• 没有梦想挑战

    I wouldn't dream of challenging you.


  • 如果没有梦想成为军人邮差就不会学会游泳潜水爬树骑车

    If I hadn't dreamt of being a soldier or a newspaper boy. I wouldn't have learned to swim, to dive, to climb trees or to ride a bicycle.


  • 没有梦想财富名声只想一种别人下的风格写作有可能的话写的东西影响人们的生活

    I have not dreamed of fortune or fame, but only to be able to write in a manner that others can read and possibly make a difference in their lives.


  • 现在专业培训,最让开心自己没有放弃梦想决定

    Now in the first two years of professional training, I couldn't be happier with my decision not to give up on my dream.


  • 如果继续坚持自己创业梦想没有其他选择

    If I want to continue ahead with this dream of owning my own business, I have no other choice.


  • 我没有进入美国国家橄榄球联盟,但有时认为从实现梦想的过程中获得了更多,虽然没有实现它。

    Even though I did not reach the National Football League, I sometimes think I got more from achieving that dream, without realizing it.


  • 没有获取财富声誉梦想只想使自己的写作风格别人所接受,若可能,最好自己的作品他人的生活有所影响。

    I have not dreamed of fortune of fame, but only to be able to write in a manner that others can read and possibly make a different in their lives.


  • 没有自信不会自己追寻梦想

    Without confidence, you don't allow yourself to pursue your dreams.


  • 虽然保守者”角度看问题没有多大坏处,但是不会因为他们的消极反应而停止追随梦想的脚步。

    While it's not all bad to get the "gatekeeper's" perspective, I'm not going to let other people's negativity stop me from following my dream.


  • 事实根本没有绝对答案,也没有蓝图告诉怎样建造一项梦想中的生意因为梦想

    The reality is that there is no definitive answer, no blueprint to tell me how to build the business of my dreams, because it’s my dream.


  • 但是必须指出勇于编织不切实际梦想没有因为能帮去追求真正想要的。

    But I have to say that there is nothing wrong about dreaming the unrealistic because it helps us reach out to what we really want.


  • 知道你的生活忙碌,但是如果没有计划梦想永远只是

    I know that life can be very busy and without a plan, your dream will remain a dream.


  • 告诉你一个小小的秘密没有会管什么梦想

    A little secretno one cares as much about this end goal as you do.


  • 没有说服所有梦想能成真说服自己

    He did not convince me that all my dreams were possible: I convinced myself!


  • 并不急于分享秘密或者梦想中的女孩子很幸运没有现金了,要不是失去了所有的现金没有能够知道秘密

    I am not anscious to share my secrets or my dream girls, but Lucky for you I ran out of cash. If I hadn't lost all my cash no one would ever know my secret.


  • 必须抓住时机全世界贫困人民谋福利,其中也包括昨天见过的墨西哥小姑娘梦想一个没有极端贫困世界

    We must seize this moment to cater for the poorest of the world, including that young Mexican girl I spoke of yesterday, who dreams of a world without desperate poverty.


  • 来说,并不算什么梦想成真因为开始台球时候没有梦想自己成为这样

    For me it's not a dream that comes true, as I never dreamed I could do that when I began to play snooker.


  • 电影知道他人不错怎么没有想到如此平易近人梦想终于成真

    I knew he was nice from his films, but I had no idea how nice he would be. This has really been a dream come true.


  • 不久将来随时都开车梦想破灭了已经没有了。

    My dreams of driving anytime in the near future were crushed, and my car was gone.


  • 这个说:“朋友约翰尼一直在白日做梦想成为一个有名的电影明星但是梦想永远也不会实现的。没有一点演员的天才而且他的嗓子又尖又细,没有爱听。”

    My friend Johnny has this pipe dream about becoming a famous movie star. But it won't ever happen. He doesn't have any talent, and he has this high, squeaky voice people don't like to hear.


  • 开始难过,觉得因此死掉而没有留下任何东西,驾环游世界梦想因此而破碎。

    The idea that we'd be left with nothing and that our dream of sailing the world was just finished - at first I was grieving that.


  • 告诉现年55正在攻读生物技术学位不只是因为家具业的工作没有了,而是因为她想鼓励她的孩子追求他们梦想

    And she told me she's earning her degree in biotechnology now, at 55 years old, not just because the furniture jobs are gone, but because she wants to inspire her children to pursue their dreams too.


  • 每天往来奔波从事教学工作,还要抚养两个孩子,天天忙忙碌碌,紧紧张张倒心安理得。 直到有天,不知怎么的突然想到要是如此度过一生可能就真的没有机会实现长期萦绕在心中的梦想---搞创作小说

    While juggling three teaching jobs and raising my two kids, it hit me one day that I might live my whole life without doing what I really wanted to do, which was to write a novel.


  • 每天往来奔波从事教学工作,还要抚养两个孩子,天天忙忙碌碌,紧紧张张倒心安理得。 直到有天,不知怎么的突然想到要是如此度过一生可能就真的没有机会实现长期萦绕在心中的梦想---搞创作小说

    While juggling three teaching jobs and raising my two kids, it hit me one day that I might live my whole life without doing what I really wanted to do, which was to write a novel.


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