• 选择的,我所选择的。

    Loving each other is true love .


  • 选择例子一个文本文件导入

    The example I have chosen is of importing a text file.


  • 选择专业就是音乐

    The professional area I settled on was music.


  • 确信有能力顺利完成所选择课程

    I am sure that I am capable of successfully completing my chosen course of study.


  • 选择正确的。

    What I select is all right.


  • 选择追求,追求了我所选择的——学生会。

    So, I chose my pursuit, the pursuit of my choicestudents into.


  • 因此,我所选择出场球员都是认为能够为球队做出最大贡献的球员。

    The best players during the week that work more, the players that perform game after game, are the players you have to put on the pitch.


  • 选择日期过去日期,表明希望请求的票据指定一个失效时间

    The date that I have chosen lies in the past, which indicates that I don't want to specify an expiry time for the ticket being requested.


  • 困难方法(也是所选择的方法)是从eBay上购买一个车载电源适配器

    The difficult way (and the way I chose) is to purchase a car power adapter from eBay.


  • 不断努力去争取达到这些目标理想上帝面前献身所选择职业——执法

    I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession - Law Enforcement.


  • 只是全国夺回,要因仆人大卫选择耶路撒冷,还留一支儿子

    Howbeit I will not rend away all the kingdom; but will give one tribe to thy son for David my servant's sake, and for Jerusalem's sake which I have chosen.


  • 然而一些捐款拿用来消灭小儿麻痹等疾病因为扶轮基金会我所选择行善的团体。

    Some of my donations went to the eradicate polio because the Rotary Foundation is my charity of choice.


  • 一个支派儿子使仆人大卫所选择耶路撒冷城里,在面前灯光

    I will give one tribe to his son so that David my servant may always have a lamp before me in Jerusalem, the city where I chose to put my Name.


  • 选择专业是新闻学,很喜欢这个专业,梦想将来能够成为名优秀记者

    I have chosen journalism as my major, and I like it very much, so, my dream is to become a excellent journalist in the future.


  • 扶轮基金会所选择行善机构,因为能为如此美好生活社区些许的回馈。

    The Rotary Foundation is my charity of choice because it allows me to make a small contribution back to the community that has given me such a wonderful life.


  • 当时全然不知所选择道路最终自己受伤痛苦自己变成一个无意义的存在

    At the time, I had no idea of my choice the road will eventually make their own injuries and pain, but also to transform itself into a meaningless existence.


  • 一个支派儿子使仆人大卫所选择耶路撒冷城里,在面前长灯光

    Yet to his son I will give one tribe, that David my servant may always have a lamp before me in Jerusalem, the city where I have chosen to put my name.


  • 还留一个支派儿子使仆人大卫所选择耶路撒冷城里,在面前灯光

    And unto his son will I give one tribe, that David my servant may have a light alway before me in Jerusalem, the city which I have chosen me to put my name there.


  • 确认志愿成为名游骑兵(一种精锐突击队员),充分认识到所选择职业危险的,永远努力维护游骑兵军团声望荣誉高度的智慧。

    Recognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and high esprit DE corps of the Rangers.


  • 突然意识到可以选择

    It hit me that I had a choice.


  • 惟独耶和华一支所选择地方,你就要在那里燔祭,行一切吩咐的。

    Offer them only at the place the LORD will choose in one of your tribes, and there observe everything I command you.


  • 可爱的孩子记住件事选择选择!

    My lovely child, remember one thing:Love what you choose; and choose what you love!


  • 根据记录,通常认同安装程序选择鼠标类型除非绝对确定提供选择是基于什么驱动程序。

    For the record, I typically go with whatever the installer chooses for mouse type unless you're absolutely sure about which driver underlies the choices presented.


  • 仆人大卫以色列支派选择耶路撒冷缘故,仍给罗门留一个支派

    But for the sake of my servant David and the city of Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, he will have one tribe.


  • 希望支持一种加密算法(CBC模式下DES),根据客户机所选择消息摘要算法,它的INTEGER标识号12或者3

    I just want to support one encryption algorithm (DES in CBC mode) whose INTEGER identifier is 1, 2, or 3, depending upon the message digest algorithm of the client's choice.


  • 2示的本文选择使用许可

    Figure 2 is how I might use the license wizard for the article you're reading.


  • 这里不是记录操作而是选择实际修改存储字段中的string

    Rather than just logging operations, I've chosen here to actually modify the String value being stored to a selected field.


  • 本文中,展示如何RationalAssetManager所选择范围社区配置治理决策政策

    In this article I will show how the governance decisions and policies for your selected scope and communities are configured in Rational Asset Manager.


  • 本文中,展示如何RationalAssetManager所选择范围社区配置治理决策政策

    In this article I will show how the governance decisions and policies for your selected scope and communities are configured in Rational Asset Manager.


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