• 相信这里教育也会是广东省最好的。

    I believe the education here is the best one in Guangdong Province.


  • 因此相信面一定会有非常有价值线索

    Therefore, I believe it is a clue worth exploring.


  • 真的很期待未来,因为相信这里前途光明

    I am really looking forward to it because I am sure the future is bright here.


  • 相信这里还有很多不同没有体验到的,但是以上两个最主要的。

    I'm sure there are a lot more differences that I haven't experienced yet, but those are the two big ones.


  • 享有盛誉但同时球员们打成一片,相信这里个人都很喜欢

    He has got a massive reputation but he is really good with boys and I think everyone likes him.


  • 迪卡看上去一个很强的环境,而且相信这里还有很多需要研究的。

    Zendikar is looking like an extremely powerful set and I'm certain there's a lot we still have to learn.


  • 相信这个传说,”村长:“我相信这里没有是因为建起煤矿。”

    "I don't believe this myth," Mr. Lin, the village chief, said. "I believe there's no water because of the coal mines."


  • 相信这里一个球员球员,所以主要问题他们谁更好地适应方法

    I believe everyone here is a good player. So it is who can adapt best to my methodology that will matter.


  • 没有这些东西无所谓,但是相信这里面的样东西都值得破费你不少忙。

    You can get by without everything in the list, but I do believe everything in this list is worth the cost and will help you considerably.


  • 加油尽管面临一些技术上问题相信这里每个人,你们解决这些问题。

    Come on. Though we face some technical problems, I believe everyone here can solve them.


  • 萨悌风景整修一新的美丽村庄,还有森林相信这里很多东西可以游客参观

    Lausatia's lake landscape, its many beautifully renovated villages, the forests... I believe the region has much to offer visitors.


  • 相信这里重要事情每次需要升起时变得觉察背后种无价值,一种恐惧感

    I believe the important thing here is to become aware each time that "I need to" arises, that there is a sense of unworthiness behind it, a sense of fear.


  • 或者已经注意到了经常生气。相信这里有些是因为她们出生时创伤导致了他们来到世间一刻就容易生气。

    I believe that there are some people because of birth trauma, has caused them to be angry from the moment they live the world.


  • 如果真的其他方面成功了,可能就不会下定决心,誓这个领域中取得成功——相信这里才是自己真正归属

    Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one 10 arena where I believed I truly belonged.


  • 简直无法相信这里干什么?

    I don't believe it! What are you doing here?


  • 相信这里面有任何意义

    I don't believe there's an atom of meaning in it.


  • 天,卖供猫食用的肉的商贩对他说:“你为什么不停止为人类看病,转而为动物看病呢?我相信你对动物的了解比大多数兽医还要多。你写了一本关于猫的好书。会把所有带着生病的猫狗的人都送到你这里来。”

    One day, the cat's-meat-man said to him, "Why don't you stop being a doctor for people and become a doctor for animals instead? I'm sure that you know a lot about animals-more than most vets. You wrote a wonderful book about cats. I'd send all the people with sick dogs or cats to you."


  • 不能相信人类可以这里生存”,

    "I could not believe human beings were living like this," he says.


  • 这里所讲观念不仅仅是针对妇女相信乐观主题是每天影响着每个在生活中奋斗个体的。

    The concept of this post isn’t targeted at women only; I believe the subject of optimism affects every individual going/living through life’s struggles each day.


  • 现在可逆绝热过程,因此这里一个关系式相信你们记得

    Now, this is a reversible adiabatic path, so there's a relationship that I'm sure you'll remember.


  • 听说Kermit the Frog曾经这里也和有同感就是,没有深厚阅历这里可并不容易,但我相信他一定没有想到竟会这么容易的做到。

    I'm sure he didn't find it any easier being up here than I do.


  • 这里一个列表相信反对核能人一部分(包括本人在内),曾经用过下列的这些双重标准来反对核能

    Here is a list of what I believe are the double-standards that some of us who have opposed nuclear power (I include myself in this) have used when arguing against it.


  • 相信会过得更好,因为那些这里逝去的人们生命得到挽救的人们都会让我相信或许不能消除掉这世上所有邪恶完全可以决定用什么方式去对待另一个人。

    Those who died here, those who saved life here-they help me believe. We may not be able to stop all evil in the world, but I know that how we treat one another is entirely up to us.


  • 看到这里时候你如果已经拿到诊断结果,知道这对很艰难但是你要相信漆黑通道尽头还有一片亮光,继续前行吧,不必回头。

    If anyone reads this and has just been diagnosed I know its hard but there is light at the end of the tunnel and just keep going on and never look back.


  • 不论如何选择,相信您的家人都会喜欢这里的生活。

    In any case, I am sure you and your family will enjoy your stay in this city.


  • 相信这里任何实际好处这次奶业丑闻正揭示了乳业公司多么依赖于对消费者进行营销不是对消费者进行教导

    I'm not convinced there are any real benefits, and this scandal lays bare just how much dairy companies rely on marketing to us rather than teaching.


  • 这里反对气候模型专家们神圣联盟以及相信电脑模型做预测数据蛊惑大批民众

    Here I am opposing the holy brotherhood of climate model experts and the crowd of deluded citizens who believe the Numbers predicted by the computer models.


  • 这里反对气候模型专家们神圣联盟以及相信电脑模型做预测数据蛊惑大批民众

    Here I am opposing the holy brotherhood of climate model experts and the crowd of deluded citizens who believe the Numbers predicted by the computer models.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定