• 一个温暖九月下午克莱尔果园里。

    Clare and I are in the Orchard on a warm September afternoon.


  • 打扰一下,收到一封信本书九月借出的,书名是现代社会问题》。

    Excuse me, I received a letter that I am supposed to return a book that I checked out back in September, it's called Modern Social Problems.


  • 最喜欢的月份是九月,因为在这个月有教师节。

    My favorite month is September, because we have Teachers' Day in this month.


  • 今天农历九月第十四也是生日

    Today is the fourteenth day of the ninth lunar month, today is my birthday.


  • 上次九月交谈时,史诗般的故事吃惊,他兄弟偷偷乘船前往的黎波里参加战斗

    The last time we’d spoken, in September, he’d surprised me with an epic story of sneaking off by boat with his brother to fight in Tripoli.


  • 九月TED办公室附近一个小餐馆会面

    In September, TED and I met at a diner near my office.


  • 九月中旬,弟弟以前同学本德学校已经开学几周了,父亲开着车把印第安纳送到马萨诸塞

    In mid-September, weeks after school had started in South Bend for my brothers and my former classmates, my father drove me from Indiana to Massachusetts.


  • 去年九月写过这样一篇报道:为了加快斯洛维尼伊斯坦布尔铁路货运速度,塞尔维亚克罗地亚、斯洛维尼亚人组建了一家新的货运公司

    Last September I wrote that the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes had founded a new cargo company to speed up the transportation of cargo along the railway from Slovenia through to Istanbul.


  • 出乎意料的是,九月签了一份写书合同年底的时候手稿交给出版商

    To my surprise, I signed a book contract in September of that year. I turned in my manuscript to the publisher by the end of the calendar year.


  • 九月的时候,第一出国美国

    In September, I travelled to America for my first trip abroad.


  • 那个时候正准备九月家长会听到要为孩子们所有事情的时候,已经流露出悲哀的表情

    By the time I make it to the parent-teacher conferences in early September, when I hear about all the things I'm supposed to be doing with the kids, I'm well into panic mode.


  • 九月休假虚弱憔悴又伤痕累累回到身边,那时情深似海,如今却难以成言。

    I cannot tell you how strong my love for you was back then, when I returned to you on leave in the September, feeling battered, bruised and fragile.


  • 九月睡眼朦胧伦敦地铁上,份报纸抓住了眼球参加部族塞拉利昂项目

    One day in September while travelling, bleary eyed, on the London Underground, an article in a newspaper caught my eye: an opportunity to join a community project in Sierra Leone.


  • 不过得先鸿篇巨制的最后一哈利·波特死亡圣徒》另外九月准备大学了。

    I've got the colossal final book 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' to finish off, and I'm going to university in September.


  • 九月醉人傍晚下来的苹果花园出来

    On a mellow evening in September, I was coming from the garden with a heavy basket of apples which I had been gathering.


  • 九月,“爸爸”被诊断出患有癌症。即使第二年二月举行的葬礼上,不能理解一事实:再也不能见到活着了。

    In September, they discovered that my Papa had cancer.It never sank in, even at his funeral the next February, that I'd never see his alive again.


  • 九月休假回到身边,疲惫脆弱,没能再告诉你战火纷飞对你的深。

    I cannot tell you how strong my love for you was back then, when I returned to you on leave in the September, feeling 9 battered, bruised and fragile.


  • 还有九月夜晚抱着

    And how you held me in your arms that September night.


  • 二零零七年九月新的一天平时从不会轻易说出的“早上巡警长官。”之中开始

    On September 6, 2007 I started the day with words never easily spoken: “Good morning, Officer.”


  • 九月二十八布赖恩征婚启事时,根本知道安排见面会带来什么结果

    When Brian responded to my AD on the 28th of September, I had no idea what I was getting myself into by arranging to meet in person.


  • 九月一个星期一早晨,电话母亲打来的,电话中像心神不宁,因为们家的狗max,刚刚死了。

    My mom called me one Monday morning in September. She was distraught.


  • 九月十二月,都可以用木珠来装饰房间。一个小超市里花了五十美分买到它们的。

    A string of wooden beads. I use them September through December. I found them for 50 cents at a yard sale.


  • 从事建筑业每年九月一日卡扎菲举行庆典总是这个国家不同地方

    I run a construction business and every year Gaddafi would have this celebration on 1 September, always in a different part of the country.


  • 年前九月的某天,不停地翻阅LonelyPlanet的《穷游欧洲》旅游指南书。

    Eight years ago this September I was furiously flicking through Lonely Planet's Europe on a Shoestring guide.


  • 事实上九月亚马逊搞的营销活动目标定位明确:他们iPad更好。同时便写了一类似的文章予以回击

    In fact, I wrote a similar tirade back in September when Amazon began a marketing campaign specifically targeting the ways it was superior to the iPad.


  • 首先去年ThinktheLifeof theMindand theLove ofGod计划九月出版需要最后编辑

    First of all, Think: the Life of the Mind and the Love of God, which I wrote last year, is scheduled for publication in September and needs final editing.


  • 首先去年ThinktheLifeof theMindand theLove ofGod计划九月出版需要最后编辑

    First of all, Think: the Life of the Mind and the Love of God, which I wrote last year, is scheduled for publication in September and needs final editing.


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