• 一直以来渴望着把必须的,最为动听的话对你说

    Since I long for the I must say to you, the most good words to you to say.


  • 魔术师来到这个跟前,:“可以儿子高兴一展愁眉露出微笑必须告诉他这个秘密付出巨大代价。”

    One day, a magician came to the man and said to him, "I can make your son happy and turn his frowns into smiles, but you must pay me a great price for telling him the secret."


  • 只需大家:“这蛋糕好吃极了,必须告诉这是怎么弄的。”

    Just quickly turn around and say, "This cake is extremely delicious and you have to tell me all about it."


  • 必须人生一个清晰憧憬喜欢梦想的人生,活在梦里

    You must have a clear vision of your life. I like to say, I dream my life, and then I live my dream.


  • 弗雷德:“无论如何,必须每天篇文章明白吗?”

    I said, "Fred, you will write one article every day, no matter what."


  • 必须没有听到任何一位西方和平主义者这个问题诚实回答尽管听到大量回避一般是“另一位”那

    I must say that I have never heard, from any Western pacifist, an honest answer to this question, though I have heard plenty of evasions, usually of the "you're another" type.


  • 不是每天工作16个小时只是必须自己的事具有信念

    I'm not saying you should work 16 hours a day, only that you must believe in what you're doing.


  • 必须相信每一事情都是天赋的才能,并且无论付出任何代价,要把这件完成。当事情结束的时候,能够问心无愧的:“已经了。”

    We must believe we have talents in doing the things that we are doing and determine to accomplish it at any cost.when it is over, you can proudly say, "I have done all I could!"


  • :“令人伤心的事情不能从头来过,必须做出选择。有些选择的但是也做出了一些错误的选择。”

    "The sad thing is you don't get do-overs," he said. "you've got to make the calls. I got some right. I got some wrong."


  • 必须下意识地自己肯定地:“相信,在心中唤起这个期望潜意识现在正在帮助实现。”

    You must consciously affirm: “I believe that the subconscious power that gave me this desire is now fulfilling it through me.”


  • 然后王后耳语:“真的亲爱的一个作证人必须审讯了,已经头疼得无法忍受了。”

    'Call the next witness.' And he added in an undertone to the Queen, 'Really, my dear, YOU must cross-examine the next witness. It quite makes my forehead ache!'


  • 维冈没有恶意,但是如果挑战冠军宝座但是必须赢得类似这样比赛

    "No disrespect to Wigan but if you want to challenge for the title then you need to be winning games like this," he said.


  • 意识一些必须什么真心很有兴致但是有时候发现这些惯例问题就是为了让他们闭嘴才的。

    I realize that some people are genuinely interested in what you have to say, but sometimes I find that these generic questions are just used to fill the silences.


  • 如果老实话,必须承认,无论采取什么步骤都会风险

    If I am to be completely honest with you, I must admit that there is risk in any course we may take.


  • 女巫听了之后气慢慢一些:“如果事情真你说的这样,可以随便采多少莴苣,个条件:必须妻子将要生的孩子交给

    My wife saw your rampion from the window, and felt such a longing for it that she would have died if she had not got some to eat.


  • 实话要是及格,就必须努力一些。

    I'm going to put it on the line for you. You must work harder it you want to pass.


  • 杰米必须自己的绘画,而不是中国人的绘画的翻版。

    I told Jamie, it has to be your own drawing, it cant be your version of Chinese.


  • 一个美好夜晚皇后必须温莎城堡贝肯纳姆一些悄悄自己,在合理英语

    Have a good night, Queen, you must be sleeping in some Windsor Castle or Beckenham Palace, I whispered to myself, in reasonable English.


  • 有时候必须学会提出服务即使是人民不是一个很大教训,”石头

    "Sometimes you have to learn to put your head down and be of service, even to people who aren't nice to you. That's a big lesson for me," Stone said.


  • 服务员:莉莉:能换成双人间吗?服务员:哦,非常抱歉现在双人间订满了。莉莉:必须得凑和了?

    I am really sorry for our mistake, but now the double rooms are fully booked. lili: You mean we have to make do with it, right? Waiter: no, of course.


  • 最后不得不坦率地:“听着必须安静下来否则只好走人了。”

    I finally had to be very frank with him and said, "Look, you need to quiet your party down, otherwise we will have to ask you leave."


  • :“现在要告诉的,如同牧师一样可是别忘记如果一个成功必须别人发生兴趣。”

    "I am telling you," he said, "the same things your preacher would tell you, but remember, you have to be interested in people if you want to be a successful writer of stories."


  • 必须坦白地

    Frankly speaking, you are right.


  • 第二则……却亚伯拉罕半夜醒来独子:“,上帝的声音我必须独子献祭穿上裤子吧。”

    Two…And Abraham awoke in the middle of the night and said to his only son, Isaac, "I have had an dream where the voice of the Lord sayeth that I must sacrifice my only son, so put your pants on."


  • 每天清晨醒来必须自己:“迈克今天两个选择。”

    Each morning I wake up, I have to say to myself. "Mike, you have two choices today."


  • 每天清晨醒来必须自己:“迈克今天两个选择。”

    Each morning I wake up, I have to say to myself. "Mike, you have two choices today."


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