• 来查查时间表可以可以

    Let me check his schedule... Yes, I think he can see you.


  • 可以加入第九局击球。

    I guess he can be on our team and we'll try to put him in to bat in the ninth inning.. '.


  • 可以切尔西好的效力,并且能够球队带了一点变化

    I think he will do well for Chelsea and he will bring something different to the team. It is a good transfer for us.


  • 查查时间表可以可以不过五点左右可以打电话确定一下吗?

    Girlet me check his schedule... Yes, I think he can see you. But could you call again around five to make sure?


  • 人们一个令人生厌人,的确也是,不过需要食物厌烦更糟糕事情可以忍受

    People said he was a bore, and so he was, I suppose, but when you're in need of food you can put up with worse things than being bored.


  • 医生最近告诉慢跑可以增加寿命的,因为已经觉得自己得到了十(老了十岁)。

    My doctor recently told me that jogging could add years to my life. I think he was right.


  • 你们可以电邮附件发给助教如果助教允许你这样做的话会允许的。

    You may email them as an attachment to your teaching fellow, if the teaching fellow has given you permission to do that, and I think they all did.


  • 如果Google真的收购Digg冲着发掘大量投票监视监视投票规律的,这些可以用来改进编辑搜索结果功能

    If Google does acquire Digg, I think it's for mining a big amount of votes and detecting patterns that could be used to improve features like "edit search results".


  • “有人就是好好打球,”败给波特兰菲尔·杰克逊批评了球队,“就是觉得现在可以放下包袱歇歇了吧。”

    "These guys just didn't want to play hard, " Phil Jackson said after the Portland game. "I think it's a product of knowing what their position is."


  • 并非不必认真承担责任工作和对待承诺不是可以正直的人。

    I don't think he meant you don't have to take your responsibilities, promises, work, etc. seriously. He didn't mean that it's OK to live life with no integrity.


  • 并非不必认真承担责任、工作和对待承诺,也不是可以正直人。

    I don't think he meant you don't have to take your responsibilities, promises, work, etc. seriously.He didn't mean that it's OK to live life with no integrity.


  • 尤里,一共花了九个小时那里开回来。如果艾文今晚动身应该可以明天中饭左右到达。

    YURI: Well, it took me about nine hours to get back here by car. If Ivan leaves tonight, I think he should be there by tomorrow lunch.


  • 有一支大军南边接近,指令保护那些卫队,不过可以马上劝降过来。

    A large force is approaching from the south, their directive is to protect the guard but I think they can be persuaded at once.


  • 大概自己车间可以制造这些东西

    I believe they have their own workshop in which these things are manufactured.


  • 希望巴塞罗纳可以顺利过关因为今年实在是得太出彩了,们最后夺冠也是实至名归。

    I hope that Barcelona can make it through because it has displayed brilliant play this year and I think it deserves it.


  • 鲁迪事实上今晚就出院了可以水果,看看是否好一些

    Rudy: Actually, I think he's getting out tonight. We can take some fruit over to his house to make sure he's feeling better.


  • 肯定拍了一些照片,这样可以它们用平面媒体上了。

    I'm sure he would have captured some great images we can incorporate into a print campaign.


  • 玛莎很难这件事,认为或许可以谈谈这样可能使乔纳好受些,对吗,萨姆

    Dr Marsha: I think it's very hard for him to talk to you about all this and I thought maybe you and I could talk maybe it would make Jonah feel a little better, Sam?


  • 可以唱歌

    I think he can sing too.


  • 可以场上发挥作用,因为经验非常多。

    I think he can still bring something on the pitch with the person he is and the experience he has.


  • 昨天亨利衣着整齐、精神焕发我想他很快就可以出院工作了。

    I went to see Henry yesterday. He was clothed and very much in his right mind; I think he'll be out of hospital very soon.


  • 实在突然要离开巴黎段时间法一定觉得高兴,这样可以使家里少说些闲话

    Between ourselves, I think he's delighted by this whim of mine, for it'll get me out of Paris for a while and help to shut his family up.


  • 真正寻找一个机会,能够所犯所有错误消失生活并且可以重新开始。

    I think really what they're looking for is another chance, some way to lead another life Where all the mistakes they've made would be erased, and they could just start over.


  • 微软波音公司出谋划策一直参与西门子公司的培训评估名片可以个电话。

    He's done staff for Microsoft and Boeing. I think he's been involved with Siemens' training evaluations as well. I'll get you his card, you can give him a call.


  • 微软波音公司出谋划策一直参与西门子公司的培训评估名片可以个电话。

    He's done staff for Microsoft and Boeing. I think he's been involved with Siemens' training evaluations as well. I'll get you his card, you can give him a call.


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