• 顶近顶快的一条路。为什么立刻神那里去呢?

    Straightforward is the best runner--why do not I run at once to the living God?


  • 不得不屏住呼吸一客舱一侧发现一个烧着大洞

    I held my breath and ran until I saw a burning hole on one side of the cabin.


  • 事物听上去总是很熟悉但也很可怕难以控制的冲动驱使冲向街边乡村小路上精疲力尽

    Something in the number seemed familiar and horrible. Moved by an uncontrollable impulse, I sprang into a side street and ran until I fell exhausted in a country lane.


  • 只公鹅正在拍打翅膀发出嘶鸣保护鸟巢湖边

    The male always flaps his wings and hisses to protect the nest but on this occasion, he followed me all the way around the lake.


  • 墙边触摸黑暗一样——测量距离——常常直跑到墙边,他们也不说什么。

    I would run right up to the wall and touch it, even in the darkI needed the distance for my run — and often I could run all the way up to the wall and not one of them would say a word.


  • 也许下一次应该100或者200米了,”继续道,“的姿势有点后倾。”

    "Maybe next time I should just run the 200m or the 100m alone," he added. "My form was going backwards." I wasn't running upright.


  • 他们

    I keep on running and they keep on chasing me.


  • 同样的精神基督作更崇高的努力等到抵达山顶可以高声说:“完成的奋斗完了的路,保持了信心。”

    So let us go forth to higher endeavors for Christ and never rest till we can shout from the very top, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith."


  • 因此尽管开始训练了,不能达到5分钟一英里目标

    So even though I started training again, I continued to fall short of my five minute mile goal.


  • 注意到位面带微笑美丽女孩正在准备轮椅”比赛,拨动轮椅前进的时候微笑一都挂年轻脸上

    I enjoyed the beautiful girl's act, she prepared to attend the game "running in the wheel chair", running at very fast speed with a smile on his young face.


  • 听到这个。在一瞬间知道非常肯定地知道,被打劫了

    I could hear this person running, running, running and I knew, in a split-second of pure certainty, that I was going to get mugged.


  • 对了过去老是一个可怕东西绑在后面然后打着往前不管多远黑东西都后面哐啷哐啷地拖着。

    Yes, you used to tie a horrid black thing behind me and then hit me to make me run, and however far I ran this black thing would always be coming rattle-rattle behind me.


  • 应用同事理论- - - - - -最少英里数仍然能战胜其中一个经常受伤大学运动员

    I've applied my colleague's theory of running the least amount of miles and still winning to one of my often-injured college athletes.


  • 是的接受够了然后告老还乡,的家乡。

    Yes, I can see when I am done going back to my country, which I have always loved.


  • 萝卜干脆爽口,甚为下饭!大家如果喜欢吃的话好吃的大家一起分享吧!

    Luzhi radish crisp and refreshing, very sick! If you also love to eat, so I ran a leg, delicious and share with everyone!


  • 对于以来告诫自己做到经常没有做完,但这一次三件事都完成了:昨晚牙线清洁了牙齿;今天上班练习吉他

    I hit the trifecta for things I tell myself to do but don't do often enough: I flossed last night, I woke up this morning to run before work, and I practiced playing my guitar.


  • 在线时,脑子一你,想你一定很累吧因为整天脑海里不停地

    When you was offline, my mind was full of you all the time. I think your legs must be tired, for you has run around in my head all the day all along.


  • 于是,一直跑生怕被坏人抓住

    So I have been running, has been running, for fear of villains to seize.


  • 现在都要个二十分一滴一滴地小便,而且还会痛,得一厕所才行。

    I stand there for 20 minutes, and it dribbles and hurts. I have to go over and over again.


  • Pumaa台北荧光(Puma Taipei Night Run)中出了个人21KM最好成绩——1小时50分之后知道什么原因能让如此之快

    After running a personal best 21km of 1 hour and 50 minutes in the Puma Taipei Night run I had been wondering about the reasons why I ran so fast?


  • 到了比赛当天在等待坐立难安,还一厕所

    On the day of the contest, I was panic-stricken and couldn't help but run to the toilet continually while waiting.


  • 到了比赛当天在等待坐立难安,还一厕所

    On the day of the contest, I was panic-stricken and couldn't help but run to the toilet continually while waiting.


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