• 自由向往追求一生时光去争取!

    Freedom, my yearning and pursues! For my full time of life!


  • 年前国外蜜月,因此去了深圳,”小张回忆说。“巴黎佛罗伦萨一直我的向往的地方。”

    "I couldn't afford to spend the first honeymoon overseas two years ago, then I chose Shenzhen, " Zhang recalled. "Paris and Florence were only a dream. "


  • 就是向往生活。”汤姆

    "It's just the life for me, "said Tom.


  • 害怕就是墨守成规。总是向往思想新观念的。

    What I dread is to get into a rut. One yearns for freshness of thought and ideas.


  • 总是被教导——齐膝高度——的职业,一个值得人人向往的职业。

    This is in a career I was always taught, from knee height, would be a worthy one to aspire to.


  • 不久没有支持团队了,这当然不是向往的事情。

    Soon, I will have no crew. I am not looking forward to it.


  • 尽管永远不会去踢世界杯,但是,依然向往强壮的自己

    And though I will never play World Cup soccer, I can aspire to be my strongest self.


  • 当然华盛顿记忆当时心灵状态,向往、它的失却希望——涉及的完全其他事物——形成的。

    Certainly the Washington of my memory is shaped by my soul at the time, by its yearnings and losses and hopes, all for other things.


  • 无意中听说那个热忱的十分向往牲口棚中的马具。

    I overhear that the hearty man heartily yearns for my harness in the barn.


  • 还要恢复道义立场使美国再次成为向往自由渴望和平、渴望美好未来人们最后以及最好的圆梦之地。

    And I will restore our moral standing, so that America is once again that last, best hope for all who are called to the cause of freedom, who long for lives of peace and who yearn for a better future.


  • 虽然很喜欢TWC公司的时光,但合同到期了并且作为一个全职员工,并没有向往假期

    While I enjoyed my time at TWC, my contract duration was up and being a full-time employee didn't give me the vacation time I tend to enjoy.


  • 解除紧张忧虑良方。她聪明、善良、向往美好的事物。

    She was a wonderful antidote to my unrelenting anxieties: wise, wistful, and kind.


  • 情景必然非常动人的,可惜未能见到只是向往之而已

    It must have been a very moving scene, but what a pity I haven't seen it with my own eyes. I can only picture it in my mind longingly.


  • 但是近来卧室却再也不成向往天堂了。

    Yet lately, my bedroom has hardly become the haven I hoped for.


  • 由于他们国家偏颇的印象,出于他们对更好生活向往变成了一个宝库

    I was a repository for their skewed perspectives on my country, for their dreams of a better life.


  • 很多一样,一直向往着简约式生活,但同时把它当做只有个别人士践行着大多数适用的生活方式。

    Like many others, I have always admired minimalist Spaces but saw minimalism as something that only a few select individuals could do - something that was not practical for the majority of people.


  • 坐在向往着去河里玩耍,等待布道结束美好时刻,到时就可以吉姆小路上,奔河边

    I sat there dreaming of the river and waiting for the wonderful moment when the sermon would be over and Jim and I could go running down the path to the river.


  • 而现在能让安心工作安静环境,还有不时向往眺望窗子

    Now, I have the quiet I need to perform and a nice window to look out of every once in a while.


  • 没有去追求向往生活反而不想生活而奋斗。

    But instead of chasing the life I dreamed of, I kept chasing the one I didn’t want.


  • 送进了一个向往世界——喜欢夺宝奇兵一起冒险

    It transported me to a world I liked being in - I liked hanging out with Indiana Jones!


  • 开始写作时候,不是向往纽约而是堪萨斯东边一点某个方向出发。

    When I write, I aim in my mind not toward New York but toward a vague spot a little to the east of Kansas.


  • 长跑俱乐部里存放着份绘有这次长跑路线地图多么向往一刻,在这幅地图骄傲地告诉大家已经跑完了全程。

    I have a map of my route back in my running club's clubroom and I am really looking forward to standing in front of it and saying "that is done".


  • 向往的工作,而且是为一家纽约杂志社工作.

    It was a real assignment. And for a New York magazine.


  • 过了一会儿听到爸妈在叫只好朝着楼梯的方向往回划。

    After some time I heard my parents calling, so I headed back toward the stairway.


  • 最后同样重要训练的那些中学生知道向往他们体育馆里一同练习的每一分钟

    And last but not least, I am going to let the high school players I coach know that I look forward to each and every minute that I get to spend with them in the gym.


  • 向往一个内部和平非洲

    I dream of an Africa which is in peace with itself.


  • 他们搬来那天起认识他们看到他们带来的――对美好未来的憧憬更好生活向往,为自己更为了孩子

    I met them the day they movedin, and I saw what they brought with them - beautiful dreams forthe future and quiet hopes for a better life not just forthemselves, but for their children, too.


  • 年中重大一项赛事,一项觉得所有选手都向往的赛事。

    This is one of the best tournaments in the year, one that I think me and all of the players look forward to playing.


  • 鲍尔和阿纳兹婚姻使《西》的粉丝十分向往他们得意于两生活中的阴阳搭配,就如同屏幕上露西里基一样。

    The Ball-Arnaz marriage was a fascination for fans of the show who reveled in their yin and yang approach to life onscreen as Lucy and Ricky.


  • 鲍尔和阿纳兹婚姻使《西》的粉丝十分向往他们得意于两生活中的阴阳搭配,就如同屏幕上露西里基一样。

    The Ball-Arnaz marriage was a fascination for fans of the show who reveled in their yin and yang approach to life onscreen as Lucy and Ricky.


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