• 如此长期沉溺悲伤

    I've been down too long.


  • 如果伤害父亲那么完全有理由憎恨始终无法理解为何如此鄙视而且所说毫无缘由地

    If I had ever done your father an injury, he might well hate me; but I cannot see why he should despise me and, as you say, hate me without any reason.


  • 如此卓越迷人,如果你骄傲的话,更多的理由为你而自豪。

    You are splendid, and I have much more reason to be proud of you than you of me.


  • 知道是否如此饥饿天生的饥饿如此完全满足过

    I don't know if I had ever been so hungry or had that innate hunger so completely satisified.


  • 因为概论课程如此严厉,以至于在后来的课程中即使有教授截止时间非常苛刻,他也感到担忧,因为早已习惯这么一套紧张的学习模式。

    Because I was so harsh on him in his introductory courses, it didn't faze him when later professors were strict with deadlines, because he was already used to it.


  • 担任州长期间,处理不少自然灾害包括洪水旱灾龙卷风从未见过如此惨状。

    I had dealt with a lot of natural disasters as governor, including floods, droughts, and tornadoes, but I had never seen anything like this.


  • 认为骑着自行车踏上旅途,事实如此么?

    I thought I was taking my bike on a ride. But really?


  • 雅各创造的耶和华以色列阿,造成你的那位现在如此说,你不要害怕因为救赎了你。你的你,你是属的。

    But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, o Jacob, and he that formed thee, o Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.


  • 如果,为什么会有如此感受:没错多年来参股犯有上述所有错误公司

    And, in case you're wondering: yes, over the years I've backed companies guilty of all these mistakes.


  • 并不了解公司任何内幕公开表示,对该公司创始人以及他们如此迅速壮大起来的业务感到钦佩。

    I am not privy to any private information about the company, but I've said publicly that I admire the founders and the kind of business they have been able to build so quickly.


  • 告诉自己获得如此善良如此体面男人也获得了幸福

    I have told myself that I very nearly gained the love of a truly kind and honourable man and had known seven years of happiness.


  • 耶和华如此说,就是耶路撒冷。安置之中

    Thus saith the Lord GOD; This is Jerusalem: I have set it in the midst of the nations and countries that are round about her.


  • 耶和华差遣先知以色列人那里,对他们:“耶和华以色列如此你们埃及上来为奴之家。”

    He sent them a prophet, who said, "This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: I brought you up out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery."


  • 迟到5分钟发现这样压力太大,值得如此

    I have experimented with being five minutes late, but found it so stressful it wasn't worth it.


  • 所以不止一次反复自己:究竟对方的什么让如此痴迷、狂热?迄今无法找到令自己非常满意的答案

    So not once have I asked myself: what on earth is it in you that so captivated me? So far I have searched without a satisfactory answer.


  • 26日晚“快”总决赛全国十强第一场突围赛中,频频走音的可仍旧获得部分评委称赞,“几年清新的创作”、“喜欢她真诚、简单,非常让感动”等诸如此类的赞誉。

    On June 26`s Happy Girls show, Zeng`s out-of-tune performance received praise from the judges. "It is the freshest work I`ve ever heard these years", said one judge.


  • 亨利·詹姆斯晚年写信给:“再见了亲爱的养尊处优夫人,请继续克服种种,拔群出萃如此成功地做到一点)。”

    Goodbye, dear grande viveuse,” Henry James wrote to her in the final year of his life. “Keep rising above (you do it so splendidly).”


  • 交易通到许多海岛耶和华如此推罗阿,你全然美丽的。

    And say unto Tyrus, o thou that art situate at the entry of the sea, which art a merchant of the people for many isles, Thus saith the Lord GOD; o Tyrus, thou hast said, I am of perfect beauty.


  • 真是激动人心,期待很棒没想到会如此的壮丽。

    It was breathtaking. I was expecting it to be good, but I had no idea.


  • 每一次当看见挥手时意识到实在幸运了,能拥有度过的这些时光成为如此亲密家人

    And every time I see that wave, I realize how lucky we've all been to have had The Times we've had and to be the close family we've become.


  • 有时候发现这个世界如此伟大。发现生命化为灰烬刹那,新的一代又开始茁壮成长。

    Sometimes I see how the Brave New World arrives, and I see how it thrives in the ashes of our lives.


  • 若非亲见如此神奇事件根本无法想像会有这种事。

    Had I not had witnessed such a miraculous event, I could not even imagine it happening.


  • 克拉克说过:“天生秃顶!”的确如此33那年首次上银幕时,他们头发是明日黄花了。

    Clark once said, "I was born bald! " and indeed his hair was already a thing of the past when he made his screen debut at the age of33.


  • 如此努力照亮内心致敬,现在可以安息了,你一定永远安息心中

    MJ, u have tried so hard in life to lift up our hearts, i salute you, now u may rest in peace, for u will definitely be resting in our hearts forever.


  • 看到过几个这种案例但是一个如此显明

    I have seen several such cases, but that one was so clear!


  • 施安娜希望如此不会了,有人说不会

    Anna Scott: I hoped there would be, but no, I'm... assured there aren't.


  • 施安娜希望如此不会了,有人说不会

    Anna Scott: I hoped there would be, but no, I'm... assured there aren't.


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