• 一部分因为背负着破碎的心疲惫不堪。

    Another part of me is so weary from carrying the burden of a broken heart.


  • 除了绝大多数CD t保留相同命名约定——部分原因是为了简化CDT代码添加BBCDT中的过程一部分由于

    I've removed the vast majority of the CDT's classes, but I've kept the same naming conventionspartly to simplify the process of adding CDT code to the BBCDT, and partly because I'm lazy.


  • 有点呆住了,部分是为自己的遗忘感到难堪,另一部分是因为似乎一直在为生活而努力赚钱,但从没有停下来享受一下努力得来的生活

    I was stunned, partially because I was embarrassed that I had forgotten, and, partially, because... well, it seems we spend all of our time earning a living and never stop to live our earnings.


  • 高中的时候,学校里的一部分老师建议本大学,而一部分却建议考阿拉巴马大学,就像有些决定顺其自然的。

    When I was in high school some teachers advised me to attend Auburn, other teachers advised me to attend the university of Alabama and, well, like I said some decisions are pretty obvious.


  • 本栏目的一部分介绍WSFL一个很酷功能:在现有的商业流程中递归嵌套成新的商业流程。

    In the next installment of this column, I'll introduce you to another cool feature of WSFL: the ability to recursively compose new business processes from existing business processes.


  • 一部分原因是,如果上学时某件乐器放在了衣橱的角落里,想你应该吸口气,抖落上面灰尘开始弹奏吧

    Partly because if you've got an instrument lurking at the back of the wardrobe, neglected since your schooldays, I think you should take a deep breath, dust it off, and start playing.


  • 阿斯兰一部分一个故事了。”阿拉维斯

    "I suppose Aslan would say that was part of someone else's story," said Aravis.


  • 这本书中说方法之一明白'一部分是,一辆轻型的光辉超过他们

    It is said in the book that one of the ways I will recognise my 'other part' is, a light shining over their left shoulder.


  • 不是应该避免所有合作伙伴这个问题只是一个事物一几自然一部分

    I am not saying you should avoid all partners, but that the issue is just going to be a natural part of things for another couple of years.


  • 一部分真的房子逃出去不过一部分觉得爱上了其中的外星人,而且认为外星人

    One part of me really wants to escape from the house, but another part of me appears to have falling in love with one of the aliens, I think it is a female alien.


  • 发问者有点困惑听懂一部分确定是否完全了解说的。你能够一种方式重新叙述吗?

    Questioner: I'm a little confused. I partially understand you, but I'm not sure that I fully understand you. Could you restate that in another way?


  • 工作一部分关注减肥手术失败那些人。

    Another part of my job focuses on the group that failed the weight loss surgery.


  • 现在学会生命中的一部分

    I now learn to love the other part of my life.


  • 计划红包分为部分一部分自己想要东西一部分是用来这样就能一直有钱

    I plan to divide my lucky money into two parts, one is for me to buy the things I want, the other is for me to save, so that I can have money all the time.


  • 将来计划一部分就是环游世界

    Thee other part of my future plan is that I want to travel around the world.


  • 而且追捕缩小适当文件一部分觉得一个意外

    And, when I do narrow my hunt down to the appropriate part of the file, I find another surprise.


  • 将来计划一部分就是环游世界

    The other part of my future plan is that I want to travel around the world.


  • 只是到达了人生一个阶段婚姻这段人生新旅程一部分——不是说婚姻影响剩馀的人生。

    I just think I reached another stage in my life and marriage is part of that next phase of my life - rather than marriage affecting the rest of my life.


  • 把它揣在怀里像是块易的无价之宝,潸然泪下——一部分为了一张永远珍视卡片,另一部分所爱生命遭受的痛苦变化

    I cradled it like a priceless breakable and wept buckets of tears. Some for a card I would always hold dear, others for the sorrowful changes taking place in the lives of those I loved.


  • 社会记忆复合体(socialmemory complex)同在,其中一部分那些中的你们太阳系一个行星开始旅行,这个实体的。

    I am, with the social memory complex of which I am a part, one of those who voyaged outward from another planet within your own solar system, as this entity would call it.


  • 今天分享故事部分故此今天来看一部分明天再看一部分

    The story I want to tell here has two parts, so we'll look at the first part today and the rest of it tomorrow.


  • 放下了,非常幸运能够成为一项世界锦标赛冠军一部分

    You forget them, and I've been very lucky to be part of another world championship.


  • 一方面一部分抓住因为那么特别,可是一方面我的其他部分又看到了将来争吵不休和在金钱以及关爱上的矛盾和冲突。

    Part of me wants to hold on to him, just because he is so special. The other part sees fights in the future, conflicts over money and attention.


  • 把它在怀里,像是块易的无价之宝,潸然泪下——一部分为了一张永远珍视的卡片,一部分所爱生命遭受痛苦变化

    I 6 cradled it like a priceless breakable and wept buckets of tears. Some for a card I would always 7 hold dear, others for the sorrowful changes taking place in the lives of those I loved.


  • 干柴同时也是烈火,一部分燃烧一部分

    I am the flame and i am the dry bush, and one part of me consumes the other part.


  • 干柴同时也是烈火,一部分燃烧一部分

    I am the flame and i am the dry bush, and one part of me consumes the other part.


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