• 清楚从不相信相关网页,还有博客我感觉上面不论真假随便

    I don't know. I never trust those alternative sites and, the blogs can say anything, true or false.


  • 在这里看到了一个危险陷阱如果经历某事短期感觉长期来看实际上有害该怎么办?

    I see a dangerous trap here: what if you experience something that feels very good in the short term but is actually harmful in the long term?


  • 一种感觉亚历克斯喜欢可能只是一相情愿想法

    I've got a feeling that Alex likes me, but that might just be wishful thinking.


  • 中国人歌曲旋律很有感觉熟知称得起世界上著名旋律优美的歌曲比如的太阳》等。

    The Chinese are sensitive to the melody produced by Neapolitan songs, perhaps the most famous melodic songs in the world like "O sole mio".


  • 能够眼睛并且告诉他,可以再次看到事物——老实说感觉极了

    To be able to look him in the eye and tell him I could see againhonestly, that felt pretty damn good.


  • 像是有人消化系统里面不停的抽打,知道感觉非常糟糕

    It was like somebody shut a switch on my whole digestive system and, you know, it felt horrible.


  • 真是简单了。感觉很棒

    That was incredibly easy, and I felt great.


  • 更加基于两家网站的总体感觉以及它们在社会化网络中所起的作用。

    It was more based out of a general feeling I have regarding the two and how each performs their social networking duties.


  • 洗手间走廊尽头,每次时候,有种身后有人跟着的感觉

    The bathroom was at the end of corridor and I would always feel as if something was walking right behind me.


  • 光头只是顺势一蹭感觉非常美妙”,斯奈德

    "It just slipped through from my bald head and it was a great feeling," Sneijder said.


  • 感觉

    That made me feel very good.


  • 事实上番话的确感觉好多了

    Actually, it did make me feel better.


  • 感觉穿这件裙子参加聚会正式

    I have a feeling that this dress will be too formal for the party.


  • 差不多年前建立个叫“拯救世界慈善机构,名字本身正是潜藏感觉,就知道的一点 ,正如Shmuley后来指出的样,两个字是古老预言实现的基础,们真的能拯救世界吗?

    Almost a decade ago, I founded a charity called Heal the World. The title was something I felt inside me.


  • 每当外卖老板娘里打包的时候(点清食品给钱~~不可避免地信用卡~然后就瞄到了可恨的小费栏),感觉忧虑。

    Whenever I go through the takeout dance with a host (she retrieves my food, I payinevitably with a credit cardand my eyes scan down to that darned gratuity line), I feel anxious.


  • 如果的确一种选择至少不会感觉生活出卖

    If it were a choice, I would not feel betrayed by life.


  • 尽管没有实现自己目标仍然记得喜悦之情充斥全身感觉不是因为时间而是因为知道为了的目标不遗余力的努力

    And although I didn’t conquer my goal, I still remember the feeling of joy that shot through my body - not because of the time, but because I knew without question that I gave it my all.


  • 然后,温柔地把头发放原处感觉冰冷指尖触到了喉咙

    Then he gently patted the strand back into place, and I felt his cool fingertips against my throat.


  • 但是认为原始群落感受细枝末节:有着不同信仰感觉陌生任何陌生的东西都危险的。

    But I think that this is an offshoot of herd feeling: the man who has a different theology feels strange, and whatever is strange must be dangerous.


  • 也许只是下楼安慰老鸨感觉一件不寻常事情正在发生,将是晨报上读到的戏剧性轶事。

    Perhaps she was just going downstairs to quiet her maquereau. I had a feeling that something unusual was happening, some sort of drama which I would read about in the morning paper.


  • 看看到底是什么样子所以要迪米特里一个剂量感觉做梦一样。

    I wanted to see what it was like, so I asked Dimitri to give me a dose. The trip is like a dream.


  • 记得歌词但是起来平静安宁感觉

    I don't remember the lyrics, but it was very calm and peaceful to listen to.


  • 抑郁,既恐慌他人可能如何,又夹杂着如何自己恐慌,感觉上去就像无处可逃。

    Couple the fear of what others might do to me with a fear of what I might do to myself when depressed, and it feels like there is no escape.


  • 最难的关系难题卸掉传统思想包袱思想推动被束缚着,给每份关系标签分类,因而感觉懂得

    My biggest relationship challenge is unloading the traditional-minded baggage that nudges me to lock down and label each relationship, so I can feel like I understand it.


  • 汤普森警告说,牵引机在空中释放时候感觉就像是坐过山车到了最高点。

    He warned that the moment when the towplane released us would remind me of going over the top of a roller coaster.


  • 暗自心想等等,如果家伙现在感觉暖的话下了地狱之后试试看。

    And I just thought to myself, wait a minute, this guy thinks it's warm now, wait till he gets to hell.


  • 看着就会想起当年摆弄老式单缸引擎情形,想起笨重飞轮,想起机器的痴迷,想起人机合一的操控感觉

    Watching him I would remember the things you could do with the old one-cylinderengine with the heavy flywheel, how you could have it eating out of your handif you got really close to it spiritually.


  • 不过现在想起爸爸,想起与众不同寻狗方式,还有怎样感觉安心

    But now when I think of him, I remember his wacky idea to play the family music, and how it made me feel like everything would be okay.


  • 不过现在想起爸爸,想起与众不同寻狗方式,还有怎样感觉安心

    But now when I think of him, I remember his wacky idea to play the family music, and how it made me feel like everything would be okay.


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