from physics class about how light moves in microscopic ways and that we can only see light when the wavelength of that light is in a specific range.


  • 所以认为过去月里所了解们所看到事实认为他们开了一个良好开端

    So I think that from what we know and what we’ve seen over the past month, I think they’re off to a good start.


  • 别人看到存在的事实为什么看到存在的可能,问为什么不。

    Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not.


  • 120悬崖下降的过程中,发现不是一开始看到那样是一片贫瘠事实覆盖着灌木、参天大树稀有植物种类

    On the 120-meter cliff descent I discovered it was not barren, as I first thought, but in fact was filled with shrubs, towering trees and rare plant species.


  • 唯一可以相信事实如果看到听到一消息,即是古斯塔沃·阿莱霍斯帮助阿尔瓦罗·科罗姆桑德拉·科罗姆杀害了

    But the only reality that counts is this: if you saw and heard this message, it is because I was killed by alvaro Colom and Sandra DE Colom, with the help of Gustavo Alejos.


  • 喜欢看到模式方案因此而言如此愉快自然对于大部分而言却天理不容的事实心痛

    I like to see a pattern and resolution, so it does pain me that what appears so lovely and natural to me would be regarded as abhorrent by most people.


  • 很多不愿意去接受一个科学事实的,如果这个事实会产生他们不愿看到结果

    I think a lot of people will be uncomfortable accepting a scientific conclusion if it necessarily leads to outcomes they find objectionable.


  • 事实们已经看到IWA取代数据仓库设计汇总表中的许多需求

    In fact, I see IWA replacing the need for many of the summary tables I design in a data warehouse.


  • 相当长的时间,一方面自己男人们深情厚谊,一方面,自己天地间看到事实真相要很努力调和两者之间的矛盾。

    For a long while I struggled to reconcile my affection and love for men with the reality of what I found out there in the ether.


  • 提的问题什么时候全世界才会最终看到公共卫生界多数认为不言自明的事实

    Here is my question: When will the world finally see what most of us in public health regard as self-evident?


  • 看到社区里有几个失控个人,但社区大多数人即使穷的区里的人都是很正派守法事实拼命行动改变自身处境的人。

    What I found were individuals out of control in a community where the majority, even in the poorest of poor parts, was decent, law-abiding and actually desperate for action to correct the situation.


  • 事实,许多年后,哈佛广场看到位女士在独自午餐,走上前去,打了声招呼在餐巾上写下了名字电话号码有空联系

    In fact, a couple of years later I saw a woman eating lunchalone in Harvard Square, walked up, said hello, wrote my name and number downon a napkin and asked her to call me.


  • 看到时,自己或许像是经历一个奇人”的瞬间但是事实上什么发生

    I thought I might experience a 'eureka' moment when I saw him, but it didn't happen.


  • 看到美国被恐怖袭击后,那个麻木不仁记者感到恼火,也不敢相信美国遭袭这个事实,更加害怕这个事件对造成什么影响。

    My anger at the insensitive reporter simmered along with the disbelief and fear that had become part of my life since watching the results of the attack on America.


  • 事实除了偶尔可以看到狂乱驾车人,的骑行并没有遇到麻烦而且大部分道路的路况其它东欧国家要好

    But, as it transpired, apart from the occasional display of motorised lunacy, the going was trouble-free, while most of the routes were in better shape than elsewhere in Eastern Europe.


  • 事实大家可以看到有颗,这颗星,这有颗星,其实手痒,看起来像是用*围成个它们包围起来,其实这完全没有必要的。

    The fact that I have this star here, this star here, this star here, is really just 'cause I'm a little anal and it looks pretty to make a little box out of everything but it's not strictly necessary.


  • 联盟没有一支球队不想看到事实认为联盟可以扩充一下直播范围呢。

    There's not a team in the league I'd like to see less of; in fact, I think there are opportunities for the league to expand its national slate.


  • 事实每次你们看到可能耳环下次看到的时候,会戴着耳环。

    The fact that every time you have seen me I was wearing earrings makes it slightly more likely that the next time you see me I will be wearing earrings.


  • 当时这位发明者了面(说到那位著名专家指谪,平静地了笑。),并看到工作结果知道事实真相。

    I took my meeting with the inventor (who quietly laughed at the ignorance of this famous researcher), saw the results of his efforts for myself, and knew the truth of the matter.


  • 事实相片远远比看到的要多得多已经可以看出表达意思

    I actually took much more photos than what you see here, but you can get the idea of what I was trying to do through the images that I've provided.


  • 事实很少看到某人能生性快乐纵使穿马戏团里逃出来似的——令人眩晕五彩丝绸衬衫,外穿黑色外套。

    In fact I've seldom met anyone who seems happier in their own skin - even if he is dressed like a runaway from the circus, in a big charcoal suit over a psychedelic swirl of multicoloured silk shirt.


  • 这个简单事实不得不应变实际看到折痕证据足以证明来说。

    The simple fact that I had to strain to actually see the creases was proof enough for me.


  • 事实延伸了例子中可以这里重量加大,你们看到得更快了。

    This actually extends, in our case, and I can put some weight on here, then I actually add to the torque and then you will see that it's... it goes faster.


  • 告诉没有事实现实意义不大因为只需往下一眼棋盘,就看到的车正灵巧而且生龙活虎地冲杀呢。

    The fact that you tell me I have no rooks means little in actuality, as I need only glance downward at the board to see them darting about with cunning and vigor.


  • 事实几十YouTube视频一下,喜欢他们然后关闭窗口(看到其他人蹩脚的英语的的那些负面评论非常怀疑这些对于别人会有帮助)。

    In fact, there are dozens of YouTube videos that I click on, don't like them and then close the window (I see other people writing negative comments in poor English but I doubt that helps either).


  • 事实几十YouTube视频一下,喜欢他们然后关闭窗口(看到其他人蹩脚的英语的的那些负面评论非常怀疑这些对于别人会有帮助)。

    In fact, there are dozens of YouTube videos that I click on, don't like them and then close the window (I see other people writing negative comments in poor English but I doubt that helps either).


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